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I asked this to someone via inbox, but I would like to ask here.
I spend hours every day on the General Discussions and Safety forums. I go through old threads and try to aquaint myself with terms and issues that others have already addressed so I can learn from them. The first place I started was to print off the list of acronyms so I could at least know what they translated to. Then I could just refer to my research and I would understand what y'all were talking about. The problem I am having is that I cannot visualize what some of the terms look like in actuality, and the more I deviate from my original search to search something that is a cross reference, the less I seem to find.
What I am looking for online is just maybe a video that would show someone demonstrating some of the things that seasoned jumpers do each time they jump, so when I read what not to do, I at least have an idea of what someone was supposed to have done. In other words....the aerial stuff. A Flare, a PLF, a hook turn. What are they supposed to look like? If there is a good video showing the techniques? I would buy it in a heart beat.

It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.

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when I read what not to do, I at least have an idea of what someone was supposed to have done. In other words....the aerial stuff. A Flare, a PLF, a hook turn.

Someone once said to me: "Hell, I could teach a monkey how to skydive. Provided that it's a virginal monkey..."

I wonder in what category a 'demzel in distress' is placed, that learned how to hook it on the internet, prior to her first jump course.

(instructor via radio: "FLARE!" --> Student grabs right front riser and pulls it down as hard as she can...)

The best source of video?
here; and it's free...

Have fun in Mexico. When you catch them starting to refer to you as "gringa loca"... take a step back... ;)

(edit - can't spell...)

"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci
A thousand words...

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Someone once said to me: "Hell, I could teach a monkey how to skydive. Provided that it's a virginal monkey..."

well, i did hear a story of a monkey that was given a rig, but he freaked out, and climbed the lines to the top of the canopy... that monkey will be missed... in rememberence of him, i ask any hot ladies to spank my monkey!

CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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"I wonder in what category a 'demzel in distress' is placed, that learned how to hook it on the internet, prior to her first jump course."

Nowhere did I say I was going to watch a video, tie a bed sheet to my back and jump off the local 7-Eleven in an attempt to teach myself how to skydive :)
"Student grabs right front riser and pulls it down as hard as she can...)"
A riser? isn't that the thing fella gets in the morning before he gets outta bed ;)?

Thanks for the link.

(Edited to try to keep up with the onslaught of inboxes I am getting :)

It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.

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I see your point, but there is a strong lean towards not giving out advice over the internet, not all of us are instructors, and you will hear the same thing from everyone on here, don't do anything unless you have spoken to your instructor about it.

It's not anyone saying you are dumbass, or saying you will do something stupid, its just an attempt to make the above abundantly clear.

That said don't pull on a riser 10 feet from the ground.


Is well worth a read, and viewing the student section of skydive movies is good.

BOOM Headshot

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A riser? isn't that the thing fella gets in the morning before he gets outta bed ;) ?

No, that's a frumola, which is an abreviation from the German "Früh Morgen Latte"...

What the risers are will become clear during your first jump course. Pulling a front riser when you are told to flare will make the world spin for a very short time, just before it smacks you in the face....

The ground is indifferent towards female beauty.
This in sharp contrast to fellahs with frumola's... ;)

Should you meet instructors that think with their dicks, don't let them do the thinking for you... :)

"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci
A thousand words...

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Should you meet instructors that think with their dicks, don't let them do the thinking for you... :)

Ah, now there's a good piece of advice. You may also want to read Tom Aiello's "Boyfriends and BASE" in the BASE forum, much of which is applicable to skydiving too.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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