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If I have a cold and take meds to clear the sinuses, is the pressure still going to suck? I just don't have enough experience to know . . . I am trying to jump TODAY meaning Sunday . . . give me some quick advice please . . . I need to get in the air but don't know if I am being forced to delay it a week from the Gods.


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It's horrendous pain coupled with potential complications (ear drum problems), and just altogether a bad, bad, bad idea.

Take the week, drink lots of water and rest, and then go play next weekend...it's just not worth it if you are sick - let alone contemplating taking otc meds to handle symptoms.

The sky will wait...sit it out.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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it really depends how hard is ur cold, how ur body react to medicine, how ur body (internal ear and sinus) react to altitude
my advise is say pass a weekend or a week of jumping till u feel ur sinus and ur head clear...
the problem is not jumping on medicine (cold med are not a problem when going to altitude)... the problem is ur internal ear and sinus. it can react heavily (negative) on different preasure and fast changing of preasure
it can cause heavily headache and a lot of problems in the future with the sinus

PS. sorry for my silly english

"jump, have fun, pull"

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I am confused... Which thread am I supposed to post to, you started this one here, plus two in the bonfire, all on the same subject...

I think I will post in one:

"Jump, the medicine will work"

In another:

"No Way, Stay home or go to the DZ and just hang out"

In another:

"Have you seen the movie (insert favorite title here)"

he he he he:$

Seriously, I think you will know if you should jump... If you are all cleared out, you will know... If you are all stuffy, you will know... Do what your gut tells ya, and if your gut says you have to ask this question, you probably are in denial of what your gut is telling ya.B|

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you'll probably only know for sure when it's too late to do anything about it.

I second that. I once thought I was good enough (well on the tail end of a cold) and got a little sinus "pop" from a 3k hop-and-pop. The pain was manageable - it certainly wasn't going to prevent me from flaring and saving my life - but I got a new sinus infection that took another week to totally clear (so I couldn't jump the next weekend, either).

Now I just won't screw around like that. Plus I know even a 1,500 foot altitude pressure difference can do the trick.


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i have sinus problems right now as well. I say take the meds and go home. Not jumping sucks, blowing ear drums cuz u got some crap stuck up there causing extra pressure sucks even more. DZ will be there when u get better.

woa....that was cool....

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I lost 65% of the hearing in my right ear because I wanted to just make a couple of jumps with a cold. Fortunately two years later, I heard a loud pop and most of my hearing returned. I ended up with 100% loss of the high ranges, but regained virtually all of the normal hearing ranges.

Bottomline is that it just isn't worth it. Go home and come back in a week or two then jump

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It is sore and uncomfy.

Take meds and go to be. A burst ear drum will take 2-3 weeks to heal and may never fully repair!
It is not worth the risk.

Promise, I have been there.
And I cried all the way from the DZ to the hospital which is an hours drive!! AND I NEVER CRY!

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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About a month ago, I had a sinus cold and was so jonesin to jump. I took Sudafed and did hop n pops all weekend although I wouldn't recommend it. The last jump the pilot couldn't get a hole in the clouds big enough to let me out low and kept climbing to full alti . I could feel the pressure building so I let the pilot know that I planned to pull right out the door..freefall would've hurt. Lesson learned.


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This past Sunday I had some sinus pressure on take-off up to about 3000' and then it would release. On my last jump of the day, I opened at 3500' The pain in the back of my upper jaw was so intense I thought I had blown a whole tooth out. After I realized it was still there, I thought I had blown all my fillings out. It was so painful my hands were shaking when I landed. Mom's a dentist and said the nerves in your teeth are connected to your sinuses. The extreme change in pressure had sort of released itself through a nerve in my tooth. Had to take pain medication and head home.

I wouldn't recommend risking it.

Stay positive and love your life.

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When I'm sick or have nasal problems, I do this simple test - takes less than two seconds. ;) Pinch your nose with your fingers and blow. Do your ears "pop" and the pressure equalizes when you let go? I do this a couple times and if my ears clear up and the pressure subisdes immediately after letting go - then I'm goin jumpin. Otherwise, I'll find something else to do that weekend. More times than not though, I've just stayed on the ground if I'm sick.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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If I have a cold and take meds to clear the sinuses, is the pressure still going to suck? I just don't have enough experience to know . . . I am trying to jump TODAY meaning Sunday . . . give me some quick advice please . . . I need to get in the air but don't know if I am being forced to delay it a week from the Gods.


There was one time I stayed home because I was completely blocked. NEVER jump in those conditions, or my ears hurt like hell (as if they are about to EXPLODE)

Two other times, I went to the dropzone with a cold anyway -- knowing that the clean rural farmland air (interrupted only occasionally by Jet-A) would do me more good than city air. It did. I was well enough by the next day to jump. Brought a cooler full of drinks and good food to keep me stuffed and nourished as I stayed at the bunkhouse. Some minor stuffiness but I could still breathe through my nose (unassisted by medication, of course!).

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Some years ago when I was the regular FJC and AFF instructor at a small DZ I got pressured by the DZO to come out and teach and JM when I had a nasty cold. I ended up rupturing my sinus in freefall (hurt like a mofo). Fortunately, my stupidity didn't have serious physical repurcussions. Of course, several weekends later on a ride up to altitude, I ended up blowing out huge clots of blood (seriously grossed out all the people on the plane).:S

Anyhow, jumping with a cold just is not a good idea.

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And speaking of grossing out (though this is just yourself, rather than your planemates): I've jumped with a stuffed nose once, and opening shock left me a bit bewildered - my goggles were covered, and I do mean covered, in snot.

"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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