stratostar 5 #26 April 17, 2006 Quote Never in the history of USPA, has a representive flown out to represent a non-group member. No one was there to represent Dana when he was being thrown off for not being able to acquire 3rd party liablilty. I might also add, KCSC is still not a group member, even after receiving help from the association all the other KC area dz's pay our yearly group member fees to! Talk about a joke! It's called the "good ol boy" network! And just who was the manger at X-keys. Your right it is a joke, just ask any of the other dz's who have been fighting access rights and got no help from HQ. Yet our dues get spent to fly out someone to defend a non GM dz. Smells of BS! I hope you all remember that come time to vote the next go around, if you don't vote in some new blood you can expect the same old song and dance. ~you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #27 April 17, 2006 Quote WOW. I dont jump in Kansas and from the sound of it I really dont need to. I go to a dropzone to get away from the politics and bitching about everything. The only thing I want need to know is where is manifest and who want to crank some points. Hope you guys figure out how to handle things before it gets any more hostile. Rookie, you got it...beat me to it...damned if I even want to go anywhere near KC now. Also: This crap about, (paraphrasing) "if you don't believe me, go get the evidence"... Nice, really nice people...please, put up or shut up. I can see it now... Prosecuting attorney: Judge, I claim that XYZ and if you don't believe me go get evidence at... Judge (J): What? Defense attorney: His claims are not true! If you don't believe me go get evidence at... J: What? J: Both of you get the fuck out of my courtroom.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rookie120 0 #28 April 17, 2006 Quote damned if I even want to go anywhere near KC now. It's a shame to. I'm sure there are enough people out there to support 2 DZ's. Hell when I was in Hawaii we had 3 DZ's all next door to each other. The owners didnt get along. But I could set up my gear jump SDH king air, land pack and go to PISC with no problem. I dont see what the entire big deal is with these 2 places. Someone wants to build a business near someone elses back yard and they are afraid they might take some business away. Thats the way I see it. So instead of making your place better than the other you try everything bad with your comp and exploit it whether it's true or not. Smear tactics sometimes backfire by driving people away who dont want to deal with the BS. Look at Chicago. There used to be 3 DZ's in the area with SDC, Chicagoland and The place in Morris and I dont ever recall the problems ever with those guys that the KC area is having. Each DZ just tried to beat each other in competition. Either scrambles, 10 way iron man, swoop comp's or something to get people coming to your place and then returning because they had a good time. I have said enough and will go away. Please take everything I said with a grain of salt. I may be completely wrong about the entire subject. Wouldnt be the first time.If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PilotMike 0 #29 April 17, 2006 Quote No crowd control, kids riding bicycles on the taxi-ways, no spectator control and the Otter was dominating the airport taking off downwind, dis-obeying that airports common procedures, blocking that only taxi-way for other pilots to taxi out the whole time. This is an example of not having things under control or a plan to deal with this. Kids should not have been riding bikes around the airport. I wondered if this would come up. I was there and saw the "kids" on bikes. That 'kid' happened to be a non-jumping staff member from a nearby DZ to the south and his grandson. I know this because myself and some others noticed the kid and asked his grandfather to have him stay off the taxiways. It seemed kind of fishy to us at the time, but since no one had mentioned it, neither had I. As far as disobeying common procedures, I know I didn't see any of that. I am a CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP, so I have an idea of uncontrolled airport procedures. I did not listen to any of the pilot's radio communications, but then again, they aren't required at the airport, so if he made any, he was doing well. If he took off and landed on airport property, he was following procedures. Also, there weren't exactly traffic jams of aircraft trying to taxi when the Otter was loading, in fact there were no aircraft waiting. Your statements that I have quoted above are here-say. Mine are first person. I am not being argumentative or 'mud-slinging' anyone. Thank you for reading this. -------- Benefitting from the 'free capture of verticality.' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #30 April 17, 2006 Quote I believe, there was an identical case of this with Skydive Arizona and another wanna be dropzone trying to open as The Arizona Skydiving Center. Larry Hill soundly won this case and established case law for others to follow suit. Eloy is currently suing Skyride over their naming of virtual dropzones to try to glom off the SDA name. Didn't know it had resolved. Are you talking about something older? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #31 April 17, 2006 Quote Quote I believe, there was an identical case of this with Skydive Arizona and another wanna be dropzone trying to open as The Arizona Skydiving Center. Larry Hill soundly won this case and established case law for others to follow suit. Eloy is currently suing Skyride over their naming of virtual dropzones to try to glom off the SDA name. Didn't know it had resolved. Are you talking about something older? She is talking about something else.Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #32 April 17, 2006 Pauls sister, do you think this forum is going to help your case? you have media reading these forums and no matter what more is said this could do you more damage than good. You have just bought your fight of he said/she said to a place where people can make their own minds up and could really be work out worse for you. Anyway, your brother sounds like a good guy, like most skydivers, i wish him the best but dont get to cocky with the facts and battle them out on the internet. I dont see how this can do you any good but now you have bought it to the forums your brother may have just made some new enemies through out your country. I hope that is not the case but be civil and take it to court, you are showing all your cards here and i can only imagine you would do that when you have lost and are giving up. Take it to a court room. Business does not happen over night, there are obstacles, come back fighting harder but dont try and involve the whole skydiving community cause you are just going to find that nobody really cares apart from the people involved and dropzone wars can get very tough. Get your facts, go to a lawyer, go to court or take it to a mutual pub and battle it out over a game of foosball with some jello shots .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slotperfect 7 #33 April 17, 2006 For everyone: SkymonkeyONE posted a warning about one-liners in the last marathon KC thread, which was also eventually locked. Although this is a different thread, the message about one-liners remains: One-liners (a la Bonfire) are not welcome in the topical forums. The one-liners have been culled and the thread continues (for now).Arrive Safely John Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites