What if you had to give up skydiving?

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Even if you are not in the plane over the next few months I am sure that we will all hear you shouting, "Have fun bellyfliers!!" as only you can.

That's great! Or threatening to punch a student in the ribs ;):D

Mykel, you are an amazing person not to mention an unbelievably talented skydiver / instructor. I know we only made 1 jump together so far but I hope that changes in the future...and that one jump we did make I will never forget. Not every day you come close to sinking Mykel into the basement (Jump#20 SCR);)...I feel that I have gained so much knowledge through your years of experience and for that I thank you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and pulling for a fast, full recovery. Let me know if you need anything; I'll send you my number. Don't hesitate to use it if need be. Stay strong and thanks again for everything you have contributed to this sport and to Spaceland in general.


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Hallo Mykel,
I wish you all the best for your surgery and a speedy recovery!
blue skies!

Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse.
(Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)

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Maybe, but he could always BASE jump like me! :P

I downloaded the video of your tandem paraglider jump... now that was inspirational! :o:)Seems for some people there are no limits. I'm impressed.

Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse.
(Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)

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Ditto what Russel (pBASEtobe) had to say. Shit, that MFer has more BASE jumps post-motorcycle crash than he did before that happened. He's also an accomplished PG pilot.

All the best to you, but if things take a turn for the worst, you could always do what Russel does:
1.) search for ways to get your friends to test-jump shotty contraptions and rigging;
2.) "drop you down stairs when they're drunk" (Russel, you asshole);
3.) come up with idea after idea to figure out how to get your friends brought up on manslaughter charges if something w/ the aforementioned rigging goes wrong;
4.) laugh at all the asshats at Bridge Day screaming down to you "kick out of it" if you end up in line twists.

Without sucking up to Russel (or boosting his ego) anymore...just realize that life doesn't end in a wheelchair unless you let it. Remember that.

Now...go through the surgery, come out fine and get back in the air.


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Not sure about your point:

(i) certainly wish you all the best; I am a BigC (8 mo.) out myself; (ii) hope you have comprehensive health benefits somehow (if not, regardless of student or skydiving love, you'll be in the poor house); (iii) in the really important, bigger schemes of life...skydiving is just a passing.

Make sure you survive.

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Keep your chin up and we will pull for you.


What if you had to give up skydiving?

Find another way to fill my time...Just like I did after I quit martial arts, flying, SCUBA diving...ect.

Just like when a relationship ends...It can sting at first, but if you fill your life, the pain fades and you find yourself in love again.

No matter what happens, you will be fine.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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There are always buts…

There are no buts. You're going to go through this and come out the other side with flying colors.

Let us know when the surgery is scheduled so we can be thinking of you/praying/sending vibes.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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This post has brought back some very important perspectives I gained about 12 years ago. I had a long and life-changing look into that "deep, dark, truthful mirror" when I was told of a malignant tumor in my head. The doctors couldn't tell me much other than the seriousness and full nature of the situation would only be known as they performed the surgery to remove the tumor. For the few weeks prior to my hospitalization, my life was forever changed. Thank God I have made a full recovery (I like to think) and of course my skydiving was only affected for a very short period. As the years go by, sometimes I have to stop and remind myself of those things I learned about myself; it does become easy to forget the important lessons that can be learned during times of realizing just how fragile and mortal our existance really is. Your post and this thread have helped me to again think long and hard about the things that are really important, and I am very grateful to you for this little "reality check." I pray for your speedy recovery, and be sure to know that every cloud does indeed have its own silver lining.

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I've been sitting here for a couple minutes trying to write a response, and the best I can offer is my good vibes for a successful surgery.

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

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I have 2 go along with all the others and thank you 4 this post, i cant tell you the emotion that went thru me while reading it!! I have not been in the sport nearly long enough 2 appreciate everything you know and feel about it, but the spritual and emotional side of it, I do. I only wish you and your family all the best in the world and hope that no matter what may happen...that you will be able 2 return 2 skydiving and teaching as I can tell how much it means 2 you! Good luck...you have my prayers...

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You will be in my prayers for sure. You are in the best hands. First of all, GOD'S...and second, you're in Houston...with some of the best facilities for cancer treatment/surgeries.

You'll be back in the skies before you know it!
Oh...and read my sig line.
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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The support I have received here as a result of my sharing the personal medical hardships I am going through has been astounding. Another good example of the awesome support skydivers who do not even know each other give to one another. I cannot thank everyone enough for your replies, the abundant amount of private messages and all the prayers.

Surgery is scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 7:30 AM. The procedure will take approximately 5 hours and then off to ICU and a hospital stay for an unknown period of time depending on how my body fares after undergoing the tremendous amount of trauma I will be put through.

Thank you again everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

I am so lucky to have such a tremendous amount of suport.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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Hi Kids!

I am off to the hospital, thank you everyone for your support and prayers.

Will be back in a few days to let yall know how everything turned out.

Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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The support I have received here as a result of my sharing the personal medical hardships I am going through has been astounding. Another good example of the awesome support skydivers who do not even know each other give to one another. I cannot thank everyone enough for your replies, the abundant amount of private messages and all the prayers.

Surgery is scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 7:30 AM. The procedure will take approximately 5 hours and then off to ICU and a hospital stay for an unknown period of time depending on how my body fares after undergoing the tremendous amount of trauma I will be put through.

Thank you again everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

I am so lucky to have such a tremendous amount of suport.

I know what you are going through...

I wish you good luck for tomorrows surgery. :)
You'll still be the same person after the surgery, and your friends will still be there. Hang on bro. :)
We'll pray for you. You'll be fine. :)
We are family! :)
Whatever the outcome, you will jump again. :)

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just got back from hospitial - surgery went off without a hitch, will not know the extent of injures, time wil tell..
massives amount of pain, just need to go to bed.

thanks aganin for all the prayers and dupport...
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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Glad to hear that you made it through the surgery safely. Rest up and heal well.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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