
Is it cheaper once you get your own gear?

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not really, initially i thought it would get cheap after AFF, then when i had my FS1 out of the way, and then when i got my gear, then when i did a canopy course, then when i got some FF coaching out of the way, then when i got my B licence so jump tickets got cheaper and that's where i'm at now...

...no im trying to jump as much as possible, so i'm still spending loads and it wont be long before i start thinking about camera helmet, wingsuits etc. and theres always boogies to go to etc.

it will get cheaper, but you'll always want to do more...

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I doubt if it is "cheaper" per se. Most people have a set amount of money to spend on skydiving. I bet you spend the same amount, but make more jumps.

I'm not going to spend $7000 in a 12 month period again. Or even close.

And even if I do spend a shitload, it's all incremental voluntary spending. Every extra jump is $20 (give or take). I can choose to go to that boogie or not. I can upgrade the canopy or other random gear item. Same for jumpsuits, or coaching.

The fixed costs are the reserve repacks, the USPA membership. If I cutaway and lose the 'free' bag and handles, that will require spending to get back in the air. But it's not close to the mandatory spending in the beginning. So it's much more manageable.

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Although the lift tickets will be cheaper, skydiving is a very fashion concious sport. Why spend a couple of bucks on some sporty pants when you can spend a couple of hundred on a free fly suit. If youre just a fun jumper why spend tons of money on a gripper suit. Wrists and ankles work well. A protec helmet is no where near as cool as an oxygn full face. The smaller the parachute the cooler. Make sure youre turf surfing too. We wouldnt want you to do a regular stand up landing.

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I'm not going to spend $7000 in a 12 month period again. Or even close.

My lands! Where did you spend all that?

AFF, rig (wings, smart, used triathlon, almost new cypres2), first 60 jumps, rentals for first 50, 3 15 minute sessions at Perris tunnel. This was almost certainly more than 7 - probably at 8.
3000 to A and 4000 for a rig isn't outlandish.

But once those two are done, you can spend as much or little as your time and budget allows. 200/month would get close to 100 jumps in a year.

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