
Average Salary of a 'Skydiver', 'Fun Jumper', 'Part time staff'

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too many surveys today.

This one will prove even less than usual, because age is a huge component of salary. You're indirectly surveying the age of respondants.

Those in their early 20s are going to have lower salaries and less likely to have a long term employment with a company that provides insurance.

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Went from a full-time IT geek to a part-time waitress. My salary is low in comparison to what it was. B|

Although in the end, the salary decrease for the reasons that it was done will be 100% worth it.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Went from a full-time IT geek to a part-time waitress. My salary is low in comparison to what it was. B|
Although in the end, the salary decrease for the reasons that it was done will be 100% worth it.

Quitting IT so you don't go to the pen on a murder one rap for following through on your detailed plan to
kill the next person that phones up and says "The Internet is broken, fix it!" is probably a good idea, yeah. :)

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Heh. I got my jumpsuit back from modifications in a cardboard box the other day, delivered to the office. People kept asking me what it was.

"Oh, this? This is the last engineer who realised during code freeze that some of their stuff was still broken, and wanted to just really quickly check it in."

I think I'm going to take up gardening.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Im 23 and make well over 55 the company provides shit insurance and i carry my own life insurance

Just because your young doesnt have anything to do with how much money you make. Its all about how hard you work:|

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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Just because your young doesnt have anything to do with how much money you make. Its all about how hard you work:|

I like your attitude, but the truth is that it is how "smart" you work. People with shovels in their hand work pretty hard.


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When I was laid off from my job in Aerospace I went to work on the Dropzone, Jumpmaster, packer, sales in the gear store. I Didn't make a lot of money, but jumped almost ever day and it was the best year and a half of my life.

"Most of my money I’ve spent on skydiving, women and beer. The rest I squandered foolishly."

Only the good die young, so I have found immortality,

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Someone mentioned in a thread:"Skydivers are generally not rich."

It was an interesting comment so here is a poll.

I'm just curious.


I think they meant full time staff were not rich. I think most people would agree with that. However, to be a serious fun jumper or 4 way competitor takes a healthy income. A person can spent $10,000 on 500 jumps in a year alone, excluding packing, gear, wind tunnels, etc. Given the median income in the US is about $45,000 per year (and most of those people have families) I think it is reasonable to say the sport (excluding full time staff) tends to have higher income individuals in it. I personally would peg the average income of fun jumpers at my DZ at $75,000 and they are usually single or married without children.
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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I make around 1400 a month base pay. Then they add on all these little incentives to it, like COLA, and Hazardous Duty Pay, and BAS. I end up around 2000 a month. But I also have full medical and dental insurance, free housing, no utility bills, and 2.5 days of paid vacation every month. Not too shabby when you also factor in the incredible job security. All in all, the military is a very wise choice for an 18 year old right our of high school...

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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I make around 1400 a month base pay. Then they add on all these little incentives to it, like COLA, and Hazardous Duty Pay, and BAS. I end up around 2000 a month. But I also have full medical and dental insurance, free housing, no utility bills, and 2.5 days of paid vacation every month. Not too shabby when you also factor in the incredible job security. ...

I hardly think "security" applies to those patrolling the streets of Tikrit (and many similar places in the Sunni Triangle).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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