adventurechick 0 #1 April 27, 2006 Landing off the DZ kinda freaks me out... even after going through the canopy course today. I was trying to get an idea of how often off DZ landings occur. PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860 SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grue 1 #2 April 27, 2006 I haven't really had one yet, unless you count Eloy, but I don't. That whole place is one big landing area.cavete terrae. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magnio 0 #3 April 27, 2006 I landed off the DZ on my second jump. I didn't turn and landed in a tree a couple of km from the landing area. It took them 1.5 hours to locate me, 30 minutes to get me down and another hour to get the canopy down. My JM was REALLY glad I was jumping with a mobile phone and could call them to say I was ok. No, we don't jump with radios. And I am not sure it would have done much difference; I seriously thought I was making turns like I should... it just didn't quite work ;-) For the last 100 jumps I have landed out 3 times, all of them due to bad spot (it's my own responsibility to spot). I found a nice field and was picked up by a car from the DZ every time. I always carry a mobile phone and call the DZ to say where I am. Landing out is something you should prepare for, even if your JM is spotting for you, you are jumping with radio, etc. Ask more experienced jumpers what areas you should aim for and what you should avoid. Don't fly over areas you don't want to land in (at least not under 2000ft) and if you are in doubt you are not in doubt - land out. It's not really something you should fear. During the year I have been jumping I have witnessed lots of people landing out, and not one of them have been hurt. The only sprained ancles and stuff like that have been in the DZ. The most important thing to think about is the wind - look at smoke, flags, trees etc to determine which way it's blowing, and use a regular landing pattern. Avoid obstacles - don't look at them :-) Avoid power lines at all cost - you'd rather land downwind in a tree in a lake than in power lines. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kirrz 0 #4 April 27, 2006 AFF level 1. The TA who was radio-ing me down confused me with a tandem canopy and so thought I was doing OK and didn't talk to me.. until the tandem landed and he realized it wasn't me. I ended up landing in a paddock by myself guessing when I was supposed to flare etc.. it was a good story Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MB38 0 #5 April 27, 2006 Jump #46, tracking dive. Watching my glide ratio I saw that I would *likely* make it back if I flew it straight back in. I didn't want to risk crossing the runway at less than 500 feet and I didn't want to find myself in a situation where I didn't have the altitude to set up a safe landing pattern. There were many obstacles between me and the LZ that I didn't want to navigate at <500 feet. I selected the closest field I would make it to and planned my pattern. I made sure to check the area over as well as I could: are there any power lines? Any taller bushes/trees I want to avoid? Any places where fences might hide? Any ditches? Rather than putting myself near the road to make my life easier, I just landed in the middle of the field [power lines and fences are generally next to roads]. By about 500 feet I saw somebody pull off of the main road onto the dirt road off of the field I was setting up over. Turns out she was a fellow jumper and gave me a lift back. So my first off DZ landing was cake - Perris is basically a big LZ. No brilliant words of wisdom here, I just did what my training and situational logic told me. Yee haw.I really don't know what I'm talking about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dragon2 2 #6 April 27, 2006 My 5th jump was a tandemjump getting back from a jump-in at another DZ (for which I wasn't qualified yet hence the tandem). We landed in between some cows Not my fault Then when I had some 20 jumps or so I was doing a solo, hadn't learned to spot yet, didn't have my A yet. 2 experienced jumpers jumped out before me doing canopy formation, leaving me last out, how long should I wait? 7 secs. Okay. So I counted to 7 and jumped out. How should I know that canopy formation can get out miles BEFORE the airfield?! Couldn't get back into the wind with my 230 so landed out. When I got back to the DZ first thing I did was ask for the spotting briefing After that, a lot of off DZ landings followed, mostly during canopy formation or wingsuit jumps. I don't mind, just know which field I'm gona land on and in which direction by 1000 ft AT THE LATEST. We have a lot of outs here so it's not so bad. Although I do try to avoid out landings, esp for other people. A few weeks ago I just about got pushed out the door by my team when I was the ONLY one looking where we were, and we weren't at the right spot yet, we jumped anyway, and we landed out. AS DID THE REST OF THE LOAD except one. NO ONE was looking out the window, the light was green! Only the last jumper flew his wingsuit back to the DZ. These were all more or less experienced jumpers so even if I let myself get "pushed" out of the aircraft is no reason to follow us like lemmings.... Although next time I'll push back harder! Landing out usually is your own fault, learn to spot and LOOK OUT THE WINDOW ciel bleu, Saskia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BIGUN 1,357 #7 April 27, 2006 I put 1-25 not because it was in that range, but because the first 25 were probably all off DZ landings. But, that's true of most who learned on rounds. Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kelpdiver 2 #8 April 27, 2006 QuoteI was trying to get an idea of how often off DZ landings occur. Depends on the DZ. Some of the ones around me in San Francisco have a huge number of options besides the main LZ, and as a result people are shall we say, a bit more lax on the subject of spotting. Planes may not make a second pass as a result, too. In any event, when you visit a DZ get the LZ briefing and particular ask about the good and bad out choices. Also note where hills are - from 3000ft grassy hills seem far flatter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pincheck 0 #9 April 27, 2006 I know every damned field next to our dz from my earlier days was getting a bit of a rep for landing off but I did a canopy control course which helped me think of my jumps before manifesting as well as my landings. landing off is nothing to get freaked about just learn something from it there may come a time when you may need the skills to asses your outs in a bad situation quick, best bet is to do a canopy control course to help you get confident under canopy Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites shunkka 0 #10 April 27, 2006 somewhere at 60-70 firts jump in italy... first jump at a new DZ... first out .. i think i exited the plane too early offlanding at 2-3km far from the DZ a nice guy give me a ride with his car back to DZ i landed in a small garden ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lisamariewillbe 1 #11 April 27, 2006 Jump 30 something... First jump at Perris , learning to spot... I spotted myself way off course in an animal pasture down wind. I was scared about the off landing once I realized I really was going to land off... then I realized that I have always assumed I was landing off when I open and finally I was right. Now I have landed off 4 times total out of 82 jumps...2 of them being in the same day at Saledo...Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites selbbub78 0 #12 April 27, 2006 sometime after I started CRW Nah, actually it was in the early 100s, i was jumping a large canopy, and the wind wasn't going to allow me to get back to the DZ safely so i landed elsewhere. Ironically the next day, i landed in the same field! CReW Skies,"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ChrisL 2 #13 April 27, 2006 223 jumps and 3 off DZ landings. All 3 were perfect standups with no unfortunate fallout beyond the fact that I didnt make the next load. I can live with that Make your decision with plenty of altitude to spare and you'll be able to set up a nice safe approach and landing. Getting back to the DZ at all cost might very well cost more than you can afford to pay __ My mighty steed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dharma1976 0 #14 April 27, 2006 I had my first one in eloy and then had some at the ranch soon thereafter in the 90's I have landed off a total of I think like 10 times in my 600 jumps... Dave CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites chuckbrown 0 #15 April 27, 2006 IIRC, the same jump as my first reserve ride (no. 18). As the reserve was round I kind of went where the wind took me. Off DZ landings shouldn't freak you out because they can happen on any jump, and you should be prepared to deal with them. As soon as you have a good canopy you should evaluate whether you'll land off, and if you think you might start looking for alternate landing sites. Stay calm, find an out and plan how you'll fly to it and land safely. And don't do any panic turns close to the ground. I know several people who either spent lots of time in the hospital or died because of panic turns landing off. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites CSpenceFLY 1 #16 April 27, 2006 Mine was a tracking dive.Some of the more experienced jumpers were braging how good they could track so the pilot/DZO put us out 2 miles downwind.Too bad they could not spot as good as they track.The whole Otter load landed off. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites popsjumper 2 #17 April 27, 2006 1 off-landing...Jump 400 or so... Two others landed off and I just went to join them.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites wmw999 2,498 #18 April 27, 2006 Landing on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites mattjw916 2 #19 April 27, 2006 Somewhere in the 300s: Rantoul DC-3 load, I knew the spot was long, really long, but it's not like they were going to do any go-arounds. I think about 20 people didn't make it back to the DZ. I landed in a corn field (the winds totally owned me) and one of Skydive Arizona's Otters literally circled me overhead and showed me which way to walk to get out of the 7ft tall corn. I walked to the golf course (not the one next to the airport, the one in _town_, yes I was that far away!) and proceded to pack my rig near one of the greens until a course marshall came up to me and asked if I had just landed and if I was okay, with a very quizzical expression on his face, lol. I got a ride back from one of the guys at the pro-shop, it was almost a 10 minute drive back.NSCR-2376, SCR-15080 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Fast 0 #20 April 27, 2006 QuoteLanding on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W. Hell yeah!!! I don't mind landing off. I think its fun. I don't get to do it that often though. My first off landing was my 13th jump my last was just this past weekend. I chased someones main and flew all around it to get a good vector before I landed in a small field. I wouldn't mind getting into demo jumping either. Better start working on a pro-rating huh?