
How often statistically does the parachute not open?

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Still relative newbie, but I am a regular.

Regardless of the main mals (the more frequently used parachute, the one that's packed more often)....

It's my understanding that reserves (the rarely used one) are always packed much more carefully. Some people take over an hour packing those, I heard!

Keep that in mind!

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Thank your lucky stars for todays modern equipment.

When I started on 28 foot rounds, I expected and had, one mal per 100 jumps. With the Para Commander it was more like one in 300 jumps, but I never had one.

Fast forward to present day equipment and it is zero for 550 jumps. If I have one on the next jump, that will still be a great record.


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holy cow! if you count line twists as a mal, I've had 4 jumps with 4 mals. with each one, I've had to spin around at least 720 degrees if not more to get everything straight. They don't seem to be a biggie, and I'm beginning to think they just come with the sport.

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Should you stick with the sport, your fear of the canopy not opening will quickly be replaced with fear of it opening too fast.

No doubt. I had a fear of mine not opening my very first couple of jumps. After a hard opening around jump # 30 or so I now thow the hacky and pray, "Dear God make is soft, make it soft"

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