
water tunnel

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the parachute container would hold the oxygen inside, and a kind of emergency system to go up fast in case of trouble.

last time I did scuba diving I had fun adopting head down positions; I thought I needed to feel water coming up to have a sensation of me going down.

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Vertical water tunnels are used for aerodynamic research (flow visualization). Course it's really hydrodynamic, but it simulates air flow for many cases pretty well. A little milk injected into the water stream looks just like smoke in slow motion.

But uhhhhh, I don't think that'd be very practical for skydiving simulation. Maybe for researching the flow around a model of a skydiver, but not for training. Not sure what advantage it would have over a wind tunnel, and it'd be a lot more complicated and more expensive. Research water tunnels run the other way, by gravity power.


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Just found this in another thread;

"Keep posting and keep enjoying, dont lsten to the fools that tell you not to have dreams.

For the fools who need to put newbies dreams down, you need to realise that the people who have dreams usually research their dreams way before they can live them, these are the people that go places in life."

Just might be relevant?

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the parachute container would hold the oxygen inside, and a kind of emergency system to go up fast in case of trouble.

last time I did scuba diving I had fun adopting head down positions; I thought I needed to feel water coming up to have a sensation of me going down.

what you breath from a scuba tank is not "Oxygen," ...its compressed air. (yes, you can dive with NItrox (slightly lower nitrogen content, but then you have to be carefull of oxygen toxicity.)) and if you plan to "go up in a hurry" after breathing compressed air at depth, plan on spending some time in a decompression chamber, or, deal with the effects of nitrogen bubbling out of your blood cells...otherwise known as "the bends."

i think my sig line says it all.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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There is a natural version of this in Florida. A number of the springs here allow divers in them and some have an outflow that provides an upwards flow of water. With scuba gear it is possible to adjust bouyancy to achieve a null depth change.

I found that "arching" "flips" and "sit" were like very very slow motion maneuvers in an air column without the attendant concerns. Of course there are concerns in water - air embolism is a big one and it will kill you very dead with a minor depth change. Never tried head down, but I don't have much desire to do that in the air either.

If you want to experience what you are describing try diving the springs. Don't see a big commercial application, but then IBM didn't see a commercial application for a electrostatic copier either when they rejected the Xerox patent.

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is there any futur for a water tunnel inside a pool as a way to train for freefly, freestyle, etc.

Typical speeds in the water for divers are 1-2 knots. Currents can get a bit faster, but nothing remotely close to FF speeds in excess of 150.
Balancing in the water is more about weight distribution, in the air at triple digit speeds it's about presented surface area.

So I'd say the future is pretty weak. The furthest I went was practicing my arch without my back getting so tired.

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that actually sounds kinda fun. It probably wouldnt be much of a training tool but would allow for a good dirt...no...water dive :)would probably be waaayyyy to expensive to be practical though.
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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