
Yet another sleepless night due to this

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I agree with those who have said you will find balance. My first several months I was pretty obsessive about the sport as well, now, I'm rediscovering that balance in my life. Sure, I jump a lot, but I am also able to do (and enjoy) other things on occasion on a nice weekend day. I have made a conscious effort to stay connected to my non-skydiver friends. For me, having the balance in my life makes it a lot easier to deal with the inevitable DZ drama that comes up. Since skydiving isn't the only thing in my life, I have other things and people to focus on at those times.

For now, just enjoy the giddiness and excitement. It's a good thing for the most part.

It took me a while to be comfortable watching exits from the Caravan as well. Something about the "they're here then they're not" aspect of it was really freaky. Now, I enjoy it, and can enjoy moments like the one I had at Skydive Moab this summer ... the load was me and a tandem on a C206. I just dived out the door and heard a little scream from the tandem student. On the ground she said "Oh my god it was worse watching you get out than it was getting out myself!" The TI and I just smiled.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I havnt looked down yet:o

Um, how do you check the spot?

I dont have a problem while in the plane .. I spotted and climbed out .. its after I jump..I look at the plane as Im leaving and then at my my alti.. Not down..
I have been reading on alti awareness and as I look at my alti to look down and get a reference.. I think Im to new right now...
My next dive is unstable front loop exit.. so... I guess I'll be looking down no m atter what on that one..lol

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I misunderstood you...since you are checking your spot (I had to check the spot on AFF1).

You probably shouldn't be looking at the ground in freefall now. You should be looking at: the horizon, your alti, your instructor and repeat.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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With people talking about their feelings sitting next to the door:

I'm a large jumper (270+ depending on breakfast) so in the 182 I always get the seat next to the pilot. This is fine when you have your own rig, but not great on your first tandem with nothing but a little seat belt holding you in for somebody's h&p. Of course, it serves noting, that it isn't a great seat until you have a chute and are over safe alti.

I get nervous for a couple of seconds everytime the door opens, but it is certainly a great view when it does.
"Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."

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I was very nervous...my whuffo brother-in-law..said to me around the same jump number as you..that it's the same as moving from one room in your house to another. How simple is that?! It helped me put perspective on what I was doing.

One of the instructors at my DZ uses this one: "Don't think of it as getting out of the airplane. Think of it as getting into the air."

Simple, but effective.

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I was very nervous...my whuffo brother-in-law..said to me around the same jump number as you..that it's the same as moving from one room in your house to another. How simple is that?! It helped me put perspective on what I was doing.

One of the instructors at my DZ uses this one: "Don't think of it as getting out of the airplane. Think of it as getting into the air."

Simple, but effective.

you've just reminded me of what one of my instructors said to me at the start of my course... he said "think of the air as treacle, not something that you slip through, but something that is nice and thick, go and jump in the treacle"
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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What's interesting is looking at all the folk that agreed with you and seeing how many are still around...


A helluva lot of people whose names i don't even recognise :S

Looking for that thread made me go back and re-read some of ths stuff that i've posted in the past. Some of it's very funny now!

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It used to freak me out to watch other people jump at first too - i think it took about 20 jumps before i could watch... i guess it's part of the whole fear thing. once an open door in mid-air seemed normal - which still took a while after i lost door fear - it became ok.

i've been in the sport nearly 11 months and it still consumes most of my waking thoughts (and sometimes dreams too!) Completely obsessed!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Somone on this thread mentioned Balacne..lol.. Im at work.. cant stop thinking about jumping.. Im setting up some jumps for thursday.. then taking the family on saturday..
I just figure.. I got to get them out of the way so I can get some work done around here!..

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It wears off at the 100th jump or so. I am actually looking forward to getting back to skiing (and learning snowboard), and hitting more difficult slopes this time around ;)

Of course, when March comes, I'll be quite anxious to get back into skydiving. I'm all geared up and the reserve doesn't need to be repacked until April (Canada 180 day repack cycle). And I'll probably make one or two snow jumps at Mile High Parachuting ;)

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