
Paint job for a plane

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Is there something on the net to help design our own airplane paint job? Like square one for our main.
What is the best looking skydiving jump ship paint job you ever see? Do you have any pictures?
When you think you're good...this is when you become dangerous.

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Fayard is repainting all of his planes. FrankenOtter was one of the first to get repainted. Also in the new Fayard company scheme is the old Captian America from FL. The old Polar Bear 22S I hear is going under the paint gun soon and possibly the Great Barrier Otter also. All the CASA's are now at least White and Blue from what I understand. The Grey one was repainted years ago.
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This was the best looking jumpship EVER!!!B|

I think I counted 5 different paintjobs on that plane... I wonder what the history is of that plane... Was it built from scratch from the junk yard heap... I mean, I never have seen so many components comming from so many planes... ;)

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it's actually working it's way back to being frankenotter. the vertical stab was replaced after some damage at lake wales during it's big storm (can't remember which hurricane it was), and apparently someone forgot to secure the luggage compartment door and it left during flight. the pic was taken in july 2005, so it may have been repainted since.
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Icarius Aerotechnics-
Mike Fitzgerald was at my d.z. in Canada converting our porter to A-34. (owner of F-GODZ)
and within 1 week was flying back to France.

He spent time showing me beauty pics on his laptop of F-GODZ and huge amount of Porter's painted by same fellow that painted his Icarius logo on F-GODZ.

He explained that Pilatus will only paint the horizontal stripes (not cool for a porter as makes it appear longer than it is)

I forget the name of the painter but Mike had graphics and pics for every step of the job.


check out the photo gallery for pics

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I'm partial to the Pink Skyvan, too.



The Pink Skyvan is one of my all time favorites. ... did a bunch of jumps from it in 1986 and 1987.

That pink pain tjob makes it easy to spot the Pink Skyvan from miles away, an important safety factor in busy, hazy skies.
The last time I repainted a jump plane, she ended up "Piper Cub yellow," one shade lighter than the Golden Knights definition of "gold."
My next airplane will be canary yellow.

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Frankenotter is just as wrong as two boys kissing

Maybe so, but I'd guess that most Otters are not all original, and have wings and control surfaces from other planes. Before the repaint, they all look like that.

At least Frank has the balls to be who he really is.

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