
First Cutaway

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I had my first cutaway yesterday *Jump 95) and it happened so quickly I am trying to remember all that happened. From my explanation to those on the ground it appeared as if all the lines on the left side were between the lines on the right (as if a step through had occured). Does anyone have a picture or video of this? I'd like to see again to confirm.


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strange, would love to see pics...
glad you made it safely to the ground.
how high was that, what gear were you using ??
you got some more very valuable experience now, and got an extra freefall :P:)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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It was a staff pack job. It was rented gear (thank goodness as the main and bag have not been found yet).

Gear was - 190 Spectre / Vector 3.

Funny thing was I had been jumping a 170 Spectre all day long (previous 5 jumps) and someone had asked me to switch so a smaller jumper could use the 170, so I said ok.


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Yes, I felt pretty pumped up. My reserve packer came out and gave me a big hug, made me feel a little emotional. Was happy that she saved my life.

And yes, I am glad to finally get it done, I knew it was just a matter of time, only thought it was going to take a bit longer.


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It was a staff pack job. It was rented gear (thank goodness as the main and bag have not been found yet).

don't know why thats really good news though... they will probably make you pay for it if they never find it, and some DZs try to make you buy a new item instead of paying for the value of the old one. :|

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Nope, in this case, I was told that as this is rented gear AND I did not pack the canopy, I am not responsible. In addition, I am told by the DZ that is why they charge $25/jump for rental gear; it is their own little piece of insurance.

Also, I have rented for 95 jumps now (not to mention all the other jumpers renting the same gear). Thats about $2300 (from me alone) give or take a little as some jumps were free, so they have certainly gotten their monies worth out of that rig.


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