~D Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me. Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites magnio 0 #21 April 27, 2006 Heh, I did a canopy control jump this Easter and was going to pull at 5000, the wind was quite strong and I was jumping downwind of course. I briefed the pilot and said I was pulling at 5000 and that I was going to have a LONG spot, like 20 seconds after the last group. So there I sat at the door, counting to 20 thousand before jumping, while he got more and more confused - apparently he thought I was kidding about HOW long spot I wanted (he did know I was pulling high) and felt sorry for me because I would be landing FAR out. Of course I didn't. The wind took me and I was above the LZ at 4000ft. So much for experimenting with the canopy to find the most effective glide :-) During Easter we had 16 of 17 jumpers on one load landing out. A large group was doing a track jump, and the pilot was giving them a spot 500 metres from the regular spot, so they could track in. But they jumped 800m *before* the spot, and tracked away from the LZ... It was very tempting to just send a car to see everyone were ok, and let them find their own way back to the DZ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites TheDonMan 0 #22 April 27, 2006 QuoteQuoteLanding on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W. Hell yeah!!! I don't mind landing off. I think its fun. I don't get to do it that often though. My first off landing was my 13th jump my last was just this past weekend. I chased someones main and flew all around it to get a good vector before I landed in a small field. I wouldn't mind getting into demo jumping either. Better start working on a pro-rating huh? When landing off (numerous times) i look for the back yard that's having a cook out. Always find free food there People don't mind when i land and say that "I saw you were cooking out so i thought i'd just drop in." The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Spatula 0 #23 April 27, 2006 It was on my 2nd jump @ Z-hills. Winds caught me (read: I didn't read the winds) and landed behind the DZ next to a swamp or least 5 people landed off that load. I follow the closest one to me. PLF came in handy on that down winder. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Airman1270 0 #24 April 27, 2006 In Duanesburg, NY in the early '80's the student DZ was a collection of fields a few miles from the airport. On my 13th jump (T-10) I got a bad spot and landed on farmer McNasty's land. He had a reputation for taking photos of errant jumpers, to be used as evidence in his ongoing attempts to close the DZ. The guy stopped his work and ran past me into the house, saying "You know you're trespassing?" I said "Yes, I know, I'm sorry" with a big smile because I had just jumped out of an airplane and it was so cool. The ground crew pulled up outside the gate, and used the megaphone to tell me that he was going to take my picture. As the guy aimed the camera I posed for him with a huge grin, then apologized once more before picking up the main and heading toward the van. Shortly after that, when I had "graduated" to jumping the airport, I landed a PC in a neighbor's backyard a short distance up the road. As I walked back a young lady, who worked at the store across the street from the DZ, drove past me and called out "Case of beer!..." One of my most ass-puckering moments came over Ellijay, GA in the mid-'90's. A real bad spot had us trying to fly upwind over a bunch of trees to make the highway, with the airport another half-mile upwind from that. With trees and a power company right-of-way beneath & behind us, I could see I wouldn't make the highway and my only option was a small rectangular yard behind a home below me. I rode my brakes to descend straight down, and began to relax as I drifted below the 100+' treeline. YES! I'll be okay. Suddenly I heard a dog begin barking loudly... I landed just outside the rear sliding glass door, looking into the dining room. But nobody was home, and I walked down the long driveway to meet the other guys, who had landed on the roadside. I never did see the dog. Cheers, Jon S. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pilotdave 0 #25 April 27, 2006 Jump 4 (AFF 4). Clouds came in and I was above them under canopy. I could see the DZ, but the guy on the radio couldn't see me. I opened downwind, but he assumed I was upwind. So he said "face away from the airport and put the sun on your left side." Well I couldn't do both. I figured it's easy to mix up left and right, but hard to mix up face toward or away from. So I turned away from the airport and put the sun on my right. After a few seconds I realized that wasn't a good idea and turned back around. Finally the radio guy spotted me. Kept trying to give me corrections to face exactly toward the DZ, but I already knew I wasn't making it so I aimed for a little housing development on a dead-end street. I figured if I aimed for a front yard, I might land on a house, so I'd aim for