kansasskydiver 0 #201 February 27, 2006 To elaborate a bit more on that. We're shutting down to support the new dz because like what was said earlier, we're all customers and we spend our hard earned cash and want to play with extra alitude. We can't support a large DZ where we are, we're a student (as in college students) run organization and we all work for free at the dz. We're excited about the new DZ and being able to head out on a Friday and make some jumps, or even on a weekend it's raining in Wamego but maybe not in KC. We know we're going to lose business to the new DZ, not as much as the KC DZ's, but we'll lose some of our regular jumpers and not so regular jumpers who come out once in a while. In the end though I think it offers much MORE to the community than we all think. It's been drilled on before, but with the new DZ in town it can create more demand for skydiving than there was before. People will go to other DZ's for one reason or another, preference, location, pretty pictures on the website, whatever. It can potentially increase the number of new skydivers to the area. For example if someone goes jumping at the new DZ whom our DZ could have never marketed to and they tell a friend who tells a friend who goes to school at KSU and they look into it here, then we've just gained a new customer we couldn't have picked up before. Granted we're in a different area of the state and won't suffer from as much of the competition, but the theory still holds true to the other DZ's that may or may not be effected by the change. Someone from Southern IA could hear from a friend about the jump and head to MRVS or to Butler, same for Skydive KS outside of Topeka. If you think about it, there are still mom and pop stores open everywhere even with big bad capitalist Walmart around the block. What it does is IMPROVES service and quality of product, it's economics 101, instead of using everyone's engergy to fight the machine, it should be used to capitalize on the idea of potentially a wider reach of customers across the area. $50,000.00 later, I just applied something I learned in college Buy me a beer, my head hurts lol Chris Armstrong KSUPC Secretary<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #202 February 27, 2006 You have a good attitude. I hope you get hired by someone deserving when you graduate. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kansasskydiver 0 #203 February 28, 2006 Thank you, Know of anyone?<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BaumsAway 0 #204 February 28, 2006 From Saturday's Kansas City Star (http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/13955766.htm) Harrisonville expects to OK parachute school By DONALD BRADLEY The Kansas City Star A skydiving school appears headed for Harrisonville, but the owners shouldn’t expect folks to drop in to welcome them to town. So many residents crowded into a meeting this week of the Harrisonville Board of Aldermen that many had to stand in the hall. Most opposed the parachute school at the city’s airport because they fear it could run off LifeFlight Eagle air ambulance service. But city officials continue to say they can’t prevent Kansas City Skydiving Center from operating at the city’s Lawrence Smith Airport. “We have called everybody there is to call,” Mayor Kevin Wood said Thursday. “But, it’s very clear that people are going to be jumping out of planes out there. I know LifeFlight is not thrilled. If I were in their business, I would not be thrilled either.” But because the airport receives federal funds, the city cannot deny the school public access, Wood said. The only grounds for denial would be if the school’s drop zone were on airport property as the plan initially proposed. Since then, owners Paul and Joanna Eriksmoen, who could not be reached for comment, acquired land adjacent to the airport for a drop zone. So the city’s best strategy now, Wood said, is to approve a request from the Eriksmoens to lease office space at the airport and insist that the contractual agreement include stringent requirements about how the school operates. Those rules would address radio contact, spectators and insurance. That way, the city could maintain some control over the school’s operation, Wood said. Chuck Walker, LifeFlight’s operations director, said Thursday that the revised arrangement isn’t the best but that the two entities could be compatible. “I’m sure at some point it will slow response time,” Walker said. But Walker, like Wood, also recommended that the city approve the lease. The Board of Aldermen is expected to vote on the revised lease March 6. Of particular importance, Walker said, is that the lease include a requirement that the school’s pilots stay in radio contact and agree to delay drops in the event of a LifeFlight emergency call. Walker acknowledged, too, that LifeFlight may leave Harrisonville regardless of the skydiving school because company officials have determined that a base farther east probably could provide better service. “Clinton is a very busy area for us,” Walker said. Chris Hall, a critic of the proposed school, spoke at Tuesday’s meeting and later in the week continued to encourage the city to fight the school. Hall, who operates a skydiving school 20 minutes away in Butler, Mo., said some of his concern was competition. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #205 February 28, 2006 QuoteChris Hall, a critic of the proposed school, spoke at Tuesday’s meeting and later in the week continued to encourage the city to fight the school. Hall, who operates a skydiving school 20 minutes away in Butler, Mo., said some of his concern was competition. "Some"? Yeah, right. "Some". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #206 March 1, 2006 Quote But I have some questions of my own about this new DZ. I would like to know who is going to be the pilot? Who is the owner/operator of the caravan? Who is responsible for Mx oversight? Has this new DZO ever managed ANY aircraft before? I bring this up because this DZ is not starting with a 182 which is fairly straight forward in complexity. These Caravans can be valued from 800,000 to 1,000,000 used. That's a significant asset and when things break they don't cost a few bucks but a lot of bucks. You already know this. And we already know what can happen in the KC area when Mx goes to shit. Well, I have sent a PM to the new DZO and asked that he respond to these questions. He has chosen to keep the information about who he is leasing the aircraft from to himself for now. Obviously come April 1 everyone should know. He said that he was keeping it to himself for business reasons.Chris Schindler www.diverdriver.com ATP/D-19012 FB #4125 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farmermacnasty 0 #207 March 3, 2006 The residents of Harrisonville would like the parachuting community to know how we as citizens of this city and surrounding communities feel. I think many of you skyjumpers are unaware of the opposition you are dealing with in this town. www.stoptheparachuters.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kansasskydiver 0 #208 March 3, 2006 Wow if that's not a troll I don't know what is! I'd be curious to see the ip logs and see if the poster matches up with one or more of the fake accounts created to stop the DZ from opening. The registrant of the domain lives over 250 miles from Harrisonville, how does that effect that community?<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks 0 #209 March 3, 2006 QuoteThe residents of Harrisonville would like the parachuting community to know how we as citizens of this city and surrounding communities feel. I think many of you skyjumpers are unaware of the opposition you are dealing with in this town. www.stoptheparachuters.com why? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks 0 #210 March 3, 2006 look, no one is going to be climbing your fence... your just trying to stirr up shit. you are way in the wrong... QuoteYellow line indicates standard Flight Pattern White line is landing zone for Parachuters Red lines indicate primary jumping area zone Orange area with X will be primary parachute deployment area upwind of target area Lime green area is helicopter ops area What appears to be heavy treed areas are heavily treed areas What appears to be 4 lane roads are 4 lane Highways at 70 mph. I dont see any issue with those area's. spend you time on something more productive. your only going to suffer a heart attack from living your life full of anger.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdthomas 0 #211 March 4, 2006 wow another "local" has found a way to log into DZ.com.... thats amazing! I am glad to see your web site, man thats a great work. very productive! The drop zone is coming, you can hate it all you want, but it won't go away.. But really, what land do you own that is next to the airport? Are you a pilot? Have you ever used life flight air ambulance? And why are so concerned about a company that has proposed a move prior to this new DZ coming to town? So farmer McNasty are you opposed to all new business that may bring money to your town or just this one because you some how are connected in a diffrent way to this cause. I have money on the fact you are just a troll and know other DZO's that are connected to this story. Joewww.greenboxphotography.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #212 March 4, 2006 Not sure where you are seeing that info at, because it looks the the owner of that domain is a Debra Brewer in Harrisonville: http://whois.sc/stoptheparachuters.com It looks like she is the owner/webmaster for a local ranch: www.selphmademules.comYesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Parachutemanuals.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdthomas 0 #213 March 4, 2006 cool stuff Phreezone.. I wonder why Debra posted her name as Mark Smith in her DZ.com account? Her phone number is 816-380-2343 perhaps I will call her and ask why that is? What I found really cool is that she raises Ass for live stock. www.selphmademules.com One more note is that we can find a pic of Debra in her mules web site and she is listed as a groom and not even the owner of the farm! Joewww.greenboxphotography.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #214 March 4, 2006 I raise alot of hell but have not found a market for it yet. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brewman 0 #215 March 4, 2006 Looks like the mule ranch is immediately to the northeast of the airport buildings based on the plat map that Debra included on her site. http://www.stoptheparachuters.com/Arials.htm http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Harrisonville,+Missouri+64701&t=h&ll=38.615546,-94.339192&spn=0.004175,0.00795&t=h I guess she thinks that parachuters are going to harm or scare the mules? Not! She includes a link to dropzone.com to a thread discussing barking dogs where a few posters joke about shooting the dog. Is she insinuating that para-shooters will be shooting the mules? NOT!! The city of Harrisonville website lists the population at 8,946 for the year 2000. I wonder how many of those 8,946 residents that Debra represents? Is it 10 maybe 20 very vocal hostile and threating folks or more? How many potential residents live close enough to the airport that parachuters may land-out on their property? Is it 100 or maybe 200? My hunch is the other 8700 or so residents will welcome the new dropzone with open arms base on the great positive economic impact to the area. I've followed these threads with great interest and am amazed at the fear tactics, veiled threats of legal consequences and mis-information in general that is being spewed out by a handful of folks. As for the other DZO's, I find your behavior to be extremely distasteful, you've done a great dis-service to the sport of skydiving with your selfish greed, ignorance and limited imaginations. May Karma repay your actions 1000 fold. Folks, be mindful of what you say in these threads, its being slanted and taken out of context in a propaganda campaign waged by Miss Debra. Lets all treat everyone and their property with respect and we will all get along just fine. SAVE THE MULES AND THE FENCES!