
I packed my first mal...advice needed!

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I've been packing student kit (Manta 288's) for over a year now for my local DZ, both static line and ripcord/throwaway, never had a problem. The kit is fairly old (Zerox container), the canopy in question had around 800 jumps on it.

I packed two student AFF throwaway kits one after the other for two students doing their AFF consols. The first kit opened fine, but Whoa! The second kit spanked open (the filming JM kindly told me it was a 'very positive deployment [:/]) which then resulted in twists from the back of her neck all the way to the canopy, her chest strap was right underneath her chin so this prevented her from checking her canopy properly.

She stated that the canopy 'didn't feel right' and the slider was up, so she cut away. In my opinion that was the right thing to do as she couldn't see if there was anything wrong with the canopy. She had an uneventful reserve ride and great stand-up landing :)
The DZ control didn't see the actual deployment, nor did the JM get it on camera but it sounds to me that it was twists causing end cell closure and slider up, rather than a 'true' streamer type malfunction.

The CCI said it was due to a shoddy pack job (he didn't know I'd packed it until later)

My main concerns are that it was my fault and that poor girl (only 11 jumps) could have had a really bad outcome because of me. Also, there have been NO student mals on the freefall 288 Manta's for years and years. The student was stable for deployment.

Has anyone got any idea why this happened, and, more importantly, how I can prevent it? As I said before, I've been packing for a while and this is my first problem.

The strange thing is, I bought her a beer and she then bought my boyfriend a beer (he packed the reserve), but as he doesn't drink I ended up with the beer!!! :S

Any comments appreciated

Kay x

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There could be a symphony of speculation. The first one that comes to mind for me is line stows too large (or the last line stow too long) which caused the bag to "kick off" in a spin.

You didn't necessarily pack a malfunction. It sounds as though the student properly treated it as one since she could not perform her "clear alls" (SOP's).

For future consideration, when you rotate the bag in the main pack tray...If you have to pull the bottom of the main pack tray over the stows to get it in the bag; the stows are too long. Another consideration is to see if the D-bag will fit in the main pack tray while straight up and down rather than rotating the D-bag.

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I'm trying to recall how long I leave my final line stow... I reckon there's about one and a half feet of lines slack from the last bungee to the risers, I always thought that if you had the slack too short that in itself could cause twists :S

What about the excess lines when you do each bungee? I leave about 2 inches pulled through (double stowed), is that right?

Sorry if the terminology isn't too clear :)
Kay x

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You bring up a point about line length from the last stow to the risers. Another factor in the symphony of on-line speculation could be if you are placing that excess directly under the reserve container, rather than at a 45 degree angle down towards the bottom of the pack tray. If that excess line is tight under the reserve tray, that too could cause a spin-up.

At this point, I would suggest you "shake it off" and at your next opportunity get with a rigger and review your methodology about the stows and line slack from last stow to risers and my earlier response regarding the possibility of placing the D-bag straight up and down in the main pack tray.

There is one other thing to consider. You can do everything right and still sometimes... shit just happens.

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that makes sense... my boyf's the rigger/ advanced packer so you can be pretty sure I pack 'the right way' but still, I guess that little orange warning on every canopy holds true: 'Even if parachute equiptment is properly stored, packed and operated it may still fail to open, causing death or serious injury' :)

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Hey, shit happens. I say, if you have been packing with no problems and have one all of a sudden, don't worry about it. Don't over analyze and second guess yourself so much. Someone told me once, if you are going to pack for other people you can't have a concience (sp). I think that is true. Sometimes canopies just open hard and spin up for no reason. :) You can't dwell on it. Just my 0.02.

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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Don’t worry about it too much. There are some rules with parachutes; 1. Parachutes will malfunction; 2. Parachutes will malfunction even if everything is done correctly; 3. Those that pack parachutes must accept that that parachutes can malfunction despite what they do.

If you’re really worried have a rigger supervise you, other than just be thankful that your first “parachute that you packed malfunction” is out of the way. You can always buy a case of bear and call it even. :)
CSPA ratings C1, C2, IA, IB, QE, RA, and EJR

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Just a thought.

At busy dropzone on busy day a packer can easily pack 50 mains per day, 100 per weekend. Statistically, the mains malfunction on every 300 to 1000 jumps. So if you pack at busy DZ, you can expect one cutaway from you pack job every month.
There is no reason to blame yourself for that.

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Was body position of the Student Jumper taken into consideration?? I know that Mantas are pretty forgiving, I pack them every Weekend, but still - body position can play a major roll in a clean deployment....
=========Shaun ==========

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Yeah her deployment position was excellent, it was on film as her AFF JM filmed it. Unfortunately, he tracked away as soon as she pulled and the bag lifted and didn't look back so he didn't catch the actual mal. He just said it looked like "a very positive opening" :|

Now personally. I've tested those Mantas myself when I was a student, I back-looped through the risers on a static line :S, dumped in all sorts of wierd position, on my side; in a spin and in a track to name a few [:/], then deployed on my back on 1 5s delay and had the pilot chute between my legs :o. Therefore, they are VERY forgiving. The worst I've had from them is a hard opening (common) with twists, but hardly suprising!!!

That's what's making me feel so bad but hey! I guess it had to happen one day!

Kay x

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1. Parachutes will malfunction; 2. Parachutes will malfunction even if everything is done correctly; 3. Those that pack parachutes must accept that that parachutes can malfunction despite what they do.

yep, the chaos theory sums it up quite adequately ;):P

and besides, like already said: shit happens, and if you're going to become a full time packer, it will eventually come in even bigger loads... just make sure you do everything right :)

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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To add one thing. I’ve packed A LOT of Manta’s, and every now and again, they will slam the freefall student. I don’t lose sleep over it; it’s just unfortunate that this student wasn’t able to confirm that the parachute was good/no-good since they could not look up. Not that I’m saying the student did anything wrong, they were the pilot in command.

Basically, I wouldn’t even really count this as a ‘real’ mal, the parachute still opened.
CSPA ratings C1, C2, IA, IB, QE, RA, and EJR

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