the street instead (after carefully checking for powerlines) and hope to miss and hit grass. Worked just right and I made a standup landing right on someones yard in front of the whole family. I was so far from the DZ that the guy asked me where the dropzone was. Then it was a long freaking wait for a ride on a very hot summer day wearing a hot pink jumpsuit and probably 10 lbs of lead. Since then, I've landed off too many times to count. Met a lot of nice people that way. I really can't understand how people can go hundreds of jumps without landing off. I've had a bigway organizer spot us for a soccer field on purpose because of clouds over the DZ. And load 1 of a boogie in FL last year where the entire load landed at least a mile or two from the DZ and got a ride back with a sign painter. And then there was the cessna load I was on where nobody spotted. The pilot said open the door, the first guy climbed out, and when everybody left I dove after. That was stupid. Met a nice state trooper when I landed in his yard. Oh and there was that 12 nautical mile cross country... Well make that 10 for me. More nice people and even had a state police helicopter searching for me for a few minutes. Not landing off must suck. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 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MB38 0 #5 April 27, 2006 Jump #46, tracking dive. Watching my glide ratio I saw that I would *likely* make it back if I flew it straight back in. I didn't want to risk crossing the runway at less than 500 feet and I didn't want to find myself in a situation where I didn't have the altitude to set up a safe landing pattern. There were many obstacles between me and the LZ that I didn't want to navigate at <500 feet. I selected the closest field I would make it to and planned my pattern. I made sure to check the area over as well as I could: are there any power lines? Any taller bushes/trees I want to avoid? Any places where fences might hide? Any ditches? Rather than putting myself near the road to make my life easier, I just landed in the middle of the field [power lines and fences are generally next to roads]. By about 500 feet I saw somebody pull off of the main road onto the dirt road off of the field I was setting up over. Turns out she was a fellow jumper and gave me a lift back. So my first off DZ landing was cake - Perris is basically a big LZ. No brilliant words of wisdom here, I just did what my training and situational logic told me. Yee haw.I really don't know what I'm talking about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon2 2 #6 April 27, 2006 My 5th jump was a tandemjump getting back from a jump-in at another DZ (for which I wasn't qualified yet hence the tandem). We landed in between some cows Not my fault Then when I had some 20 jumps or so I was doing a solo, hadn't learned to spot yet, didn't have my A yet. 2 experienced jumpers jumped out before me doing canopy formation, leaving me last out, how long should I wait? 7 secs. Okay. So I counted to 7 and jumped out. How should I know that canopy formation can get out miles BEFORE the airfield?! Couldn't get back into the wind with my 230 so landed out. When I got back to the DZ first thing I did was ask for the spotting briefing After that, a lot of off DZ landings followed, mostly during canopy formation or wingsuit jumps. I don't mind, just know which field I'm gona land on and in which direction by 1000 ft AT THE LATEST. We have a lot of outs here so it's not so bad. Although I do try to avoid out landings, esp for other people. A few weeks ago I just about got pushed out the door by my team when I was the ONLY one looking where we were, and we weren't at the right spot yet, we jumped anyway, and we landed out. AS DID THE REST OF THE LOAD except one. NO ONE was looking out the window, the light was green! Only the last jumper flew his wingsuit back to the DZ. These were all more or less experienced jumpers so even if I let myself get "pushed" out of the aircraft is no reason to follow us like lemmings.... Although next time I'll push back harder! Landing out usually is your own fault, learn to spot and LOOK OUT THE WINDOW ciel bleu, Saskia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,357 #7 April 27, 2006 I put 1-25 not because it was in that range, but because the first 25 were probably all off DZ landings. But, that's true of most who learned on rounds. Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #8 April 27, 2006 QuoteI was trying to get an idea of how often off DZ landings occur. Depends on the DZ. Some of the ones around me in San Francisco have a huge number of options besides the main LZ, and as a result people are shall we say, a bit more lax on the subject of spotting. Planes may not make a second pass as a result, too. In any event, when you visit a DZ get the LZ briefing and particular ask about the good and bad out choices. Also note where hills are - from 3000ft grassy hills seem far flatter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pincheck 0 #9 April 27, 2006 I know every damned field next to our dz from my earlier days was getting a bit of a rep for landing off but I did a canopy control course which helped me think of my jumps before manifesting as well as my landings. landing off is nothing to get freaked about just learn something from it there may come a time when you may need the skills to asses your outs in a bad situation quick, best