
BOC PC in tow questions

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I had posted this at the end of a post in the gear section. This is probably the place to ask. Old timer...long layoff..returning with old gear. Racer converted to BOC, 26' Strong LoPo, Tri 190. My questions are...

1st reserve ride was the result of a lost pud. Reserve PC dropped back into my burble on deployment at terminal. It wasn't until I looked that I cleared the air. Line stretch was at 600'. Since then I knew that I would sit up on deployment at terminal to make sure I cleared the burble. But that was with a pull-out. It seems that sitting up after deploying the reserve with a PC in tow might not be a good idea. Any thoughts?

Also, to cutaway or not cutaway in this situation?
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>It seems that sitting up after deploying the reserve with a PC in tow
>might not be a good idea. Any thoughts?

I wouldn't make an effort to sit up. At most I'd do the "look over my shoulder" trick to clear a reserve PC in the burble.

>Also, to cutaway or not cutaway in this situation?

Opinions vary, but I recommend cutting away (as long as your riser covers are in good shape.) There's a good chance the main will open at some point, and if you've already cut away it gets out of there fast.

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I am not sure quite what your question is, it sounds like you are talking about two different things.

1:Pilot chute in tow where the PC is inflated in clear air but for some reason it is unable to pull the main closing pin and extract the D-Bag.

2: Pilot chute hesitation where the PC is caught in the jumper’s burble.

Each one of these will have a different procedure.
Memento Mori

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Also, to cutaway or not cutaway in this situation?

I think a good rule of thumb for a total mal is: If you've attempted to deploy the main then chop before pulling silver, but if you havn't (ie: lost pud or hard pull) it's not necessary.

That makes a lot of sense to me, but I've never had a total and not sure what I'd be thinking if the time came to make that call
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I've had one total (couldn't extract the pilot chute from the BOC). Pulled silver only.

Pilot chute in trail....reach back there and pull the bridal (and subsequently the pin) yourself.

In the situation where I couldn't get the bridal I would not cut away...I would just pull silver. My reasoning is that I'd much rather end up with a two out situation than having an entanglement. I would cut away thereafter knowing I could do so without getting the main wrapped up in the reserve.

I do understand there may be an entanglement just the same, however at least both canopies would be attached to me where I would at least have a possibility of correcting the situation to the best of my ability. There is also a higher probability that a greater percentage of canopy would be inflated if both were still attached to the harness.

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For a PC in tow I pull reserve, and remain in my arch until the canopy slows me and sets me up. Others will cut-away and pull the reserve and that’s ok, both methods are approved, but I am sure everyone today is taught to remain in the arch which ever method they use.

A round reserve with no free bag, I think would produce less problems if deployed in a stable arch position during a PC in tow. De-arching, backsliding, so you could sit up during the reserve pull seems, to give the reserve pilot chute, when it launches off your back, a greater possibility entangling with the main PC and its bridal. I wouldn't do it, its to much of a gamble.

:oReaching for the bridal is a waste of time as one hums it though 2,000’. They may have 12 seconds until they bounce and less time to where pulling the reserve would only produce linestretch at impact.
Memento Mori

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I have had 2 pilot chutes in tow, one the closing loop was too tight. i elbowed the side of the container very hard and the pin popped. the other one the pilot chute was knotted in the bridle. i just reached around and grabbed the bridle and popped the pin myself. it was very easy and took as long as a normal pull to do. both times i was open by 2000ft.
if i was below my hard deck at terminal i would have cut away.

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I've seen a couple vids where people clear the pilot chute in tow by pulling the bridal themselves...and also spoken to a couple who have done the same. My harddeck is 1800 agl...so the fucking around is over at that point; the emergency procedures are completed no lower than that altitude. Therefore, I'll do everything I can to clear the mal (whatever it is) above my harddeck. I consistently pull between 3000 and 3500 and don't expect that to change...I believe that leaves me around 6-8 seconds at terminal to find out what the hell is going on and make a decision as what to do. 6-8 seconds isn't forever but it sure is enough time to pull and realize nothing is happening and get a hand back to yank the bridal...if you ask me. ;)

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Reaching for the bridal is a waste of time as one hums it though 2,000’. They may have 12 seconds until they bounce and less time to where pulling the reserve would only produce linestretch at impact.

ive gotten alot og negative feedback in regards to pulling via/bridle and have to agree. it could cause a horshoe entaglement. however ive reached back and touched my main closing flap just to see what it would be like to reach that far back. it didnt take a whole lot of time. plus i love arguing with you lug!!!!!

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