
S&T News from USPA, 7/20/04

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FYI, just because some other people might be interested.

A Bulletin for the training community
Vol. 4, Issue 3
July 20, 2004
Sun Path Products of Zephyrhills, Florida, has issued service bulletin SP-03,
which calls for the immediate grounding of Javelin Student and Student Odyssey
harness-container systems that are equipped with adjustable main lift webs. The
bulletin requires each affected harness and container be inspected by either Sun
Path Products, Inc., or an FAA Master Parachute Rigger or the foreign equivalent
prior to use of the system on another jump. See the attached bulletin for details
regarding the inspection process.
Aerodyne International has issued a bulletin regarding a leg-strap update for its
Icon harness and container system. See the attached bulletin for further details.
USPA Tandem Instructor Ratings
The USPA Tandem Instructor Rating Course provides successful candidates with
a standalone USPA Tandem rating that meets the USPA Basic Safety
Requirements and Federal Aviation Regulations with no additional training or
rating. Each tandem course includes training on the specific system the
candidate will use for the rating.
To participate in the USPA Tandem Instructor rating program, manufacturers
provide USPA a list of individuals authorized to train tandem "parachutists in
command" (FAA term) under their own independent factory programs approved
by the FAA. In addition, these factory representatives must meet certain
requirements listed in the IRM to conduct a USPA Tandem Instructor Rating
Course. Any course for the USPA Tandem Instructor Rating must be conducted
following the complete outline in the IRM, including completion of the Tandem
Instructor Proficiency Card.
" . . . factory representatives must meet certain
requirements listed in the IRM to conduct a USPA
Tandem Instructor Rating Course. Any course for the
USPA Tandem Instructor Rating must be conducted
following the complete outline in the IRM, including
completion the Tandem Instructor Proficiency Card."
Some manufacturers have additional requirements for tandem parachutists in
command, whether USPA rated or not. These additional requirements are
outside the scope of the USPA Tandem Instructor Rating program and are not
managed by USPA. Each USPA Tandem Course Director should know the
requirements for the equipment manufacturer and make sure the candidate
meets the manufacturer's additional requirements for the equipment being used
during the course.
Just a reminder: According to the USPA Basic Safety Requirements, training
tandem students beyond the introductory tandem jump requires the USPA
Tandem Instructor rating, and all drop zones are encouraged to use only USPA
Tandem Instructors for non-training, introductory tandem jumps, as well. Jumps
with tandem parachutists-in-command without USPA Tandem Instructor Ratings
may not be counted as part of a student's training progression.
Contact the tandem equipment manufacturer for any questions regarding
manufacturer-specific requirements.

Sunpath & Aerodyne Service bulletins not attachable to DZ.com post due to file size restriction.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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