
Brian Germain on Skydive Radio next week

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Brian Germain will be our guest on Skydive Radio next week. We will be talking about canopy flight and aerodynamics. If you have questions or comments for Brian you can email them to us at skydiveradio@gmail.com or leave them on our voicemail line at 206.600.JUMP(5867) and we will work them into the conversation with Brian. Please have your questions to us no later than Sunday night, November 6th.


Skydive Radio

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Great Job on the whole Skydive Radio thing!

A little friendly critisim?

Get another "Co- Host" or go solo. Not trying to be negative, but the other guy doesn't have a radio 'personality'.

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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Yeah, I really like (Cypres) Stump 'n' Dave as a pair too... dunno what the definition of "radio personality" is, but every double act relies on difference.

I think they're great and bounce off each other really well.

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks though, I guess.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I would agree that the show is great as-is.

It would be better however without all the embarrassing stories about that Jenn chick.

I'm sure in reality she's a wonderful girl who would never puposely not buy her husband a SDC shirt.

Oh, and one more thing...Ninjas ARE way cooler than pirates.

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I don't know... the story sounded like she forgot it on purpose... :D

A few questions for Brian:

What are his thoughts on the current status of canopy coaching both in the US and abroad?

What does he think needs to be done to improve canopy skills arcoss the entire jumper population?

What are some simple things thatt he thinks that most skydivers take for granted or could improve on in their canopy flying?

What does he think are the largest myths about Airlocks and can he help to clarify them?

Most importantly... when is he releasing some new designs like the Sensei or the Shogun? :)
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I went to your website and looked for the download for the show that Kate was on. I couldn't find it[:/] Did I just miss it?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Get another "Co- Host" or go solo. Not trying to be negative, but the other guy doesn't have a radio 'personality'.

I couldn't disagree more. I've listened to every show and I think they're a great team.

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I just listened to this episode for the second time this morning on the way to work, and that's a first for SR.

All the other guests have been variously entertaining, interesting and informative. But Brian Germain was an informational goldmine, especially when he was talking about turning and flaring - things you'd think are pretty simple, and well-understood, but are almost never well-explained.

It's not just what he says, it's how he says it too. Definitely someone I would like to meet, and more importantly get taught by (I will be in the States again one day hopefully). I seriously recommend any new jumper, even whose who don't dig Skydive Radio, download this episode, listen to it, and think about it.

Dave and Stump, get him back on for the rest of your talk ASAP.

Way cool.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Brian did his canopy seminar at our dropzone last month, Skydive Utah. I have to say it was the best money I have spent in the sport since I took up skydiving 3 years ago. If I could make it mandatory, I would require all skydivers to attend his course. LOL Seriously, his communication style, approachability, Zen attitude, coupled with his ginormous knowledge and first hand experience in canopy flight and design make for a very educational and mind blowing experience. I didn't want it to end on the third day. I think it was and will continue to be a priceless component of my canopy skill evolution. There were very new to quite experienced jumpers in our class and everyone was amazed at what they learned. He helped a couple of very nervous jumpers still their mind, get control and be able to walk through walls that had been blocking their progress. Anyway, just my two bits on something profound in the world of skydiving.
One of the surest signs that intelligent life exists in outer space is that none of it has tried to contact us.

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Yes, great show! Thank you guys for providing an all new service to the skydive community! B|B|B| Already looking forward to the Bill-Booth Q&A next week!

I learned a lot on Brians show, even though I've already read "the parachute and its pilot".

Hey Brian maybe you'll find the time to record an audio-book B|. I think it would give many people a chance to get your message who are a bit "lazy" when it comes to reading. Or people that have a reading weakness.
You could make it paypal-clicky-downloadable :ph34r: on your website.

Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse.
(Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)

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