
Packing rigs in the UK

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A BPA packing certificate will be valid for whatever rigs it is endorsed for at any BPA DZ.

If you only want to pack your own gear that only you are jumping, a log book endorsement should suffice and that should also be valid at any BPA DZ. However, my understanding is that if you change gear, you have to get yoru logbook endorsed for that new gear.

Easiest thing is simply to get a packing certificate! :)

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I have a packing certificate, but it only has tandem and student rigs on it.
I was under the impression that in order to pack your own rig it just has to be your own rig.
I guess I must be breaking the rules.

You need to be signed off for whatever rig you are packing - if it is your own gear and you are jumping it, you can get away with a log book endorsement.

My suggestion to you would be to get your own rig added to the list of rigs on your existing packing certificate.



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The ops manual is a bit more specific. It says;

8.1. Student Equipment.

All Student main parachutes are to be packed under the supervision of a person holding a BPA Packing Certificate for the parachute being packed.

8.2. Main Parachutes
FAI ‘B’ Certificate (Red) parachutists and above and holders of JM1 Grade qualification are responsible for the packing of the main parachutes they are jumping.

I take that to mean B license jumpers and above don’t need a packing certificate, or logbook endorsement, to pack their own gear. It’s up to them. Go get that license!


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