
1st Jump - To Eat or Not To Eat?

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Hey All (first post).

Dear Hubby and I have often talked about the "idea of skydiving" for "someday" but today on a whim called up a place that dives over the Kennedy Space Center for that FL Ocean view and made a date to dive two times tomorrow. One from 15,000 ft and the second from 18,000 feet. Both tandem of course since we've never been. The kids are now in their late teens and I think hubby and I are in the mode "it's our turn now!".

TOTAL EXCITMENT has suddenly turned into a mini-panic attack lol.

What if I'm too heavy for the instructor? (5'3 140lbs), what if I freak out blah blah blah blah etc...

But what I'm really wondering is...... Should I eat... or wait until we're done to indulge? We dive around noon tomorrow. I've never gotten sick before on other 'thrill rides' but those rides all involved a track that was no higher than a few hundred feet from the ground :P

I PROMISE to keep my eyes wide open and have it scheduled to get the video and pictures (no way I'd turn that down lol)

Any advise on eating?

Any other advise?

How do the tandem instructors handle panic clients? I don't think I'll panic... but what if I did? I feel for those guys/gals.

Ok enough babble.... tell me I'll be fine and I should eat or I shouldn't eat LOL :)


(hoping I LOVE IT and can go again... fearing I'll freak :P)

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Eat lightly and food you are used to eating. Don't overeat or eat anything really greasy. I also recommend abstaining from alcohol the night before. You don't want to be hung over. Most people handle the jump fine but Tandem Instructors can handle just about anything. At your height and weight you are a fairly small package. Try to relax, pay attention to what your instructor says and have fun. Hopefully you will get bitten by the bug and continue on with more training.:)

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You are not too heavy for the instructor.. put it out of your mind.

Breakfast burritos................................BAD :)

Just have a small bite in the morning long before the jump... and dont worry about it.

Remember to smile.. and get video....

and smile.. you are paying a bunch of money to have fun...:ph34r:

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Thanks so much for the reassurance! Small breakfast it is then... :)

Widgeon... THANK YOU for remembering the chute! I almost forgot about that part ;)

I'll post back tomorrow and let you know how we did.... We'll be taking the ZX12R for the transport so that might help me get used to the movement...who knows lol

Thanks again!

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When you are in the door ready to exit the plane, you probably won't remember your name, let alone what you had for breakfast. I have never had a problem with food skydiving. If you feel a little nausiated (sp?) under canopy (after the parachute is deployed), just look at the horizon, and tell your Tandem Master, so he can keep the flying tame.

Have fun, and enjoy your first jump!!! Stop worrying, everthing will be fine.
Richard Rothery

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Be good and hydrated. Also bring some bottled water for after the jump, you will be thirsty... Adrenaline makes you cotton-mouthed, but I just find being outside and taking in that much fun, sun and wind makes me real thirsty.

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What if I'm too heavy for the instructor? (5'3 140lbs),

My biggest student was twice your weight,
He was not much more than six feet tall and had thighs on him like a rugby player.
Wait a minute, he WAS a retired rugby player.

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Like the other posters said ...
Take it easy on the booze the night before.
Eat your regular breakfast on the morning of your jump.
Drink lots of water.
Plan a light lunch between jumps number one and jump number two.

Most of the tandem students that hurled on me skipped breakfast (never a bright idea with any sport).
One girl hurled because she had the flu.
My last hurling student drank heavily the night before.

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When I used to fly aerobatic airplanes, I just had dry toast and tea for breakfast. It seemed to be about the right thing, as I never got nauseous, even while practicing some of the more disorienting maneuvers.

I'd suggest a very light breakfast, nothing greasy or fatty.
But I wouldn't recommend going with an empty stomach. That can be unpleasant, too (low blood sugar, etc.)

My $ .02 worth


P.S. oh, and, have fun !

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Breakfast burritos................................BAD :)

Ok sorry, but I am going to have to go ahead and disagree.

Breakfast burritos........................Breakfast of champions :P:D:D

Q. Why do birds sing?
A. Because they dont have to pack when they land

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Breakfast burritos................................BAD :)

Ok sorry, but I am going to have to go ahead and disagree.

Breakfast burritos........................Breakfast of champions :P:D:D

I am going to add to my previous post. LISTEN UP ALL TANDEM STUDENTS. If you fart on the plane, or even better on the TM, they will have much respect for you. So make sure you pass gas, it will impress them.

Also I would like to recommend a root beer to go along with the breakfast burritos.

Thank you and happy farting:P

Q. Why do birds sing?
A. Because they dont have to pack when they land

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A few months back we actually had a tandem first jumper throw up in the plane and they brought her back down. But that's the first and only time I've ever heard of anyone doing that, except maybe for one experienced guy with a hangover who I once saw barf out the open door of a DC-3 (he then felt better & jumped). But that was over 25 years ago, so doesn't count.

Moderation in all things Grasshopper. Don't overeat, but don't go hungry. Drinking the night before is not advisable, save it for the celebration afterwards. Stay away from the spicy stuff and keep it easy to digest. A nice bowl of cereal with some milk and toast should be just the ticket. And eat at least an hour or so before the jump, better to have the digestion well under way. No unpleasant surprises that way.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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A few months back we actually had a tandem first jumper throw up in the plane and they brought her back down. But that's the first and only time I've ever heard of anyone doing that, except maybe for one experienced guy with a hangover who I once saw barf out the open door of a DC-3 (he then felt better & jumped). But that was over 25 years ago, so doesn't count.

Uh did I ever mention I am a sympathetic hurler....

If I smell Hurl I will be right there huring in just a few seconds...If you spew my way.. I will return the favor[:/]

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I WENT SKYDIVING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Breakfast: Two pieces of toast, a glass of milk, plenty of poweraide, and a ton of water until the dive. I was gettting soooooooo nervous the closer we got to the dive time..but I hung in there. Nothing was going to stop me (except the ground lol).

The jumpmaster was PERFECT for me. Absolutely enjoyed diving with him!!

Kudos to Dean O'Flaherty

We jumped, we spun, we flipped, and now that I see the video I realize he took a nap while I was flapping my wings like an idiot LOL.

This was the 18,000 foot dive.

We didn't get to go on the 15,000 foot dive due to rain...but I've got rain checks ... I WILL BE GOING BACK... MANY MANY MANY TIMES!!!

Thanks so much for the reassurance. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY I WENT!


To all you chickens out there..... suck it up... You're gonna LOVE IT!!!! This is one bug I do NOT mind being bitten by!

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Uh did I ever mention I am a sympathetic hurler....

If I smell Hurl I will be right there huring in just a few seconds...If you spew my way.. I will return the favor[:/]

never thought I'd call you a wus, Jeannie. :D Okay, a hurl-wus ;)

I got hurled on in 5th grade buy the chubby guy the next row over ... warm smelly sticky goo that had recently been chunky clam chowder soup, from shoulders across chest down onto jeams, even got into my shoes. The classroom emptied out ... except me and the hurler .. teacher was quite green herself. :D

That's what I got for turning back and asking him if he was okay - his response: Huuuurrrll! I walked home (somehow they said it was okay, even though no one was home ;)) and jumped in the lake out back to clean up.

So, I guess I'm not a sympathetic hurler. Breakfast burritos still deserve being hurled though, they suck! :D

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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