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Can someome please tell me where I can go to learn all the "slang" you guys use here? What's a "flower" exit? Is there another word you guys call "slang" as I am calling it right now? Being THIS new can be painful sometimes and I really hate to bug you all with my question. Is there a Skydiver's Dictionary some where that I can read?:PPlease help a girl out???

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What's a "flower" exit?<<<<<<<<<<<<

Head down where the participans have a one handed grip in the center. They may be more, I don't know.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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“Slang" is an Afrikaans word (one of the languages spoken in South Africa. Much like Dutch) for SNAKE... :D:P. Hope that helps.


And of course, the Mamba is a slang :D

I got your slang right here, buddy. It's just a small, harmless slang. [:/]

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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The Slang you are inquiring about is not important. Do you drive? Then you know what brakes are, a speedometer, airbag – stuff like that but you likely don’t know what terminology a professional race car driver or a mechanic might use – same difference. If skydiving is calling you then don’t bog yourself down with all the mumbo jumbo. Learn about the safety systems (gear) and how to safely utilize the equipment. Another words become a good skydiver by learning how to do it safely every time. The glossary they pointed you toward in the forum will help you with the basics but is not all inclusive, you will pick up on the terminology as you progress in the sport, don’t be in a hurry.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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Can someome please tell me where I can go to learn all the "slang" you guys use here? What's a "flower" exit? Is there another word you guys call "slang" as I am calling it right now? Being THIS new can be painful sometimes and I really hate to bug you all with my question. Is there a Skydiver's Dictionary some where that I can read?:PPlease help a girl out???

Best way to learn the terminology is at the dropzone.

Some of the terms are newer and wont be on line yet. Some terms are particular to regions.

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“Slang" is an Afrikaans word (one of the languages spoken in South Africa. Much like Dutch) for SNAKE... :D:P. Hope that helps.


And of course, the Mamba is a slang :D

I got your slang right here, buddy. It's just a small, harmless slang. [:/]

Yea right it is harmless! It is like a mamba that just jumps out at you and all the girls get a fright??

Since you are all learning Afrikaans, next time you are trying to pick up a girl say.
"Wil jy my slang sien?"

Sure fire way to get a chick!!;);)

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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