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But we need lots more people to join the sport. Because like most things, the sport has to grow or else it will wither and die and one need look no farther than the trials and tribulations of any number of attempted soccer leagues in the U.S. for an example.
Soccer for participants is as healthy as ever. It's only the spectator leagues that have failed to succeed.
Skydiving is a participant sport. It will support as many dropzones as there are participants. 5 turbine DZs surround San Francisco. If the numbers dropped in half, we'd probably have 2 or 3 instead. On the gear side, seems very healthy. Many companies in many facets of the gravity sports. If numbers dried up, we'd still have the current level of innovation to continue using.
so after reading your post do you hate skydiving now. because you really seem to.
so after reading your post do you hate skydiving now. because you really seem to.
I didn't read it like that at all. I read it as someone that loves the sport the way it is and doesn't want it to change.
Not all growth is good.
Is this sport safe, no, its as simple as that. How safe is this sport would be a much better question.
Not all growth is good.
Is this sport safe, no, its as simple as that. How safe is this sport would be a much better question.
BOOM Headshot
BOOM Headshot
goose491 0
Not all growth is good.
Precisely. I even shudder sometimes thinking that the student progression programs we have in place now are too quick and easy. That is, that they get people in the air solo before any of them can truly understand what they are getting themselves into.
I like to see people progress and get into the sport... but it seems the number of first jumpers taking and passing quickly through AFF or PFF is on the rise, not fall.
I agree with Billvon, we will see increased regulation of the sport by outside sources when more of the general public gets in and gets hurt. This sport is not for everyone... at the same time, a tandem skydive advertises like a rollercoaster ride. You know?
My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!
billvon 3,044
>so after reading your post do you hate skydiving now.
Yes. In fact, that's why I train students, write safety articles, jump with the world team and moderate a few boards here - I'm trying to destroy the sport.
Yes. In fact, that's why I train students, write safety articles, jump with the world team and moderate a few boards here - I'm trying to destroy the sport.
Mike111 0
> things, the sport has to grow or else it will wither and die . . .
That's a load of crap.
>and one need look no farther than the trials and tribulations of any
>number of attempted soccer leagues in the U.S. for an example.
So is it honestly your contention that people can no longer play soccer in the US as a result? All that matters to me (and most skydivers, I think) is that we can keep skydiving. So we don't have a lot of competitive leauges with the big sponsorships and big prize money - so what? If that's why people are in skydiving, they're in the wrong sport.
> You can make it not safe by doing uncool stuff like pulling low, not
>clearing your airspace before pulling, making radical turns close to the
>ground, or insisting you can teach yourself swooping after just fifty
>jumps because you've been watching these guys do it and "it can't be
>THAT hard".
And it is unsafe because you will be in the air with people who are doing all those things. And it is unsafe because if something very minor goes wrong - say a knot comes out of your toggle at the wrong time - you can die even if you do everything else right.
>But if you do things like that, you'll also find that people won't jump
>with you anymore, because they want to be safe.
Simply not true at most DZ's. Indeed, those types will tend to congregate and jump with each other. They will comfort themselves by saying that everyone else is a dinosaur who just doesn't understand swooping/freeflying/modern skydiving. And until they do something truly dangerous, like regularly pulling at 800 feet or flying into the hangar more than once, they will tend to not get grounded.
>I recognize the danger, but I have to believe that this sport CAN be
>"safe, mostly". Because if I really can't believe it's mostly safe, then I
>can't justify doing it anymore. Not to my family and not to myself.
Ah, here's the disagreement. It CAN be mostly safe, most of the time, for most people. But it cannot be safe in any reasonable sense of the word. It is not as inherently safe as soccer is, for example. If you get kicked in the head and pass out on a soccer field, you fall five feet to grass. Most skydivers cannot lose consciousness (or even become significantly disoriented) and land safely. That alone makes it inherently different. There are no "time outs."
>But it discourages and disappoints me to hear people who have
>personally enjoyed thousands of jumps to say things like "this sport
>isn't safe", or they don't care if there's any further growth in the sport.
Sorry to disappoint you.
>So what, the party can end now that they've had their fun?
Who said anything about the party ending? Is the only reason you skydive is to see it on TV? The sport will continue to advance whether or not it gets on ESPN, or doubles in size, or gets into the olympics. The advances will be driven by the real pioneers in this sport, the people who spend their lives skydiving and pushing the limits. They are also the ones who die with depressing regularity because the edge is a dangerous place. It is NOT for everyone.
> I want to see the sport stick around AND grow, because if it doesn't
>grow it will die.
Again, that's a load of crap. The number of skiiers is decreasing. Skiing hasn't died.
>It will be outlawed, "for our own good", because "it's not safe".
That will only happen if every grandmother and frat boy starts skydiving. It can be safe _enough_ for people willing to put in the effort. It cannot be made safe enough for the general public. Getting the general public in the air _will_ kill skydiving as we know it.
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