
Do you let him jump it?

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Experience is a little under 2 years in the sport, total 238 jumps, exit weight 194 lbs (88kg).
Since off student gear has been jumping mainly a Spingo 160.
Has done a few jumps on a faqtor 135, and some (3 or 4) on a safire 119.
Now, after checking its hooked up right, he wants to do his first jumps on his newly acquired Crossfire 119.

Do you let him jump?

Fallschirmsport Marl

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No,it doesn't matter about training or how well they can fly the canopy.Anyone can jump a small canopy and live.What is important is what this person is going to do when something goes wrong.When someone cuts them off in the landing pattern,or they have to land in a back yard.


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Toss him a filled out incident report before the jump and then go video his landings. It probally won't happen on the first since he's too amped about doing it right, but wait till he gets a little sure of himself and then it will bite him.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Easy to answer. We have wingload restrictions in our regulations. If he sneaked a jump in on that canopy and was found out, he'd be grounded.

Perhaps this is canopy-nazism and doesn't take into account various circumstances. I'm pretty happy the rules are there though. It's not fun losing people and it's not fun to try to beat the media, calling your parents and friends saying "wasn't one of us".

In the end we can die under any canopy but inexperienced jumpers on small canopies do tend to be more at risk than inexperienced jumpers on mid range canopies.

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We have wingload restrictions in our regulations

In whose regulations? Your profile says that you come from europe / Germany with the licensing org being the DFU. I assume that's a typo and you mean the DFV.

So where are the rules that say he can't jump the canopy?

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Toss him a filled out incident report before the jump and then go video his landings<<<<<<

yeah, another one I have seen was for someone to get a "get well soon" card and everyone signs it, then it is given to the jumper prior to jumping.
Another was to ask the jumper where did he keep his important info. like insurance card, and if he was allergic to anything in case he is incoherrant when the EMT's arive.:P

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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Oh, while we're at it with rules, what about the same guy while still under 200 jumps, jumping a wing suit and on his third jump jumping a Skyflyer 3? Did I also mention the video camera he was wearing at the time as well?

Rules? There are 3 rules. 1. reserve in date? 2. got insurance? 3. gotta license? Yes, yes and yes. You're good to go!

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Come on Speedy, he's a "natural." I mean, he's survived so far with a camera strapped on his head and flying a S.3 long before most people do, so why shouldn't he fly a XF2 119?? In fact, he should do a wingsuit jump while trying the 119. He can handle it. He knows what he's doing, and I'm sure he's going to fly conservatively until he gets used to it (2-5 jumps). Why are you trying to hold him back? Sheesh!! :S[:/]:(

I hope the big dummy doesn't take anyone out with him...

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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what about the same guy while still under 200 jumps, jumping a wing suit and on his third jump jumping a Skyflyer 3? Did I also mention the video camera he was wearing at the time as well?

you seemed concerned about this. Did you talk to the guy ?? Told him your concerns ?? Did you talk aboud the incidents waiting to happen to the DZ staff ??

200-jump-wonder needs a kick in the butt...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I was thinking exactly what SkyBytch said! I put 600 jumps on my Sabre 135 before I got my Crossfire 2 119. I still mostly jump the Sabre and have a lot to learn about it. The Crossfire is a blast to fly though, but requires respect.

The kid you're referring to is in dire need of good advice. Does he read? I would hand him some reading material and encourage him to read and think about it. I would take every opportunity I could to talk him out of the path he seems to be on. I even have videos I've taken/collected of what might happen to him ;-) Ultimately it's his choice though.

So, yes ... I'd go grab my video camera ... he might help me add to my collection and perhaps he'll help me convince the next kid to be more careful.

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Just say, " You can jump it all you want , but not here". "Let me call all the nearby DZs and let them them know how advanced you are compared to the rest of us."

I have 1000 more jumps than that and i would be in survival mode on a 119 (and i weigh the same)
Damn i'm going back to the bon fire where nothing really matters. Don't think i could ever be a dzo for instances like this for example.

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Just say, " You can jump it all you want , but not here". "Let me call all the nearby DZs and let them them know how advanced you are compared to the rest of us."

I have 1000 more jumps than that and i would be in survival mode on a 119 (and i weigh the same)
Damn i'm going back to the bon fire where nothing really matters. Don't think i could ever be a dzo for instances like this for example.

I am sick of you being sympathetic to these idiots.:P...I say let him jump it..Fuck it give him a 99. These clowns are everywhere. I love watching them come in and biff. We have one at our dz at the moment. Total idiot. I say let darwin sort them out. Since when have we all become parents? The only bad thing is when their parents or relatives show up and we have to be there all sympathetic and crap. I say if they want to jump these canopies out of their range. We send a letter and a few pics to their loved ones explaining that their friend/relative is an idiot. And please spare us from not showing up at the dz when they go in as it inconveniences us from jumping:D:D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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much better..dont you agree though. I have been in the sport almost 12 years now. I have seen numerous deaths, accidents..etc etc etc. Why should we waste our time on these fuckwads. I mean, we should wait until sunday evening to call the police if a fatality happens due to these canopy wannabees. It fucks our week-end up.
Don';t get me wrong,

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I sincerely want for nobody to get hurt, but after politely discussing the situation with anyone a few times, you've done what you can and it's up to him or her.

I'd check my wallet for a $10.00 bill and buy another name for Bounce Bingo. Calling Lonny Boetcher...

I hope that your friend does NOT hurt himself or anyone else.

Stay safe,

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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While I am very safe,and willing to give advice from my own exp. If ya don't wanta listen i will be more than happy to practice my medic skills on you & sa "I told you so" !
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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We have wingload restrictions in our regulations

In whose regulations? Your profile says that you come from europe / Germany with the licensing org being the DFU. I assume that's a typo and you mean the DFV.

DFU = Dansk Faldskærms Union (Danish Parachute Association)


So where are the rules that say he can't jump the canopy?

IIRC they are stated in MFT 01/96 which is in Danish and not on the web ;)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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I can't offer advice, just an observation. I watched a guy with about 80 jumps who said he could handle a hurricane 120 (he was at least 80Kg, or 176lb without gear) smash into the ground with a low hook turn.

If you have to ask the question, are you really sure he is ready?

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