
(update) 2 canopies out....

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For those of you that weighed all the options with me, I have an ironic story to share.

After reading a lot in the posts & hearing it from skydivers personally, I thought that I really could force 2 canopies into a downplane, and cut the main away after separation.

Last night I heard of an incident involving a close skydiver:
Apparently, he was doing CReW -- something people in the previous thread had mentioned trying. While in a "stable" downplane with a thread his reserve popped (they think the reserve cable might have been too short!?). So, at about 2000 feet he has a "stable" biplane. At some altitude below that, he decided to force them into a downplane and cutaway -- something directly discussed in the previous thread. Well, it becomes a downplane but after he cut away the main, it wrapped around his smooth-flying reserve, catching the 2 right end cells.

....basically a main/reserve entanglement. I don't know from what altitude he started spinning under it, but he spun himself into the ground and literally bounced. Miraculously, he walked away with nothing but a concussion :)

Just wanted to share this. Even after all the debating and reading manufacturer's suggestions, it goes to show that there is no clear-cut way to handle 2 canopies out.

*safe skydives*

see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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yeah, but the point of this thread isn't to regurgitate his incident. it's to complement everyone's suggestion of what they would do in the instance of a bi-plane or side-by-side

I was unfortunate enought to end up with a biplane but it occured at 1500' so I had the advantage of time to evaluate the situations and my options. :)
The biplane was flying steady as a rock did some gentle turns to get back to the hanger and had a nice standup.:)

From what I've read a biplane check it out to see how it's, then make a decision.

Flying a side by side due to the possiablty of a downplane plus the tension on the risers away from the reserve cut it away high.

You can also do a search on the subject on this forum. The GK did some test jumps.

However these tests and my experience were based on larger canopies. Don't know about the problems with a rocket ship and and a reserve in a biplane.


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