
My First Malfunction - BEER!!!

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Today I went to the dz and made my first A license skydive. I jumped my rig the first time too.

Yeah, I know, Beer, TWICE, well, Three Times, TRULY. we'll get back to this...

Well, first dive was uneventful, even though I noticed the opening was significantly harder than the usual Manta opening I'm used to on the student gear.

I was of course nervous, my rig has a Strong 190 ZPO chute (not terribly popular, but it has low jumps and is in great shape!!!) it is 100 square feet smaller than the student gear, etc...etc..etc..

So, I jump, open hard, fine, get in control check, freaking out on how much more responsive this puppy is, love the turning dynamics, WOO HOO!!!!

I opened at 6K both jumps, so I would have a little time to work with the canopy, mainly things on Bill Von's downsizing list, flat turns, etc... Things I've been working on for a while....

Enter the pattern, nice landing, though I didn't stand it up (fast approach, wow!!!!). I come in on my butt, kind of tandem style...

Second jump, much the same, however this time, my opening is HELLA HARD!!! I've never been yanked quite like that, POW!!!! So as I'm removing my tongue from my throat and coming back to reality...

I look up to check my canopy, release breaks, etc... A line dangles over my helmet. Of course I smile and think, damn, my second ride on my new shit and I'm going to have to get medieval on this bitch and go red and silver!!!

Nope, I scanned the chute, first tracing my steering lines up (didn't release toggles yet), happy to see they are all attached and in place. Nice, this is promising.

Next, I go across the canopy, D lines, C lines, etc... Finally I get to the front (seemed long but an Alti check showed me at 4.5K).

It turned out to be my Left Center A line just to the left of the center cell. The line popped just below the cascade.

Chute was well inflated, even the center cells looked good. So I went for the toggles, released fine, control check, left, right, flare.

Nice. So I did it again. Nice, hey I thought, why not one more time ;)... And, once again the chute responded, remained inflated.

Now I'm approaching 2.5 and thinking well, looks like I'm going to land this. So, I'm still being gentle, no spiraling turns or anything insane. I setup in my playground and at 1K enter the pattern, bring it in, and land it.

I was incredibly puckered. I was mostly worried that even after three control checks the behavior of the canopy wouldn't remain consistent, and at some point would start wigging on me, under my hard deck...

ThankFully it did not, it remained under control and fairly docile.

Can any one tell me, where they've had a situation similar, but after deciding to ride it in, got under their hard deck and started questioning?

My belief here of course is I was good to go, but my fear being an attribute or behavior that hadn't surfaced, would surface at some point under my hard deck, negating what I thought to be a wise decision to bring in a canopy that was under control...

I believe my wingloading to be 1.18:1 if that comes into play here.

Any input from y'all would be seriously appreciated. I feel good about my decision, I'm just reviewing the whole thing repeatedly in my head to see if there was anything that I wasn't considering.

The other thing that came to mind, was what if it was a steering line. For me, at that moment. My next move would've been to leave the lines stowed and steer with my rear risers, do some test turns and flares, and more than likely, again if my canopy remained responsive to my input, and flared well, I'd of rode it in too before going for my reserve.

Any thoughts?



p.s. left the damn dz without payin my beer bill, had to get my boy back for a school picnic, I'll have to pay for it thrice when I return!!!! BEER!!! BEER!!! and last, but not least, BEER!!!! Sorry QLeapers, it will be a week or more, but I will payup on return!!!
It's a gas, gas, gas...

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A broken center A is usually not to eventful. I've had the same line break on a falcon. It flew just fine

You did great with the canopy control check but I have one suggestion. Be more aggressive with the canopy control check. Turn it hard and test flare with vigor. You want to remove any question of whether it will remain stable.

Other wise, great job! You landed safely and all is well.

Oh, I'm not so sure a broken line that didn't require a cutaway, is a beerable offense, however, it sure won't hurt any thing ;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Thanks Hookitt, appreciate it.

And, I'm hearing you with the aggressive turn, flare, etc....

Quite honestly, and I'm sure you can picture the look on my face as I'm baby turning it, flaring, talking to it.... I'm sure it would've made for some great recording...

You are right though, I probably should've been more aggressive to assure it would remain stable, I was chicken!!!

And, even though the line wasn't a big deal, it felt awful beerable to me!!!

One other question though Tim, all of the other lines look "old", but not necessarily GONE. One of our riggers mentioned I probably should replace all of them when they are worn, and I was looking at them and I said, well, how can I tell they are worn enough to replace, and he smiled and said, "Well, you just broke one, what do you think"??? B|

Woudl you replace just one line, or all of them?

I just sent an email to Strong requesting pricing and availability of a line set for it, and most likely replace all of them (depending upon my riggers recommendations too).

