
Aircraft you want to see at the WFFC

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I have been on one with 50 freefallers.

Those numbers are based on military missions.
The "Boo" can make its money pretty well if it loads 35/40 up each lift. Using the seats and belts directly on the floor attached to the cargo attachemnt points.

It is a good Tandem Platform and RW platform. Of course vRW is good in any thing. It can be used for medium way jumps with out having to get formation flights coordinated.

Some of the civilian owned ones for various vet groups have very nice floors (read slick!) watch your step near the ramp (there really isn't a ramp per say), I nearly slid out of one last year on a demo when the pilot decided to do an aggresive climb after the WDI's got tossed, that would have been a true wind dummy pass!
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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The Caribou looks so stretched!

How does it compare to the width of a CASA? Can 3 people wide run out at the back of a group/divers? CASA and skyvans only have 3 wide exit lineups right at the gate.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Cariboo ramp is definitely taller.

The last time - wait a minute, the only time - I jumped a Canadian Armed Forces DHC5 Buffalo (later version of Cariboo with turbine engines) they had red lines painted on the ramp, restricting exits to the center half of the ramp.
CSAR Techs mumbled something about turbulence outboard of the red lines.
Some of our guys launched a four-way off the Buff'.

By the way, Cariboos are one of my favorite airplanes: nostalgic radial engines AND a large ramp. My favorite seat is facing aft, near the ramp, watching the "big screen" change gradually as we take off.

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>We launched an 8way chunk out of a skyvan in Deland.

An 8-way chunk is a very standard bigway base launch from a Skyvan. The problem occurs when you try to fit even 3 people abreast for the remaining divers. 2 abreast is about the best you can do with any amount of safety.

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>We regularly go with three abreast for the divers. Why do you say
>just two?

The edges of the door, although much better than the CASA, are a bit of a snag hazard. Two abreast seems to minimize incidental contact. Also, keeping it to two abreast means the line of divers extends from the red line back to the cockpit. This helps maintain weight and balance, which is often a problem in skyvans.

Not to say you can't do three abreast, but I've found that the potential for problems outweighs the benefits, which is a slightly faster exit.

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We usually put three abreast and back everyone up so the last row are by the pilot. I don't believe we've had any issues with snags, though I'd like to see a pic of your door - I can imagine small changes having major effects on the likelihood of snags.

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Mine too, after one featured so prominently in a Tintin comic when I was a little kid... was it Red Sea Sharks?

Would climb over my own grandmother to jump out of one, if they weren't made of unobtainium now.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Truely excellent aircraft, bombload of a B-17 and could outrun an Me-109. The precision bomber of WW2, looked ok too.;)

I wonder if someone could take the plans to their local carpenter, have him knock up a fresh batch? They're only made of balsa, how hard could it be:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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maybe one of the Brits could come up with a Mosquito.

I don't think there are any airworthy DH Mosquitos left [:/]. Such a cool plane.

One of my favorites.:)

I think I remember some useless trivia along the lines that when a movie called 633 Squadron was made sometime in the 70's SIX airworthy Mosquitos were crashed or blown up in order to create SFX! Now it seems there are none left flying which is a real shame.

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I need to find someone that has a contact with the Outback food chain in uper managment. I know the pilot of the outback blimp and he will let us jump it if Outback says OK. So I need a contact and conection to Outback. To keep it privite email me at Fleahop@Dropzone.com

Maybe we will get a blimp!!!!
Don't just knock on deaths door...Kick it down and run like hell! He hates that.

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