
Canadian with a USPA A License

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CSPA 3rd party liability insurance is good for bodily injury and damage to property to a max of 2 million dollars per occurrence.

I don't know what USPA's max per occurrence is but I believe its a lot less than this. I have heard $50,000 but don't know for sure.

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It really depends on the DZ.

If you have an FAI certificate of proficiency, it proves your skill level. Some DZOs are fine with that.

Other DZOs, may have a problem with the fact that you would not be covered by any insurance.

I haven't done an exuastive search but I have not been able to find anything in the regs that would prevent you from jumping at a CSPA DZ if all you have is USPA. (besides, of course, the insurance issue).

Now, third party liability insurance is basically useless but does offer some protection. The CSPA currently has a $2 mil policy which means if you land on a car, and somehow do $2mil in damage, the insurance will cover it. It's a longshot that anyone would claim against that type of insurance (although it has happened in the past in Alberta and a judgement was awarded).

Now If a claim ever was put forward, it would be the goal of the insurance company to find a way to not pay it. That is why some DZs my not want to let you jump at thier DZ without membership/insurance. It could open them up for liability (as remote as that may be)

Essentially, there is no law that states you must have CSPA or any other membership, it's just the DZOs perogative. Hell, in canada, there aren't any aviation regulations pertaining to skydiving outside demo jumps. It is purely self regulated (AOC not withstanding)
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Skydive Gananoque is a USPA group member dropzonee which houses a CSPA "club". You can jump at the dropzone as long as you hold one or the other, doesn't matter which.

By the way, we have a lot of jumpers travelling from Toronto on a weekly basis to jump here. Just bring your log book and your membership card and we'll hook you up.


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