
My DZ 2 close down?!?

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Iguess there's some buzz going round that my DZO might throw in the towel with running the dz that I've gone to for the last couple of years.

I'm not sure what to do about jumping this year, or how to find out what's going on.

What do you all advise?

I apprecaite your input.

Blues - L.

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Iguess there's some buzz going round that my DZO might throw in the towel with running the dz that I've gone to for the last couple of years.

I'm not sure what to do about jumping this year, or how to find out what's going on.

What do you all advise?

I apprecaite your input.

DUDE!! You need to do more than 10 jumps a year to keep him in business....

Blues - L.


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After they close all the DZs.....

There's still B.A.S.E. jumping!!!!!

Adenaline on command....... just remember the last BASE jump.... and, feel the heart-rate take off.....
Practice random acts of kindness, and senseless beauty...

And, give money for Mr Douglas! www.mrdouglas.org

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Iguess there's some buzz going round that my DZO might throw in the towel with running the dz that I've gone to for the last couple of years. I'm not sure what to do about jumping this year, or how to find out what's going on.

It might help if you mentioned which DZ you were talking about.

And was it too much trouble in the thread title to type "to" instead of "2"?

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What do you all advise?

Tip 1 Do not leave your equipment at the dropzone.
This advice is aimed more towards instructors and vidiots. However, it is important to note if you plan to have your reserve re-packed by their rigger.

Tip 2 Don’t expect honesty from a DZO that’s going out of business. He will not tell you the truth simply because it’s none of your business. If rumors are floating around, gear could get stolen and instructors might not want to teach out of fear of not getting paid.

Tip 3 Take note of the condition of their aircraft. Maintenance is usually the first thing to be neglected when a DZO is trying to appease debt collectors.

Tip 4 Make sure to get the phone numbers of all your jump buddies. You will want to get in touch with them once the DZ folds so you can arrange to meet up and jump somewhere new.


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That's a pretty good list. I'd treat the DZO honestly, and even ask him about the possibility of the DZ closing.

But the other stuff is really good advice.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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What do you all advise?

Tip 1 Do not leave your equipment at the dropzone.
This advice is aimed more towards instructors and vidiots. However, it is important to note if you plan to have your reserve re-packed by their rigger.

Tip 2 Don’t expect honesty from a DZO that’s going out of business. He will not tell you the truth simply because it’s none of your business. If rumors are floating around, gear could get stolen and instructors might not want to teach out of fear of not getting paid.

Tip 3 Take note of the condition of their aircraft. Maintenance is usually the first thing to be neglected when a DZO is trying to appease debt collectors.

Tip 4 Make sure to get the phone numbers of all your jump buddies. You will want to get in touch with them once the DZ folds so you can arrange to meet up and jump somewhere new.


I'd add don't leave money on account or have extra jump tickets that you bought. The shut down could come suddenly, and you will lose any unused funds.

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I understand where you are coming from. My DZ closed to students after the DZO, who was also the main instructor, was killed in a plane crash . Though I was sad and all, it still left me homeless and I did feel alone in this new sport that I found I loved. I still haven’t found a DZ that I can call home. But after visiting DZ websites, personally speaking with other jumpers about their home DZs and going to Z-Hills in Florida (awesome), I know what I want and know what I don’t want. It’s your life, your time and your money, you don’t have to settle for less then what you want. Like others have said on this thread too, there are many other DZ operations. Go out and visit them a time or two, make a jump or two, watch how others are treated by the staff. If you find yourself sitting alone with the main concern being the business capital $$$ rather then safety, sharing knowledge or having fun, get in your car and boogie down the road. There are some people in the world that are willing to teach and share information and others who are not. I think DZs are like that too; some are willing to help you grow at the pace you are comfortable with and others that aren't. Perhaps you won’t have to worry about it at all but perhaps this is the year you should explore your options.

It doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life.... it matter how you live yours!

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Just find another DZ...when i started jumping... a Guy "burned In" where i was training. The DZ closed.
Ended up buying a used rig for cheap. (a friend of mine purchased the guys rig that "bit the dust" for really cheap!!!!)

Check with the DZO and see if he is unloading anything.

Its like moving, its not the location, but the people you meet that will make the situation fun!

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I feel perhaps I should explain myself, a little. I was a bit callous in my last post, sorry about that. Here' s the reason.

The USPA puts out suggestions about time between jumps to give people a guideline to help them stay safe. If you exceed the durations that are considered safe, you are at risk. If you exceed these durations by a lot every time for a long period of time you become a liability. I live this sport, I love this sport. This sport represents a large part of my life. If you put yourself at risk you put me at risk to. if you go in, it makes it all the more difficult for the rest of us to go on. The more incidents involving skydiving, the more difficult it becomes to keep jumping. I don't want you to stop jumping, I want you to jump more. If money is an issue then learn how to pack. Then you can make at least a couple jumps every weekend. good luck I hope you can jump a little more.

Sorry again for being so aggressive, But I want you to know how you could effect the rest of us. When it comes to the sports well-being I don't hold back.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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If money is an issue then learn how to pack. Then you can make at least a couple jumps every weekend. good luck I hope you can jump a little more.

Agreed 100%.

My wife and I dont have money to jump but we had learned to pack to pay our way through the s/l program. Wife also sewed jumpsuits.

If you want to jump there is always a way. We still dont have money to jump but as instructors and video we do just fine.

Somthingelse is always welcome to come check out our dz. we arent that far away.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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Thanx Mark & LO, too,
for the jump money making tips.

Last year was a bad money making year:S!
It was one thing after another! My life seemed ruled by "Murphy's Law".

I think this will be a better jumping year for me.
Hopefully I'll be able to do more than my usual one or two (three if I was really lucky) jumps a weekend.

I'll have to see what I can come up with I guess to get me in the air more.


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