
New with a ton of Questions[cool]

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I'm new to this site and the sport. 2005 was my first real year. I'm 5'10" and about 220lbs (oh look mummy a little fat man falling from the sky:P) lol. I'm wanting to buy my first rig and the guy (Andre') who owns my home DZ, told me to wait until I know what I want... I just want my own rig.
The ratio 1:1 is called wing-loading????
my 220lbs and the weight of the rig should be included in that wing-load???
I'm not so much interested in swooping or coming down under canopy real fast. I'm 45. So I don't think that lack of interest of zooming under canopy is going to change much, so I'm not worried about downsizing, Do they make a 240 canopy?
Is a 170, 170 feet long, a 240, 240 ft long???
Do I need a special container for a bigger canopy???

I just joined POP's, because of an article I read on here just a little while ago 12/24/05, I just joined USPA and they are sending me my annual card. I'll have my AFF this seasonB| (Yeah), anymore cool clubs to join or places to go on the internet that will help me get to be the best I can be???
I did wind tunnel training at the beginning of December and I'm going again in Feb & March and took a jump at Z-hills then too.:ph34r: I have been living and breathing sky-diving... bumper stickers, clothes (waiting on my new Tony Suit), necklace, got a cool free fall tattoo and I can't get enough of the thought of jumping or thinking about traveling to different DZs. I've searched for gofast t-shirts but couldn't find a link and saw some really cool shirts I wanted to buy on Reaper wear (but their system wouldn't let me order). What are some good links to buy cool shirts etc???

It doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life.... it matter how you live yours!

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Wow, you are right, lots of questions. But that's good.

I'll just answer the one that I can explain quickly.

Go Fast t-shirts and other cool stuff:

http://store.gofastsports.com/StoreFront.bok <---ya owe me Troy;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I did go to the link and ordered a couple of shirts. I had already gotten most of them from Z-hills in FL when I went down there. Any other cools T-shirt sites let me know. Thank you again:)

It doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life.... it matter how you live yours!

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Short answers

Canopies are measured in square feet, not length
Containers are made to fit the canopy, with a little variation for upsizing/downsizing.
A 240 canopy is available. Check the sites of the canopy manufactures in the gear section at the top of the page.
Wing loading is weight of you and all your gear divided by the size of your canopy. Take a look at the thread by Brian Germain here in general skydiving about canopy sizing.

Hope that helps. Welcome to the sport.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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No offense taken. Actually, there is already a SkymonkeyOne on the site. That's Chuck.

I go by Monkeyboy.

It is a general rule of thumb to stay below a 1.0 wing loading until around a 100 jumps. Before buying a canopy, (or follow any advice on this site, even mine) talk to your instructors that are familiar with your skills.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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Please consider starting with your reserve size. You're not jumping your main each time you jump, you're jumping your reserve.

Please take your time and talk more with your Instructors about your first gear purchase. There's nothing more disappointing than letting your enthusiasm make your buy decision for you; then to find out you purchased something fast instead of right. In this sport, that can cost you a lot of money.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I don't understand. But I don't have 1,600 jumps either. I will talk to my instructors. However, I am trying to get Aerodyne or PD to customize my main for me:) All black with a Superman emblem on it. I don't know if they will be able to do it but I have asked... What do you mean about jumping with my reserve?

It doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life.... it matter how you live yours!

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I don't understand. But I don't have 1,600 jumps either. I will talk to my instructors. However, I am trying to get Aerodyne or PD to customize my main for me:) All black with a Superman emblem on it. I don't know if they will be able to do it but I have asked... What do you mean about jumping with my reserve?


You MIGHT have to open your reserve on every skydive, so buy a reserve big enough (i.e. 240 square feet) to land you softly when you are having a bad day: spinning malfunction on your main that wastes a lot of altitude, so that you open your reserve, low, scared, confused, dazed, over the middle of town, not knowing which direction the wind is coming from, with less than minute to decide which tiny tennis court you will have to land in, etc.

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Okay, you asked for it, but that search function works great;)

Go-Wear <----BTW, that's where you can get the one and only Dropzone.com t-shirt. <---Kris, you now owe me too

Gravity Gear . Not on that website, there is a bigger menu of different things offered, not only t-shirts. Any of that stuff would up your coolness level;) <---Bonnie, I'll collect from you next time I see you;)


You do have a cool job... and a cool location (that's where I was born)

Great, then you know you want to come out and play with us:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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You may find some or all of the articles here to be helpful.

Take any and all opinions (cuz that's what they all are) posted in these forums with big grains of salt. Just because my profile says I have over 1000 jumps does not mean I know wtf I'm talking about.

You're far better off asking your questions of your instructors at the dz you jump at than relying on information you read here.

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Pick up a copy of the Skydivers Information Manual from USPA, and buy "Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook," written by Turoff and Poynter (available through many bookstores or Amazon.com).
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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fellow newbie here.
I'd like to second the recommendation to get "Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook". I found it very helpful as it's filled with tons of information and is easy to read.

Reading the Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook gave me a good understanding of alot of the basic terms, ideas, etc so I could better understand posts here about more advanced stuff.

I found that using the search function often helps as well as reading the new posts here on dz.com. Most questions have been asked by other people and by keeping up on the various threads you'll learn more and more. I usually use the search function to find old posts about terms on concepts that pop up as you read. This takes time but you'll learn quickly.

My 2 cents,

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welcome to skydiving and dropzone.com

some advice to help you, dont buy gear yet! finnish your aff get some jumps on diffrent types of gear (most of the big dz's have gear you can borrow ) take advice from the instructor at your dz.

we always willing to give advice especialy over a beer in the bar (you buy it for them)

your home instructors work with you and can generaly give good advice specifice to your needs.

also speak to the manufacturers they can help you as well.

blue skies
life is a journey not to arrive at the grave in a pristine condition but to skid in sideways kicking and screaming, shouting "fuck me what a ride!.

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I am still new at this so I will not even try to give you advice on what system you should buy. In my opinion you should start small, buy all the 'other' gear like the altimeter, helmet, goggles, and audible. As for the rest talk about it with your instructors, a lot. They are best suited to give you advice. Also get a SIM (skydivers information manual) from USPA, you can either down load it or buy it. On the internet check out skydivingmovies.com for the intertainlment factor and education. Watch the malfunction movies and the accident ones and say to your self that a lot of this could happen to you everytime you decide to leave a perfectly good airplane in mid air. Hope this helps.

Pointy birds
Oh pointy pointy
Anoint my head
Anointy nointy

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A wise man once said; The wisest person in the valley, is the person who understands that the journey of 13,500 feet starts with the first step out of the planeB|; That same person also said that that people with experience at professional unemployment and who can still jump out of planes are the people who live by the single threads of their canopy's.
So, I know you know what you are talking about:)

It doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life.... it matter how you live yours!

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