
Loosing contact lenses

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Yeah! The guy right after me flinched while they were cutting the flap!! They had to put it back and tell him to come back when it's healed. Glad it happened AFTER me. I think being a contact lens wearer prior to surgery helps. You're already used to sticking things in your eye, so it's no big deal when they do it.

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Yeah, it sucks to have a more 'vigorous' openning and see one of my lenses smooshed to the inside of my goggles. Makes landings interesting -> since I'm a -6.5 and -7.5. Then the doc told me I've got this karetokonus-type thingy (and here I thought my eyesight was getting better), so no more soft lenses - the hard buggers are pricey - so no more sunglasses jumping >:(

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I am 20/200 without contacs. I have lost a contact maybe 4 times in 1200 jumps. landing with one contact is no big deal. most of the time it was when I wasnt wearing a helmet. must be somthing about the airflow. Doesnt seem to matter what contacts I wear. It is usually a little breeze in my googles that causes my eyes to water and the contacts float out. Always makw sure the goggles are tight and the vent holes are taped up.

If your eyes are drying out and the contacts popping out try relaxing and blink occasionally.;)

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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I started to loose my left lense every 10 jump or so - the right one was like glued to my eye. I usually happened after a few hours, when my eyes started getting dry - kapoof, lense gone somewhere above the DZ.

It turned out my left eye is a bit smaller than the right one, so the lense didn't fit as well as on the right eye. Now I am getting a smaller one for my left eye. I got dailies to use during Easter, and they fitted very well too - but due to my weird astigmatism I can only we monthly lenses.

I didn't have big problems landing without my left lense, though - my right eye is obviously the dominant one! Distance was a bit hard to measure, but I could easily land, and it was also a relief to me that I could see both my altmeter and the airport from 3000ft without lenses (when I closed the right eye). I had been worried about not being able to find my way back in case both lenses escaped... (I have -5.75 and -6.5 left/right.)

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Always makw sure the goggles are tight and the vent holes are taped up.

I always thought the vent holes were designed to equalize the pressure as you descended, especially in freefall. If one’s goggles were very tight against the face, but the vent holes were taped over, wouldn’t that logically make the goggles pull tighter and tighter against the face as one descended? I remember hearing a story (urban rumor? not sure) of someone who wore swimming goggles while jumping, and when he landed and took them off, he looked like a chipmunk.

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Always makw sure the goggles are tight and the vent holes are taped up.

I always thought the vent holes were designed to equalize the pressure as you descended, especially in freefall. If one’s goggles were very tight against the face, but the vent holes were taped over, wouldn’t that logically make the goggles pull tighter and tighter against the face as one descended? I remember hearing a story (urban rumor? not sure) of someone who wore swimming goggles while jumping, and when he landed and took them off, he looked like a chipmunk.

It's not a problem.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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I don't have the holes taped in my goggles. Neither do most of the other jumpers with CLs at the DZ I'm at.

Whatever works for you guys. all depends on why you are losing them. too much air makes your eyes water and they float out. not enough blinking and they dry out and pop out.

Thats my theory and i'm stickin to it.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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