
college jumpers

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im just wondering how many college jumpers we have on dz.com, also as a side not wondering if any of you college jumpers are from alabama, just really lookin for more people my age, also im wondering if anyone here has any opinions about the attitudes of college jumpers, from what i have seen, very limited as it is, college aged jumpers are a little more reserved in the air and more rambuncious on the ground (partywise), just wondering if any of you more experienced and older jumpers have noticed the same thing

The only bad skydive is your last!

The only bad skydive is your last!
chris "sonic wookie" harwell
Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez

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I'm a college jumper here at MSU (Montana State University - Bozeman). I too started JUST before I went to college and am finally just 3 jumps away from my A! I think, for me, the reason I'm a little more reserved in the air is that 1) I don't have a lot of money (do any of us?) and 2) I'm still early in the learning process. Still its a lot of fun and I'm trying to round up a group of people near Bozeman so we can try to start a club or something, but it's hard. I must say though, when exams come around and you need to get the stress off, I just skydive and it makes everything all better! ;)

You'll never find me Jew gold!

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im a college jumper!! ohio university... theres only 4 licensed skydivers at my school of 25,000. i know a lot of jumpers my age in my area, but not all are necessarily college kids. i dont necessarily aggree with you that we are more reserved in the air. in most cases, we are all too young to have much experience in the sport, especially if starting at 18 or later in college. i do think a lot of us college age jumpers party really hard...alot, but i have seen way over my fair share of older jumpers blow me away at their ability to stay "youthful" and out party us college kids! most skydivers in general like to party hard. i think age is just a number.... we are all bonded by our unique love for this amazing sport.

my 2 centsB|

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We've got a couple dozen or so actives at Georgia Tech. They range from AFF students all the way up to AFF-I's with 1100+ jumps. I've seen at least 5 or 6 that post on dz.com. I dunno about more reserved, I've seen college students do some pretty crazy stuff.

Definitely check out the Collegiate Boogie in Florida. It's usually around the end of January.

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I'm a college jumper, a senior at Texas A&M University.

I'm conservative when freeflying and even on my belly. I'm even conservative when working with my students.

Its when I grab that dive loop at 700' and the earth does a 270 is when things get weird.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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yo college student here from Daytona Beach Florida...(yea its not as great as it sounds...prob better we are closer to Deland then daytona).

Im pres of our club so if you have any questions about that let me know. I jumped at skydive AL this summer outside Decatur, worked in huntsville all summer so that was fun.

Check out our website for more info...
As far as college jumpers go, I find a lot are smart in the classroom but not at the dropzone. I was at collegiates last year and I have seen other jumpers think they are "better" then they are. They attempt more dangerous moves because they see others do it.
The truth is, most college students are weekend jumpers, with the exception of a few. They may have 300 jumps, but its over the 4 years of college that they are there. Also they are younger then everyone. They want to be as good as all the older people around the dropzone and its hard to do. I always have to keep reminding myself that I started at 20 yrs old, Im sure a lot of the people around the DZ wish they started that young. Ill get there someday, dont push it!

"Airborne all the way"
EL Cantador Rodriguez

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everyone else put their college and i forgot to, university of alabama at birmingham here, so far i have not found another licsenced jumper at this university. yea i would agree that part of the conservative feeling is lack of jumps, i have just found that the ones ive met would save jump money to go party, i personally would rather save party money to go jump, just a me thing though, and i would like to here more about this collegiate boogie, does anyone have any info or a website with info in on it, im gonna be running a marathon in orlando on the weekend of january 7, is it around that time, good to here the feedback from other college jumpers though, keep up the flying and studyin, i know its hard.
The only bad skydive is your last!

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we are having our college spring break boogie...in Deland/Daytona Beach March 11, 12, 13th...dont have all the details yet. Last year we had a chopper and some awesome RW and Freefly organizing.
I know its early but mark it in ur caldeners!

ERAU Skydiving Club
2nd Annual Spring Break Boogie
March 11, 12, 13th
Skydive Deland
Load Organizers: Freefly: Jimmy Tranter and Paxton Vineyard (Freedom of Flight School) RW: Carl Dougherty, Canopy: Scott Millter and the rest of the PD Factory Team

"Airborne all the way"
EL Cantador Rodriguez

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I'm a junior at Illinois State and think I'm the only license holder here. :( I'm conservative in the air (very much a noob) and pretty quiet on the ground.

Money's not really an issue. Ramen is cheap.

I've never spent the night or partied at SDC, because my gf refused to come with me. That situation has since been rectified--KA-CHINK!! :)
Now everyone at SDC can see how beer increases my sex appeal!

Successfully avoiding adult responsibility since 1978!

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I go to Central Missouri State University. Honestly I don't know any at my college that jump. Went to the boogie in deland last year for Riddle. Had a good time.

College "kids" seem to be cocky, at least when the start and it doesn't improve when they are drinking.


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College "kids" seem to be cocky, at least when the start and it doesn't improve when they are drinking.

You aint kidding. More then a couple times until within the past year or so, a couple experienced jumpers would have to knock me down a notch or three. Remind me of my experience level and that being under 25 didn't make me bullet proof.

There are some exceptions though, a lot of the college chicks jumpers I've seen tend to be on the other end of the stick, they seem to lack the confidence they need in their skills. Some of them are actually quite good, especially for their jump numbers, but they still doubt themselves.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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yup, me college edukated, thats why I jump from a perfectly good airoplane.

Im an Oklahoma State College Student. Im just starting in the skydiving thing but think that I am going to be crazy in the air just as much on the ground.

I think that your on to something. There needs to be more young people brought into the sport. I am the youngest at my dz and im 22. All the others are maybe 10 years older. Not a bad thing but its nice to have someone your age around.

"Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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