
reserve ride on a fresh repack ie. first jump

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Just a question...... When she sent her rig in had she packed the main prior? also, when she received her rig from the loft was the main packed?

1) If so, did she unpack and repack the main?
2) If the main was packed and she did not repack it, what was her malfunction?

My rigger is the bomb and I just got my rig back from a re-pack. The main was packed when I sent it in and I was told the main was removed & replaced so the reserve could be inspected and repacked. I was urged to pull and repack the main as a precaution. I know this individual is absolutely meticulous with their rigging as I have watched this person repack numerous reserves. I grapped my PC and pulled the main out to line stretch, low and behold the main had a step through. Everything looked perfect, but Mr. Murphy snuck into the equation somehow. I know my rigger is the absolute BOMB and I am glad I was told to unpack and re-pack the main. If I haden't I would be getting another repack on my reserve;)

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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Not me, but I do know someone who had her first ever (at 1400ish jumps) the day her reserve was repacked (can't remember if it was the very first jump or not). Of course we had to tease her... "I know you haven't had to use it before, but you do know they're good for 120 days, right? You don't *have* to use them right away." :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I think the main was packed at the loft.
Speaking to the jumper the mal was end cells on one side caught in the lines that would not inflate causing a spiral,just one of those things.
I get my reserve packed at the same place and I saw the reserve deploy from the ground and it was fast and clean so if I need mine that will do nicley.
All things said my rigger is awsome!:)

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Second jump on a brand new rig a few years ago.

Last year on a mal repack a few hours old my rigger said, as I was heading to the plane, " I'll give you 10 bucks off a repack if you chop it again". "Yeah sure" I replied. I held him to it too.
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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My girlfriend jinxed me by talking about having a cutaway after I just paid for a repack. That plus tension knots from poor packing and blam..The funny part was this was our first jump since her cutaway the week prior (what are those odds??).

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My first reserve ride, last year. My bonehead fault. I had left my main packed in the d-bag, only did a very quick check before closing it into the container. Risers on one side had gotten twisted when main was reattached, I missed it. Bought bottle and beer. Won't bag it before hand anymore.
Aethrae Cernuare

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Two weeks ago Friday I packed some tandem reserves for the DZ. Saturday morning an instructor does his tandem recurrency jump, first of the season, with an licensed jumper on front who had never done a tandem.

The instructor has a problem with stuck toggles and goes to the reserve. Good practice indeed for the instructor & excitement for the passenger!

Sunday evening after Easter dinner with relatives I swing by the DZ & pack the reserve up again...

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I did a repack in the morning on a rig....next jump---cut away and reserve ride....I pack the reserve again...she packed the main up..loaned the rig out and BAM---reserve ride again!!!....packed the same reserve 4 times in 1 day!!!! and to top it all off she was my GF so I didn't even get paid(until later that night;))

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I did a repack in the morning on a rig....next jump---cut away and reserve ride....I pack the reserve again...she packed the main up..loaned the rig out and BAM---reserve ride again!!!....packed the same reserve 4 times in 1 day!!!! and to top it all off she was my GF so I didn't even get paid(until later that night;))


If that was my rig, it's grounded until I find out why it's having an abnormally high mal rate!!!!

Out of curiousity, what happened to the rig?

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Hay Kelly. sweet story, 4 huh? Tell us more! come on?

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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After the regular re-pack she hook the main back up without pulling it out of the bag....and it was hooked up with the main on backwards....I packed it up again and she loaned it out to someone how was used to ROL and couldn't find the BOC and just pulled the reserve...So I packed it again and called it a day....I was just amazed after all the handle pulling that she didn't lose a single piece of equipment

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Went to a boogie at old Spaceland and had just bought a used rig without a reserve to use as a second rig with the intention of having my spare reserve installed when I got to the DZ. None of the staff riggers wanted to take the time away from the boogie to install it for me so I got Mike Perna, a newly rated rigger, to do the installation (first live installation/pack job, outside, on a packing mat). To add more drama to an already uncomfortable situation, Mike had to use speed links :o to connect the reserve in the rig. As soon as he was finished, I took the rig up and of course, had a malfunction. You wouldn't believe what went through my mind between recognizing the problem and actually pulling the cut away handle. Anyway, the proceedure was flawless and I bought Mike TWO bottles of Chivas.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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