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kansasskydiver 0 #216 March 4, 2006 Here's my opinion in all this. If all the energy that was used to PREVENT the opening of the dropzone or INFORM the public of how horrible skydiving is was used to instead promote safety day, or for that matter a cure for cancer, we'd be in a much better place in the world today. Good night<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spdoat 0 #217 March 4, 2006 I don't understand her motives unless it was just believing a bunch of mis-information distributed through the city. Her humorous site isn't going to "stop the parachuters", the dz will open April 1 with or without the locals approval. I think the locals think that skydivers are just a bunch of idiots jumping out of planes who don't know anything and have no respect. I wonder if she is turning all sorts of shades of pink now that her information is posted out here even though she thought she was annoymous with Farmer McNasty. You're right though, if all the public hatred was focused towards something worthwhile, the world would be a better place. It is a shame really that people are so full of anger in life they feel then need to take it out on others.I love my husband! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParaGear 0 #218 March 4, 2006 it would mkae more sense to have the opening area to the east of the runway. noone has to cross the runway orthe traffic pattern. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BaumsAway 0 #219 March 4, 2006 Quoteit would mkae more sense to have the opening area to the east of the runway. noone has to cross the runway orthe traffic pattern. Since, according to the National Weather Service, the prevailing winds are out of the south for 11 out of 12 months of the year, wouldn't it make the most sense to open upwind of the landing area? If I'm looking at the aerial correctly, wouldn't that have the jumpers flying parallel to the runway for most of the year? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keef 0 #220 March 4, 2006 Quoteit would mkae more sense to have the opening area to the east of the runway. noone has to cross the runway orthe traffic pattern. DUH... the exit point from the aircraft would vary,and would depend on which direction the wind was blowing from and at what speed, goes to show who really jump and who just post to stir the mud for the new DZ . I imagine a lot of the negative posts are from the "other local DZ's" and friends of theirs and to think I thought only kids were whinners it seems the local other Dz's are worse hands down....... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParaGear 0 #221 March 4, 2006 the runway is built along the prevailing winds. ifyou open east ofthe runway and north or south of the landing area then none has to cross the runway and nonoe is the the traffic pattern. most dzs are set up this way. safer to have canopy traffic on the opposite side of the runway as the aircraft traffic, no? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darnknit 0 #222 March 4, 2006 Quotethe runway is built along the prevailing winds. ifyou open east ofthe runway and north or south of the landing area then none has to cross the runway and nonoe is the the traffic pattern. most dzs are set up this way. safer to have canopy traffic on the opposite side of the runway as the aircraft traffic, no? man, do i ever know what you are talking about paragear. i was in an identical situation once(although not skydiving related, it had more to do with my penmanship). all these people kept telling me, "why don't you talk to the person directly involved?" what a bunch of morons, i just kept screaming there was, "NOTHING WRONG WITH MY PENMANSHIP!!!" eventually people stopped asking me to speak to the person directly involved. stick to your guns pragagear, you r fitng a nobl fite. pulling is cool. keep it in the skin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParaGear 0 #223 March 4, 2006 that would only happen if they opened up east of the runway. that orange boxwas opening areas. how can you open west of the runway and land east of the runway and still fly paralell to the runway? ifyou open east of the runway you can fly paralell to the runway. the runway is 17/35. we are agreeing on this anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParaGear 0 #224 March 4, 2006 you mkae no sense Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BaumsAway 0 #225 March 4, 2006 Quotethat would only happen if they opened up east of the runway. that orange boxwas opening areas. how can you open west of the runway and land east of the runway and still fly paralell to the runway? ifyou open east of the runway you can fly paralell to the runway. the runway is 17/35. we are agreeing on this anyway. You are correct. The landing area is on the east side of the runway, isn't it? So, if the jumpers opened up upwind, to the south of the landing area, they would already be on the east side of the runway. I'm not sure why Famer McNasty's website shows the jumpers opening on the west wide of the runway. He/she obviously doesn't understand where jumpers open their parachutes relative to the wind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites