
Paint job for a plane

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we got two good paintjobs on our cessna's, one we call sharky adn the other we call bubbles.



F*ck Yea! Bubbles was the first plane that I ever jumped from.(not that my jump numbers are huge) That little Cessna RULES. And might I add that the view from your dropzone is GORGEOUS :)

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Is there something on the net to help design our own airplane paint job?

Some thoughts...

I know a guy that has a (non-jump) 182 that's painted in a rather
distinctive color scheme. The paint is a little old but it doesn't look
too bad. One day he said he wanted to paint it to look like everybody
else's 182 - mostly white with a contrasting stripe down the side, maybe
blue. I said the paint job on it didn't look bad and asked why he wanted
to look like everyone else. His reply was that because of the paint job,
people tended to remember the aircraft, and that wasn't always a
desirable thing. :)

I heard a story this weekend at the DZ about their white Caravan. It
seems there was a competition at the DZ that was being judged from
the ground with the use of high-powered scopes and binoculars. On
the first day, the Caravan had the usual stain along the bottom of the
fuselage from the jet exhaust. That night, the pilot decided that the
plane needed to look good for the competition, and put a lot of elbow
grease into taking the exhaust stain off of the bottom. Unknown to
him, the judges had been using the stain to help pick out the plane
against some high clouds. The clouds persisted into the second day
and with the stain gone, the judges had a really hard time picking out
the plane.

If you have a big airplane (Otter), you could paint it white and then
paint the outline of a smaller airplane (182) on the side. The FAA,
CAA, etc, might object to this as being confusing, though.

Googling around, there doesn't seem to be a free "design your paint
job" for aircraft like there are for canopies. I found a couple of pay
sites at http://www.aircraftpaintschemes.com and
http://www.aircraftcolor.com/. This second one does have
free downloads of line drawings of different aircraft - here are some
direct links:
http://www.aircraftcolor.com/linedrawings.asp?Page=7 Cessnas
http://www.aircraftcolor.com/linedrawings.asp?Page=31 Otter

From your profile it looks like you might be interested in a PAC 750XL.
Their US importer has a somewhat crummy line drawing on
http://www.utilityaircraft.com/specifications.html. There is
a much better one inside a PDF at PAC on pages 6 and 8:
If you're using Acrobat Reader, you might can use the "snapshot tool"
(normally just to the right of the "select text" button on the tool bar)
to copy just the picture to the clipboard, and then paste it into Paint.
However, I am having trouble with this. Another way is to take a
screen shot (Alt-PrintScreen) of the PDF page and paste that into
Paint; this is working better for me. Or, just use the blank that I
have attached. :)

With a line drawing, you can print it out and draw on it, or use the
"bucket fill" feature of most paint programs to do large areas of one
color. I have attached some PAC 750XL examples. A couple of them
were done in Microsoft Paint (that comes with Windows) and a couple
of them were done in Gimp for Windows http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/ .

Standard disclaimers apply; I don't get money from any of the sites
or companies I mentioned.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Or, just use the blank that I have attached.

I took apart the PDF brochure with tools I have at home and found a _much_ better blank inside,
which is attached. I did another sample using this blank, but I had to reduce it so it wouldn't be
too large.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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This photo of a CSS CASA is from the Illinois Skydiving Center website, I hope it comes to SGC this year B|:

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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