
Odd things to take on a Skydive

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I haven't done this yet, but: I have a ham license and I've pondered taking a radio with me. I might do a
hop-n-pop from 11K just to see how far I can talk on a 5 watt handheld, having pre-arranged for some
others on the ground to be listening. Or, strap a repeater to myself and let pairs of people on the ground
talk to each other over much longer distances than normal while I'm in free fall. Of course, I need to get a
few more jumps in before I start fiddling with extra hardware on the jump.


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Two of us took out a pool noodle, we called it a dumbell jump. I got out and hung under the step, my friend sat on the step and I tried to catch the noodle with my legs so that we could release balled up on each end. Took a couple of miles, pool nodles aren't known for stiffness!

Landed with the noodle between my legs. Looked like I had a 3 foot dick!:D
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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I know you have to have some interesting stories, I have read some of your posts. Clue us in

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

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He did!

Seriously, it was for a MWR advertisement on Ft. Campbell. The costume head was so big we ( me and the vid kid) had to work out signals just in case the alti or Pro Track didn't work or were not visable.

The landing was super a tip toe stand up!

Other items I have jumped with;

Smoke, flags, Soccer balls, foot balls, base balls, Batons, olympic torch, as the Memphis Red Bird (openning game for the season in the first game played in Auto Zone Park) and oh PEOPLE!:P

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I haven't done this yet, but: I have a ham license and I've pondered taking a radio with me. I might do a
hop-n-pop from 11K just to see how far I can talk on a 5 watt handheld

I've done that. Handheld clipped to cheststrap, used a speaker mic which I could cup in my hand to block the wind. I still got reports of bad wind noise.


having pre-arranged for some others on the ground to be listening.

Just try the local repeater, or 146.52 - from 10K you'll get great range on simplex!
"It's amazing what you can learn while you're not talking." - Skydivesg

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Someone threw a nasty piece of candy on me on the plane yesterday. I stuck it in the palm of my tackified glove and took it on a tracking dive. It stayed there. Got back to the trailer and offered it back - but it was kinda gooey peeling it off my glove, so no one took it.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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