
"One Last Hit" Article

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Several years ago the Norwegian version of that magazine carried a photo sequence of a guy lighting up, inhaling, clamping the joint back between his teeth, and exiting a 2000 ft cliff. I'm pretty sure he started smoking again under canopy.
-- Tom Aiello


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In Europe, it is common for people to roll their own cigarettes, which only look like reefers.

I once worked in a factory with a young guy who liked pipe tobacco, but didn't like fussing with a pipe, so he rolled his own. Every time a manager happened to walk by and see him rolling for the first time, the reaction would be priceless.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Ah, nostalgia... That takes me back to time, (a long time ago), I was on a demo load and was the only jumper w/o a nose-full of Bolivian marching powder. Being the least experienced one on the load, (~100 jumps), I figured it all evened out.

The landing area was a super-tight and surrounded by trees, power lines, and houses. The only "outs" were woods or a lake. (No flotation gear of course). One guy crashed into a tree and broke his foot. I swerved to miss crashing into the side of a three-story house and inadvertently swooped the hot tub.

I'll never forget the sight of people in the hot tub frantically trying to do surface dives...
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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i smoke weed a regular basis...

Get right out of town!:D


got me there....nah but really i just find it relaxes me after a stressfull day of work on wall street...

most of these guys just sniff coke all day and night long...man thats so disgusting to me...

i smoke a lil bowl on the way over the BQE and im good for the rest of the night...

however i will restate that i would never even consider smoking before i jump..thats just stupidity and carelessness

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>>it relaxes me after a stressfull day of work on wall street...<<

I have a married friend in San Diego that works two jobs and has three teenage daughters at home. He's a good husband and a wonderful father. Once a week he smokes a small bud and then putters around with something mechanical in his garage workshop for a couple of hours. No matter what anyone tells you there is nothing wrong in doing that.

Like there are all kinds of people and all kinds of drugs, the strong ones can use pot while the weak ones can get used by pot. The meth/speed/cocain type drugs are nothing but death, but a little pot used responsibly won’t hurt most people.

I know it's an old cliché, but it's my experience that people who don’t partake miss the opportunity of seeing things just a bit differently. And it helps to rid you of the tunnel vision so many of us are affected with . . . We used to call it "expanding your mind . . ."

Of course, like anything else, moderation is the key.

NickD :)BASE 194

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however i will restate that i would never even consider smoking before i jump..thats just stupidity and carelessness

'Kay. Now promise you'll never jump after even one sip of alcohol, and that you'll never be on the first load of the day at 8 am after partying 'til 3am. Aw heck, make that any load prior to 11 am (see FAR 91.17(a) - gotta be 8 hours between your last drink of alcohol and a skydive).

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i dont really drink too often...and when i do its in moderation..

i would never hinder my abilities before or during a skydive anyway...

i smoke a little weed to calm the nerves after dealing with idiots who get paid more then me and know less then me all day...on the way home from work

ill have a few beers on occasion..not a regular thing for me really..

as i may be new to the game..i do take this sport very seriously...i do realize the risk i take everytime i strap up and jump out...and i love life....i am mentally prepared for the worst on every jump i take and primed and ready to act accordingly as the situation unfolds...

so i do promise you and myself that i would never jepordize my life or the lives of others by being a careless individual and not being 130% on point

like it was said above me...in moderation and used correctly..weed isnt really a harmfull drug..mix weed alcohol and skydiving tho..and you have a whole differant beast..

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lol i really dug myself into a hole on this one eh?

smoking weed is second nature to me it hinders my driving none...

its not the same effect as drinking and driving..

Anybody who believes that is thinking like an absolute fool. I hope you don't kill anyone.

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I agree with you about smoking and driving. Not that I recommend smoking and driving, but they are totally different. Relative to alcohol, cannabis doesn't effect your driving. It mostly affects your sense of direction and not coordination/reaction speed. I know plenty of stoners that are very good drivers and have never had an accident. Also, there is one guy that I know that speeds whenever he doesn't smoke. However, I would not reccomend it for skydiving mainly because the skydiver may not recognize the landing zone, may forget something during a mal, black out because of the lowered blood pressure (especially during a bad spinning mal, I can only imagine), or loose altitude awareness. Its really just not a good idea.

I should also bring up ciggarettes. Obviously, this doesn't apply to regular smokers. Does anyone remember the first time they tried one? Remember the sudden loss of coordination and lightheadedness that came with it? I don't see anyone questioning ciggarette smoking.

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That's why I never drink during boogies. :):)

Ahh, the good old Boogies. My first big boogie - Thanksgiving at a prominent Florida location in 1977. It was like Woodstock...:S
Now that was old-time skydiving culture.

Kevin K.
Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

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lol man i been doing it for 14 years every day...

i have never been in an accident..ever..

Sigh...you really just don't get it.
I hope I never have to share a road with you.
You can be sure I'll never share a jump plane with you.

spoken like a true parent..

definitly someone who never smoked weed in his life...

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This is sounding more like a thread for bonfire.....but I have to respond to a few comments on here.....
If you happen to be toolin down the road and a kid runs out in front of you-an unavoidable accident-kid shot out from between parked cars not visible till he was in front of your bumper.....=a damn tragic accident.
However, now if you're under the influence-be it tokin or drinkin-it's manslaughter......don't believe me take a look at quite a few recent cases for yourself. I work in Ca. however it's common in all the states that DAs will file manslaughter in these cases now.
And as far as the comments about "sounds like a parent" and "obviously never tried it" Jeez....us "older folk" tried it way before ya'll were born...;)

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ight listen..i dont wannna make any enemies here..

everyone has their own opinion on whats right and whats wrong..

and what one is capable and not capable of..

the only person who knows that for sure...is you

i well know my bounderies..they have been tried and tested..

i didnt mean to offend anyone in this thread...it all started with proclaiming that i smoke weed...lets not make a bigger deal out of it then it really is ok?

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