
does anyone else get nervous when thinking about jumping again after being uncurrent?

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There's nothing wrong with being nervous - ain't nothing natural about flinging yourself at the ground at 100+ mph! ;)

I've made one jump since last summer - there's no place to jump here close to the base (I'm in Kosovo).

I was able to get a recurrency jump in at Aggieland last month, when I was home on vacation - a simple stability series (Left/right 360s and a front flip), then front/sidebody docks with the coach.

A nice, easy, low-pressure jump takes a lot of the anxiety out of getting current again....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I'm a Globe Trotting Sky Diver in search of the Sun B|

We actually I'm student status and I sky dive in Spain every three months because I hate the English weather.

That first jump is always a nervy affair but I'd miss that feeling if it wasn't there.

Does anyone else jump on mass after regularly fairly long lay off by choice ?
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Good advice from an instructor I know.

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Oh, yeah... This has been the longest time I've been on the ground since I started jumping. I do visualize jumping... and hopefully it will come back when I get back in the air...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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If I have not jumped for several weeks I use to get a bit nervous during the flight up.
Beeing concentrated on doing the checks and drills perfectly helps a lot and the best cure still is the door. ;)

BTW: Don't forget to repack your main if it was packed all the time!
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BTW: Don't forget to repack your main if it was packed all the time!

umm, why?

Because the manufacturer of many mains also give repack cycles of 180 days for their main as well if I remember correctly.
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

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During the lull, have you done any mental jumping? In a way, visualizing the whole process, is almost as good as doing it. The best basketball foul shooters....mentally sink thousands of shots, before 'swishing' those extra points. As in anything new, repetition makes you better at it.

Personally, I do 'emergency proceedures', at least once a month, whether I jump, or not. That is my own way of mentally, 'staying current'. I also do them, as I finish putting on my rig. And, I usually do a final of EPs, on the way up. I also do a thorough check of all aspects of the rig, particularly if I have been 'ground bound' for a while. Gremlins can mess with equipment, even when it is in your bag, and not abused. As we know, we have to assume that 'shit happens'... So, prep to prevent it....

When I give my rig to be repacked, I assume that 'shit happens', and therefore, I repack the main...just in case it got connected wrong, or something got mis-routed, (one repack came back, with the RSL looped through a three ring!). If for no other reason, I desire to jump more than once, before buying another reserve repack ........

Any nervousness, immediately disappears, upon the door going open.... Ah, the rush of thin air in the morning......... I just can't wait to step outside that plane!!!
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When i came back from injury (a 6 month break) i was super nervous about jumping again, but everything was fine.

Before i started doing camera work though i'd jump once or twice a month, now i jump pretty much every weekend and after taking one weekend off cos of bad weather i felt uncurrent when i arrived at the dz on Saturday morning :D

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