
why should I renew uspa

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Of course the USPA is going to clear your check first, any smart business would

Hmm, that's funny. I own a business and I don't charge my customers until the work is complete. I guess I'm not a smart business. Or maybe I believe that good business is developing a relationship with customers.


Dude you went to a different DZ with out even a copy of your first renewal, knowing the DZ would not let you jump. YOU filled out a new renewal form complete with putting your CC number on the form and watched the maninfest girl FAX it in. Now you gonna complane that they charged more that once.

Yes. For the record, the other DZ is my home DZ that I've been going to for five years and teach at. It had been ten days since I mailed my renewal in - I didn't know USPA would still be sitting on their butts not bothering to update their systems - especially five days after they cashed the check. I faxed in the form with the understanding that they might charge a second time (even though there were written instructions on BOTH sides asking not to), but not expecting they would charge a second AND third time. How many times do you screw up the same thing?

Also for the record, I think USPA should be supported, and I do support it. They complain that members are leaving right and left, but they have no idea why. I'm suggesting that if they can't take people's money the right way, maybe they should start there.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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The USPA is a lot like the NRA. Neither organization is perfect, but both are the only voices working for us in Washington, DC. Both do way more good than harm for their members.


Although to be fair, AOPA has done far more for us lately than USPA. Not to diss USPA, but if you want to support an organization that will keep our planes in the air, AOPA might be a good one to join as well.

I'm a consistent member of both the AOPA and USPA.

On my dream sheet for USPA:
1. A liability waiver like the skiing industry.
2. The longer reserve repack schedule.
3. Cloud waiver with GPS popularity.

Blue skies!

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3. Cloud waiver with GPS popularity.

I don't understand this one. Do you mean a waiver for the VFR cloud restrictions if you have a GPS? If so, how is the GPS going to prevent you from being in a cloud with an IFR aircraft?
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On my dream sheet for USPA:
1. A liability waiver like the skiing industry.

Bad idea. It has not been proven to lower insurance rates for ski resorts. USPA seemed to think it would for DZ's in Virginia, which is why they tried to pursue legislation to that effect.

Outwardly, it may seem like a good idea to eliminate participant liability in extreme sports. However, when you remove civil liability, criminal liability remains. In other words, if you swoop into some joe on the ground and kill him, would you rather get sued by his family or charged with manslaughter because they have no other recourse? Remember, that might mean jail time.

2. The longer reserve repack schedule.

Good idea.

3. Cloud waiver with GPS popularity.

Bad idea. It's a good way for someone to lose a limb or die.
Additionally, it is pretentious for any of us to suggest that we, as VFR traffic (that is all skydivers are) can safely navigate clouds without presenting a hazard to IFR traffic. We have no transponders and no IFR flight plans when we jump. ATC doesn't know where we plan to open up, and cannot see us to steer other traffic away. If an aircraft overflies a DZ in IMC (i.e. clouds), and the pilot has filed an IFR flight plan, he/she has every right to expect that skydivers will not be in that airspace.

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Insurance rates are typically based on the risk and value of exposed assets. Most skiing operations have a considerable investment in lifts, lodging and restaurants, and other service equipment, and many of them operate with long term leases with the BLM, a private/public marriage that works. The above would not be possible without liability protection for the institutional investors and the government.

We are not using silk; extend the repack cycle.

I punched through clouds many times in the seventies and eighties, and mind you I'm talking about clouds in broken conditions with less than the mile wide opening, but still a good visual of the DZ. The ATC folks know where the DZ is, and they can (and do) advise nearby traffic. The military punches clouds regularly.

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3. Cloud waiver with GPS popularity.

Bad idea. It's a good way for someone to lose a limb or die.
Additionally, it is pretentious for any of us to suggest that we, as VFR traffic (that is all skydivers are) can safely navigate clouds without presenting a hazard to IFR traffic. We have no transponders and no IFR flight plans when we jump. ATC doesn't know where we plan to open up, and cannot see us to steer other traffic away. If an aircraft overflies a DZ in IMC (i.e. clouds), and the pilot has filed an IFR flight plan, he/she has every right to expect that skydivers will not be in that airspace.

Cloud Jumping Procedures.

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Well, here it is six weeks later. I've got a refund for the second charge, but not yet for the third. I called again today, and there is a new person working in refunds who seems more interested in solving the problem. With any luck, I'll get money back before the end of the year. :S
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Better question is "how great will your life suddenly be" without joining. The answer is not at all,so just join. Its for the greater good. Just like paying realestate tax's and you have no kids,a portion goes to the school district,for the greater good. USPA is not always the smartest and neither are the gov officials,its a small price to pay. If its too much money,,you should not even near an airport,,,,[:/]:S
smile, be nice, enjoy life
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