
Helicopter Tandem Exits?

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Anyone have any experience with tandems out of helicopters (or balloons)?

Any issues with throwing the drogue too soon?

I was thinking that if you leave stable getting the drogue out quick would be good, so you don't have a chance to get unstable as the relative wind increases, but I'm not sure how the drogue will behave at those speeds. If it doesn't generate enough force it could be even worse to have the drogue out as you accelerate if you get taken for a ride. I just don't know.

Any tips on good exits? Or do you just chunk out and get stable once you are in some wind?

Any advice from people who have done it would be greatly appreciated.

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Anyone have any experience with tandems out of helicopters (or balloons)?

Any issues with throwing the drogue too soon?

I was thinking that if you leave stable getting the drogue out quick would be good, so you don't have a chance to get unstable as the relative wind increases, but I'm not sure how the drogue will behave at those speeds. If it doesn't generate enough force it could be even worse to have the drogue out as you accelerate if you get taken for a ride. I just don't know.

Any tips on good exits? Or do you just chunk out and get stable once you are in some wind?

Any advice from people who have done it would be greatly appreciated.


I've done one out of a helicopter...

Unless you are in some kind of monster military chopper...you will have plenty of forward speed at the altitude you need to be doing a tandem.

It's hard for most smaller civilian egg beaters to 'hover' at 10 grand.

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I did about 10 out of the x-keys chopper last year in wildwood. I decided to leave backwards off the step and do a backflip. That decision was based on me wanting my handles to outside of the chopper as I left. The problem with this exit is you HAVE to make sure the students legs will clear the seat as you leave. I have some BASE experience, so that helped a lot on the exit and roatation. I also saw a couple tandems leave in a poised position. It seemed they almost always did a front flip/roll off onto their side then out of it. Benifits to that is the student is completely out. The JM just needs to make sure he doesn't drag his handles out or bang his head on the glass. Either was you can REALLY hear the students sceam as you leave into the subterminal air.......(or was that me!! ;))

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