What would you do?

Thanks for the input,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Would you replace just one line, or all of them?


"Well, you just broke one, what do you think"???B|

hehehe.. he's probably right. Another rigger looked at it so there's a good chance you should believe him. Besides, it's good piece of mind and it may just fix some opening issues.

Oh, well My first broken line was the same one as yours and I had around 15 jumps. Believe me, I wasn't very thrilled about performing aggresive turns either :$. But after a few turns and flares I was satisfied it would fly ok. It happened again on the same parachute (rental). It was sent in for new lines and a modification. New Falcons, especially the original falcon, opened rather briskly.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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New Falcons, especially the original falcon, opened rather briskly.

I'm hoping that after the relining, I can get this ZPO to open a bit softer...

I was joking with the packer before jumping, saying I needed to name her, that it wouldn't be right to jump her without knowing her name.

He said, maybe you want to jump her first and see how she treats you before you name her?

Well, hell, after today, I'm not real sure what to call her... Some things come to mind, but I fear if I start that she'll never respond kindly.

Besides Rolling the nose, what the hell else can I do to slow down the opening? Damn that was hard!

Thanks Again Hookitt, I seriously appreciate your input,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Properly rolling the nose will help.4 and 4 into the center. (not stuffed, just rolled inward) The bottom of the nose needs to be closed up so be sure to allow the A lines to turn in as well.

It probably wouldn't hurt to have a Pocket installed on the slider. Ask your rigger about that.

Assuming the parachute is a hard opening parachute, adding a slider pocket is about the easiest methods of taming the it.

God luck with the name. Even the evil one's you're thinking of now would probably be ok.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Something else that will quite often slow an opening, in addition to rolling the nose, try rolling the tail tighter (do one or the other on different jumps, to see). I put about 15 jumps on a sabre 170 that took awhile to figure out how to pack it, and it ended up being the tail that tamed it. Might take a bit of tweaking, but just play around with it.

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Considering the fact that I haven't dated for over a year (was married before that)....

Spanky would be appropriate.


Maybe a lil too appropriate, though you are correct, she did seriously spank my ass today!



It's always good when you find out your not the only one with a sick sense of humor! B|

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Nice one for the gear and the A, but I agree that this wasn't a malfunction, just a nuisance factor. I was always taught, if you have a malfunction then you need to cut away, which you didn't need to do.

I've been having trouble with my canopy opening hard too (a hybrid triathlon 175) and I got advice from several different people, one of whom had 900 jumps (and pack jobs) and I got someone who is hoping to win the uk 4-way nationals to pack it for me. It was still a bitch at opening (to the point my legs were hurting too much to jump again after 4 jumps).

I found the guy I bought it off, and he suggested rolling the nose of each side into the centre cell, as someone suggested above (4 and 4, or in my case 3 and 3). I've done this a few times, and the opening are now sweet.

Only problem is, I should really be propacking it, so I need to find a way to create a smooth opening when propacking. (one of the problems with some of the other pack jobs was they were opening slow, slow, slow, bam!)

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Sounds good to me. I'm willing to try anything to get this thing to open more mellow.

My neck and back are killing me this morning and I've never had problems in either area...

Which sucks.

Re the malfunction. I smell what your stepping in, however, and I may be alone in this, but, I'm pretty sure that whenever a piece of my equipment shreds at altitude, and my ass is hangin under it, thats about as malfunctioned as it gets.

Noted, it was a center line, and didn't appear to cause any controllability issues (thankful on this, very thankful), but, nonetheless it was a malfunction.

Your point about cutting away was interesting, and again I'm picking up what your leaving, however, that was part of the direction of the post, was when you mal, you don't necessarily go for the red and silver, if the canopy is controllable, either via toggles or via riser, then isn't it prudent to leave that reserve where it is and land...

Truly, I have no idea, just building my knowledgebase and trying to get my swerve on.

thanks for then nose, I'll give it a go,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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but I agree that this wasn't a malfunction,

Blow cells, line overs, broken line, tension knots, etc,,, have all been landed. They were certainly malfunctions.

My thought was since he didn't have to cutaway, it wasn't a beerable offense. That's all. The beer option is a good one though. Don't forget about the not alcohol drinkers;) They need refreshments as well.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Glad you're ok. Maybe I should take next sunday off to partake in your beerable offense!!! :P:P:P

It sucks to have a mal on your 2nd jump on "SPANKY". But, you made it safely home.

Later bro

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Yeah, well, you know how it rolls sometimes Rick....

Looks to me like spanky let me know who boss was. But, I'll get her relined, and her and I will have a lil talk and get our asses back in the air.


Thanks for the well wishes bro, how you doing on your progression? I'm more than ready to get the rw on you know.

blues at ya

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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