
Have you ever eaten anything in freefall?

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...it seemed noticeably more "tasteful" - is this because the air is different up there?

I don't know if it's something in the air, but I TOTALLY know what you mean. I ate part of a Rice Krispie treat in freefall, and it was absolutely the best thing I have ever tasted in my life.

And I don't even like Rice Krispie treats very well!

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>Have you ever eaten anything in freefall?


I've eaten a few sneakers doing RW. Actually, one was a foot in a sandal. Ew.

I ate my old chest-mounted altimeter a few times on deployment. Chipped a tooth once doing that.

Eaten dirt on more landings than I can count.

Oh, and I've funneled and eaten shit.

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this is nuts...I never though of eating stuff in freefall. I'm always up for something stupid and or fun and I'm falling behind.

Would just like to add a post script to this thread...if anyone is thinking of eating a banana, cookies, slice of pizza, 3 course meal etc while in freefall, watch out - i heard from people vastly more experienced than i that from their experience, if you lose a bit of food, it can have a propensity to go up nostrils where it can be stuck for a while. I would advise eating it on your back, using your chest as a "wind shield" rather than a belly to earth position. I wouuld also say small hard things like nuts would probably not be the best idea as i doubt you'll find anyone close enough or willing to suck it down trying to heimlich you:P

Also if you are holding onto something - like banana peel - try and remember to track off with it in the opposite hand to whichever one you use to pull with. I forgot this bit and had to swop as i was flaring out my track

"Skydiving is a door"

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I had a cheeseburger dinner date out of a 182. it was a sunset load and we didn't have enough time for altitude so we ate our burgers on exit for a pop n hop.

on another pop n hop, I ate a banana. the next step is to have dinner in freefall.

has anyone had close chocking incidents?

the ground IS the limit

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