
Have you had a car accident driving to a dz

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I did this driving home from the DZ in September. Driving past the windmills at Byron, I came around a curve at 60 MPH and hit - I am not kidding - a pile of manure that had spilled on the road. I spun 270 degrees, went off the road, skidded up a hill sideways, smashed the back of the truck into the side of the hill, spun back 180 degrees and smashed the front. It cost me $1,000 (US) but I was pretty happy because as it was happening I was 100% sure the truck was going to roll over and hurt me very, very badly. By comparison, the money didn't matter.

A month later I lost my job, so the money seemed a lot more important, but I'm still happy with the outcome.


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Not a car...

a few years back I had made my 2nd static line jump. On the way home, came around a blind corner and a mustang was crossing the center line. Pretty much all the variables were against me: glare, road banked the wrong way, grooves in the road, rough road where there wasnt grooves. Anyways, after a year of hunting and buying the bike I really wanted, I laid her down.

Rashed my left love handle, tore the shoelace clean out of my right shoe, punched a few small holes in my back pack, and tore my jeans. I got pretty lucky, I was wearing only a helmet and gloves for gear.
I have proof-read this post 500 times, but I guarantee you'll still manage to find a flaw.

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I'd done about 30 jumps and told my mother that i was going over to Langar skydiving one day,the weather was cold and the roads icy.She was more concerned about my journey to langar than the fact that i was jumping out of an aircraft at 13000ft!:)

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Have you had a car accident driving to a dz?/


Yep, got hit from the side just after dark in the rain on a friday by a drunk who turned onto the highway without looking . My brakes were gone, steering with one wheel and I was pushed into oncoming traffic. No head -ons but I don't know how.
Took a while to stop .
My car had the left front wheel all bung. steering arm broken and the guard crumpled. His car had the whole right side opened like with a can opener from the end piece of my rear bumper which had scraped down his side .

And then it turned to shyte afterwards. I couldn't drive away at first but he could . After the traffic dropped a bit I managed to wobble the car to the nearest servo about half a mile away.

Drunk driver turned up with his mates . Servo operators came out with baseball bats as the drunk had previously dropped in there to call his friends.
Avoided a bashing with the help of my new friends.

Much more went on but I got away all fixed the next morning after paying a carton and $10 to some Christian bikies who magically arrived to help.

The skydiving that weekend was less memorabe.

Thank you Christian bikies you guys are excellent.


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Yep. 7 weeks ago my teammate and I were in his 4 month old car (silver car in pictures) and were hit by someone not looking. We then found our way to a utility pole that hurt quite a bit.

Pics Here

dude that SUCKS!! i really like the Saab 9-3x great car!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Ok, great story, although being this far down in the thread means it won't get read much... it was the first and only time I've ever eaten roadkill!

On the way to the DZ for a mini-boogie, I hit a deer with my jeep. Top and doors were off, I was lucky she didn't end up in the cab with me, but the windshield was smashed and the body a little dented. I rode the rest of the way to the DZ SUPER-PISSED, and got to thinking about a buddy at the DZ (a hunter for his whole life) talking about how one of his other buddies hit a deer, and then together they cleaned it and kept the meat. Well, who is the FIRST person I see at the DZ when I get there? Of course, my hunting buddy. Needless to say, we took a drive back out to the interstate, and grilled venison was on the menu that evening. Never before or since has revenge tasted so very good....

Elvisio "Redneck? Me? Nah!" Rodriguez

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Actually I was riding in the back of a 2 1/2 ton truck when the accident happened. We were on the way to pick up some other Army jumpers who were jumping from a c-130 into a wheat field in Utah.. Our truck signaled to make a left turn when we noticed this pickup camper coming at us at a high rate of speed. Then he pulls over to pass just as we start to turn. This was really scary because a lieutenant and I were riding in the back watching all this happen in slow motion. We knew we were probably going to die, and we both hit the deck.

Then there was this big boom and our truck lurched back onto the highway. The entire front left wheel was torn off the truck. Man were we lucky.

We jumped out of the back and noticed the pickup truck smoking out in the middle of a field. Then this old man gets out holding his chest where the steering wheel hit him. Then an old lady gets out and starts screaming....My Grandkids....There's kids in theb ack of the camper! So I open the back door, and everything is helter-skelter. Crap was laying everywhere. And then here's these two little faces looking up at me. Luckily neither was hurt bad.

Now how's that for a scary story?.....Steve1

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:SWhat's safer skydiving or rideing you CBR, I came of a SRAD 600 at just 2 mph ,just out side the dz, more to do with comeing out of the dz bar, not again ,gust scuffed it a bit.:)

IMO Skydiving is definately safer, atleast I feel more comfortable skydiving than riding.

Your story reminds me of a guy I met in a club in seattle. Some old guy, a regular, had himself convinced he could ride straighter than he could walk. Never saw him again after that night...
I have proof-read this post 500 times, but I guarantee you'll still manage to find a flaw.

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I feel your pain...

On the way to the DZ one day a pair of escaped sheep came bolting out of the bushes onto the dirt road I was on...I had to lay my bike down too.

No picks of that incident though and I was lucky to escape with only a little roadrash on my left leg..also the bike was relatively undamaged because I was already slowing for a corner when it happened.
The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

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Not myself. I've seen & heard about several nasty wrecks on rt 30 near hinckley...which is odd because it's just a straight 2 lane highway. And about 50% of the time driving back to the city on 88 or 290 on Saturday nights I've seen wrecks.

Once there was a car *stopped* in the right lane in a construction zone on 88 where there was no shoulder, in the dead of night. I was in the middle lane and there was a car driving in my blind spot that afaik didn't stop in time. It was out of my field of vision tho...and there was no place for me to go to stop and look back.

Saw the immediate aftermath of a pickup truck that encroached into rt 30 and got smashed, looked like no serious injuries fortunately. Heard about, and saw the passing emergency vehicle flashing lights when a pair of people were killed by a drunk driver that vaulted the train tracks parallel t rt 30 and tboned a car this last year. Drunk driver did not die, but presumably had her life ruined. One of the packers IIRC was the first one to come across the scene....
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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