
MC-4 Export

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Question for ya. I live in the UK and I want an MC-4, I have run into the problem of the fact that Uncle Sam considers them to be a military item........even after sale as surplus.

Anyone have an idea how I get an export licence for one of these or what is involved in it.

Cheers, lads and lasses

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Question for ya. I live in the UK and I want an MC-4, I have run into the problem of the fact that Uncle Sam considers them to be a military item........even after sale as surplus.

Anyone have an idea how I get an export licence for one of these or what is involved in it.

Cheers, lads and lasses

<< in best John Wayne voice>> First off, pardner, learn ta tawk American. If ya try sayin "Cheers, lads and lasses!" to the U.S. military, the best they'll do fer ya is give ya the pamphlet on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

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Anyone have an idea how I get an export licence for one of these or what is involved in it.

Step 1. Take holiday in US, preferably Florida after hurricane season.
Step 2. Purchase MC-4.
Step 3. Buy all your new friends at the DZ beer.
Step 4. Return home when ready.


Buy a US military surplus rigger a case of beer when you ask him to assemble and pack your MC-4. Also ask him for a photo-copy of the manual.


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Why can't you buy directly from Strong Enterprises?

They list the MC-4 on the web page. To me you shuld be able to buy it even if it is parts and assembly it.

It's not like it is top secret or some thin':P.
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Thanks for the input, and to those who PM'd me.

Yes, it is amazing a parachute that requires an export licence..........not as if you can't buy parachutes in other parts of the world, is it. And, you can't buy it in bits and reassemble it once you have taken delivery outside the USA. Each component part is classified as an item in its own right and each item needs the issue of an export licence......(if I could find out where to get one that is).

Yes I could walk out thru Tampa with it on one of my annual visits, but my luck say's that the local TSA representative will take one look at the military green and then have me arrested for espionage.

I am, uncharacteristically, trying to do this by the book.

Yo dooods, (is that more colloquial than lads and lasses;))


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Yes, it is amazing a parachute that requires an export licence

As I am sure you are aware, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this question, it is not simply a "parachute". It is in fact considered military equipment because that is what it was designed for, hence the restriction. The State Department would be the Governmental body that would have oversight on this. I believe it is called article 98 equipment or something to that effect. Best bet is to Google it and check the State dept. web page for export restrictions /procedures for Military equipment.
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