bet is to do a canopy control course to help you get confident under canopy Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shunkka 0 #10 April 27, 2006 somewhere at 60-70 firts jump in italy... first jump at a new DZ... first out .. i think i exited the plane too early offlanding at 2-3km far from the DZ a nice guy give me a ride with his car back to DZ i landed in a small garden ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lisamariewillbe 1 #11 April 27, 2006 Jump 30 something... First jump at Perris , learning to spot... I spotted myself way off course in an animal pasture down wind. I was scared about the off landing once I realized I really was going to land off... then I realized that I have always assumed I was landing off when I open and finally I was right. Now I have landed off 4 times total out of 82 jumps...2 of them being in the same day at Saledo...Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selbbub78 0 #12 April 27, 2006 sometime after I started CRW Nah, actually it was in the early 100s, i was jumping a large canopy, and the wind wasn't going to allow me to get back to the DZ safely so i landed elsewhere. Ironically the next day, i landed in the same field! CReW Skies,"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisL 2 #13 April 27, 2006 223 jumps and 3 off DZ landings. All 3 were perfect standups with no unfortunate fallout beyond the fact that I didnt make the next load. I can live with that Make your decision with plenty of altitude to spare and you'll be able to set up a nice safe approach and landing. Getting back to the DZ at all cost might very well cost more than you can afford to pay __ My mighty steed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dharma1976 0 #14 April 27, 2006 I had my first one in eloy and then had some at the ranch soon thereafter in the 90's I have landed off a total of I think like 10 times in my 600 jumps... Dave CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckbrown 0 #15 April 27, 2006 IIRC, the same jump as my first reserve ride (no. 18). As the reserve was round I kind of went where the wind took me. Off DZ landings shouldn't freak you out because they can happen on any jump, and you should be prepared to deal with them. As soon as you have a good canopy you should evaluate whether you'll land off, and if you think you might start looking for alternate landing sites. Stay calm, find an out and plan how you'll fly to it and land safely. And don't do any panic turns close to the ground. I know several people who either spent lots of time in the hospital or died because of panic turns landing off. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #16 April 27, 2006 Mine was a tracking dive.Some of the more experienced jumpers were braging how good they could track so the pilot/DZO put us out 2 miles downwind.Too bad they could not spot as good as they track.The whole Otter load landed off. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #17 April 27, 2006 1 off-landing...Jump 400 or so... Two others landed off and I just went to join them.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,498 #18 April 27, 2006 Landing on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattjw916 2 #19 April 27, 2006 Somewhere in the 300s: Rantoul DC-3 load, I knew the spot was long, really long, but it's not like they were going to do any go-arounds. I think about 20 people didn't make it back to the DZ. I landed in a corn field (the winds totally owned me) and one of Skydive Arizona's Otters literally circled me overhead and showed me which way to walk to get out of the 7ft tall corn. I walked to the golf course (not the one next to the airport, the one in _town_, yes I was that far away!) and proceded to pack my rig near one of the greens until a course marshall came up to me and asked if I had just landed and if I was okay, with a very quizzical expression on his face, lol. I got a ride back from one of the guys at the pro-shop, it was almost a 10 minute drive back.NSCR-2376, SCR-15080 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fast 0 #20 April 27, 2006 QuoteLanding on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W. Hell yeah!!! I don't mind landing off. I think its fun. I don't get to do it that often though. My first off landing was my 13th jump my last was just this past weekend. I chased someones main and flew all around it to get a good vector before I landed in a small field. I wouldn't mind getting into demo jumping either. Better start working on a pro-rating huh?~D Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me. Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magnio 0 #21 April 27, 2006 Heh, I did a canopy control jump this Easter and was going to pull at 5000, the wind was quite strong and I was jumping downwind of course. I briefed the pilot and said I was pulling at 5000 and that I was going to have a LONG spot, like 20 seconds after the last group. So there I sat at the door, counting to 20 thousand before jumping, while he got more and more confused - apparently he thought I was kidding about HOW long spot I wanted (he did know I was pulling high) and felt sorry for me because I would be landing FAR out. Of course I didn't. The wind took me and I was above the LZ at 4000ft. So much for experimenting with the canopy to find the most effective glide :-) During Easter we had 16 of 17 jumpers on one load landing out. A large group was doing