
Contacts or glasses to jump?

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Glasses or contacts when you jump? Which do you prefer?

I don't wear glasses all the time but would have to for jumping, so I thought I might get use to wearing contacts for skydiving purposes. Is it worth the effort or should I stick to the glasses?

Any advice will be much appreciated.:)

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I'm interested in this too. I wear glasses but it's such a pain in the ass...I'm trying to get over my aversion to putting things into my eyes so I could try contacts but...is it worth it?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Contacts for all 1200 jumps, but i've lost (popped out into goggles) about 15 of them so far. Bring spares, wear tight goggles ( Sorz are good). Bring your eye drops or solution. If you have to land with one out, make sure your depth perception is good by testing it often to relative objects like trees etc.
You'll be fine.

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have only jumped with my glasses once, when I lost a lense in a drunken stupor the night before. I bought special goggles to go over them and was really scared of losing them.

Contact lenses are the way to go! You can get daily disposable ones and they are so soft you don't feel them I wear the hard ones and use Sorz goggles and have never had a problem.

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I jumped with glasses as a student. I almost lost them once, but that was primarily because the goggles sucked. Now I jump without sight correction, which is probably less than optimal :) Will be getting contacts eventually, I think. But my eyes are really fucked up, so I'm not sure how easy that is...

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I dont use either, but tight goggles is a good idea. I have seen numerous times where the contacts pop out during ff and for the newer jumpers it resulted in BAD landings. The over the glasses goggles seem to work for people. Again I dont use either, (yet) so I have not experienced the hassles.

good luck

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I wear contacts, don't find them too bad, my only concern is loosing them, not because they are expensive to replace (because they aren't), just that I really can't see a thing without them.

Lost one at about 9000 feet on one jump (goggles were too loose), not till then did I realise that if I lost both I wouldn't be able to find where to land.

Since then I have purchased some sorz goggles and keep them tight, not had problem in freefall or in the tunnel.

BOOM Headshot

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I dont use either, but tight goggles is a good idea. I have seen numerous times where the contacts pop out during ff and for the newer jumpers it resulted in BAD landings. The over the glasses goggles seem to work for people. Again I dont use either, (yet) so I have not experienced the hassles.

good luck

Well, why are you posting if you have no experience hey....Damn jay, go and sell some rigs or something:P

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I am in the same position as you. I don't wear glasses normally, but wanted them for jumping. All the goggle styles I tried for over my glasses didn't work. The goggles kept wanting to fly off my face. I ended up deciding to get contacts, which I only wear for skydiving and would highly recommend doing the same. And believe me I am very, very, very squeamish about putting anything near my eye. So if I can do it anyone can.

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I use contacts, but haven't worn glasses for years. Wouldn't want to change to glasses for jumping because:
- my eyesight is very bad, if i lose a pair of glasses i'm stuffed. if i lose a contact hopefully it'll only be one and i can time the flare ok
- hitting something hard with my face would hurt, but it would probably hurt a lot more with glasses on.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I also wear contacts. I don't even own a pair of glasses. Had one pop out in FF once and into my goggles. Knew that I'd have a problem with depth perception on landing so made sure I was ready to PLF. Lost the thing playing with it in the landing area and had to drive home with one eye. After that you can believe I make sure to brings spares. What is this about putting things in your eye. I can't even feel mine. Technology is great!!!
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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Any advice will be much appreciated<<

I have seen jumpers wear eyeglasses with full face helmets.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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Contacts for all 1200 jumps, but i've lost (popped out into goggles) about 15 of them so far. Bring spares, wear tight goggles ( Sorz are good). Bring your eye drops or solution. If you have to land with one out, make sure your depth perception is good by testing it often to relative objects like trees etc.

You'll be fine.

Listen to the man....

I had a contact pop out during freefall onto mw goggles recently. I had a bunch of stuff stolen and was borrowing some. I was wondering why my vision was a little blurry after landing and then saw the contact. The wind blew the crusty, drying out contact off my finger when I tried to put it back on. Stupidly, I took my glasses and my toiletries bag which had an extra pair of contacts out of my bag before going to the DZ. I had to drive home almost 100 miles with one eye. It sucked....a lot.

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I wear contacts to jump with, but if I could find a pair of durable prescription goggles, I would use them instead.

I have lost a single contact into my goggles many times. I have lost both contacts into my goggles a few times. Fortunately, we get our depth perception from a few different indicators, so a conservative landing (under a conservative canopy) is not usually a problem if I'm landing without one or both contact lenses.

My experience has led me to use the cheap, soft goggles like Flex-Z or Kroops, as they tend to do the best job sealing out the air. This has as much to do with the size and shape of a particular jumpers face, so YMMV.

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I wear glasses. When I was going through AFF I used the plastic goggles that are designed to fit over glasses. To make sure my goggles were on right instructors would have to press, tug and pull the goggles causing my glasses to bend. Because of this I started wearing my old extra pair of glasses when I took a lesson. I do not mind if these glasses are bent a little.

I have a helmet now that fits over my glasses. I was all set to order the Oxygn A3 because I heard you can wear glasses with it. I read on dropzone.com an experienced skydiver telling a newbie to try on a helmet before buying it. One day I was waiting to jump at Crosskeys in New Jersey and I walked over to the Square 3 store and tried on different helmets. I was surprised that only the FreeZr fit over my glasses.

If you decide to jump with a helmet after your student training is between you and your instructors. This is just my experience.

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I simply went to Google and entered "prescription skydiving goggles"

Check these out...


I know there are many models of prescription goggles, but I have found few (none) users that are satisfied with the products after using them extensively. That does not mean that no such quality goggle exist, only that I am unaware of them.

If anyone has 100+ jumps on a pair of prescription goggles, and is still impressed with them, please PM the brand and model, as well as contact information for the manufacturer.

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How funny is that. I didn't have to drive 100 miles, it's about 65 or so. My problem was it was getting dark. I knew that if I had to drive at night with one eye I was screwed. I have ever since made sure to bring more than one spare for each eye.
That has to be the key to this thread. Gonna wear contacts, BRING SPARES!!!!!
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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If you can afford it, get Lasik! I got it done a few days ago and it's great! I was always scared that my contacts would fall out so I would constantly be tightening my goggles on the plane. I'm sure I'll feel better jumping now that I have one less thing to worry about:)

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I wear contacts to jump, and my experience seems similar to most of the other posters who wear contacts. I prefer them to glasses, but I had to experiment with a few syles of googles before I settled on a pair of Sorz.

I have also had a contact pop out in FF. If your eyes are such that losing a contact lense in freefall will give you alot of trouble landing, then you may want to consider that.

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