
Refund on ticket?

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Having purchased a ticket for AFF2 I would like to go to another DZ. Is it possible to get a refund. I live in Aus, just wonderin if as a consumer I am entitled to a refund? Some issues have arisen that I suppose i wasn't completely aware of before.

"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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You deserve a refund.
However I would discourage you from bouncing from school to school. Every school teaches skydiving in a slightly different manner. Learning to do the same basic task - (i.e. exiting the airplane) the two or three different ways that two or three schools teach exits, will just slow down your learning curve, costing more in the long run.
The only valid excuse for switching schools is personality clashes with instructors. If that happens, you are better off asking the chief instructor to assign you another staff member.
Now hurry up and finish your AFF dives while the first one is till fresh in your mind.

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