a track jump, and the pilot was giving them a spot 500 metres from the regular spot, so they could track in. But they jumped 800m *before* the spot, and tracked away from the LZ... It was very tempting to just send a car to see everyone were ok, and let them find their own way back to the DZ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDonMan 0 #22 April 27, 2006 QuoteQuoteLanding on the dropzone is overrated. Landing off is an opportunity to sight see and discover new lands Wendy W. Hell yeah!!! I don't mind landing off. I think its fun. I don't get to do it that often though. My first off landing was my 13th jump my last was just this past weekend. I chased someones main and flew all around it to get a good vector before I landed in a small field. I wouldn't mind getting into demo jumping either. Better start working on a pro-rating huh? When landing off (numerous times) i look for the back yard that's having a cook out. Always find free food there People don't mind when i land and say that "I saw you were cooking out so i thought i'd just drop in." The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spatula 0 #23 April 27, 2006 It was on my 2nd jump @ Z-hills. Winds caught me (read: I didn't read the winds) and landed behind the DZ next to a swamp or least 5 people landed off that load. I follow the closest one to me. PLF came in handy on that down winder. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Airman1270 0 #24 April 27, 2006 In Duanesburg, NY in the early '80's the student DZ was a collection of fields a few miles from the airport. On my 13th jump (T-10) I got a bad spot and landed on farmer McNasty's land. He had a reputation for taking photos of errant jumpers, to be used as evidence in his ongoing attempts to close the DZ. The guy stopped his work and ran past me into the house, saying "You know you're trespassing?" I said "Yes, I know, I'm sorry" with a big smile because I had just jumped out of an airplane and it was so cool. The ground crew pulled up outside the gate, and used the megaphone to tell me that he was going to take my picture. As the guy aimed the camera I posed for him with a huge grin, then apologized once more before picking up the main and heading toward the van. Shortly after that, when I had "graduated" to jumping the airport, I landed a PC in a neighbor's backyard a short distance up the road. As I walked back a young lady, who worked at the store across the street from the DZ, drove past me and called out "Case of beer!..." One of my most ass-puckering moments came over Ellijay, GA in the mid-'90's. A real bad spot had us trying to fly upwind over a bunch of trees to make the highway, with the airport another half-mile upwind from that. With trees and a power company right-of-way beneath & behind us, I could see I wouldn't make the highway and my only option was a small rectangular yard behind a home below me. I rode my brakes to descend straight down, and began to relax as I drifted below the 100+' treeline. YES! I'll be okay. Suddenly I heard a dog begin barking loudly... I landed just outside the rear sliding glass door, looking into the dining room. But nobody was home, and I walked down the long driveway to meet the other guys, who had landed on the roadside. I never did see the dog. Cheers, Jon S. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #25 April 27, 2006 Jump 4 (AFF 4). Clouds came in and I was above them under canopy. I could see the DZ, but the guy on the radio couldn't see me. I opened downwind, but he assumed I was upwind. So he said "face away from the airport and put the sun on your left side." Well I couldn't do both. I figured it's easy to mix up left and right, but hard to mix up face toward or away from. So I turned away from the airport and put the sun on my right. After a few seconds I realized that wasn't a good idea and turned back around. Finally the radio guy spotted me. Kept trying to give me corrections to face exactly toward the DZ, but I already knew I wasn't making it so I aimed for a little housing development on a dead-end street. I figured if I aimed for a front yard, I might land on a house, so I'd aim for the street instead (after carefully checking for powerlines) and hope to miss and hit grass. Worked just right and I made a standup landing right on someones yard in front of the whole family. I was so far from the DZ that the guy asked me where the dropzone was. Then it was a long freaking wait for a ride on a very hot summer day wearing a hot pink jumpsuit and probably 10 lbs of lead. Since then, I've landed off too many times to count. Met a lot of nice people that way. I really can't understand how people can go hundreds of jumps without landing off. I've had a bigway organizer spot us for a soccer field on purpose because of clouds over the DZ. And load 1 of a boogie in FL last year where the entire load landed at least a mile or two from the DZ and got a ride back with a sign painter. And then there was the cessna load I was on where nobody spotted. The pilot said open the door, the first guy climbed out, and when everybody left I dove after. That was stupid. Met a nice state trooper when I landed in his yard. Oh and there was that 12 nautical mile cross country... Well make that 10 for me. More nice people and even had a state police helicopter searching for me for a few minutes. Not landing off must suck. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites