
How old were you when you did your first jump?

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At 44 I lost 75 lbs.

Well.. I hop that doesn't happen to me next year.. While a couple of pounds may improve my performance in a Wingsuit... weighing 85lbs may leave me without the strength to pull... :o

It's the year of the Pig.

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I am one of the 3%. Age 51 for me, when I tool my daughter on a tandem for her 18th b-day. I'm just regretting the years I didn't jump.

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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Dude, your poll is messed up. You included the end of the ranges twice, so I didn't know which one to pick! :S

Nah, that is not messed up, it allows for more of a zen thing... If you are 30, do you feel like you are an old or young 30???

Me... I was 29... I was gonna have a midlife crisis when I turned 30, I knew it.... Had to do something to prevent it.... Wait, how old am I again??? :P

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I was 20 and on May 29th, 2005 it will be the 29th anniversary of my first jump.

Hey Ian,

I was 28 and May 31st will be the 25th anniversary of my first jump. I have a 7TU C9 and a ParaCommander...wanna go retro? ;)

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I think what my life would have been like, what paths would have been walked differently had I made my first jump at 17 instead of 37:S. Would I still be sitting here in NY doing what I am doing (not referring to blowing off work to cruise DZ.com either;)). Probably not. If there is a plus, being "established" I do not meet with the financial constraints some of the teens and 20-somethings seem to run in to :PB|:P

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I was 20, did my first jump May 21st of 2000 and I kick myself for waiting that extra 2 years. Especially since I grew up in Sherman, just under 30 minutes or so from SD Dallas and since due to a tech job I had in high school I basically had money to burn.

Oh well, things have turned out pretty well.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I was 20 and on May 29th, 2005 it will be the 29th anniversary of my first jump.

Hey Ian,

I was 28 and May 31st will be the 25th anniversary of my first jump. I have a 7TU C9 and a ParaCommander...wanna go retro? ;)

I love to but not being as "svelt" as I was oh so many years ago, perhaps it would be best for me to look for water landing:)
Good to hear from you - have fun going retro!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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June 20th 1981 I was 17 and if had not been for my dad dragging me hollering kicking the whole way and paying for it. I would not have finished the staticline course. But, once I got my first pin from Mark Baddilow I was hooked.


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I did my first jump the summer of my 18th birthday. It was a static line jump from 4K. I did another 4 jumps over the next 2 years and stopped do to money and time issues. ( I also could never simulate pulling on the s/l course, I always was checking my chute first )

10 years later a friend asked if I would go do a jump with him, I said sure, called up a couple of DZ's and found out about the AFF program. I was 28 and haven't looked back since.


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I was 34 and 80 pounds over the 230lb max weight for a tandem. I blew off all 80 and then some to make my first jump @ 35 (May 15, 2004). I started AFF six months later and here I am. B|
Anvil Brother #69

Sidelined with a 5mm C5-C6 herniated disk...
Back2Back slammers and 40yr old fat guys don't mix!

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I was 19. November of 2002. Got through four jumps before I ran out of money because paying for school kind of got in the way. Now I'm in grad school and came into some money through fellowships and internships, so I'm starting over tomorrow, hopefully. B|

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
~Leonardo da Vinci~

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17, in 1978, in Indiantown, FL.
No AFF, No static line- just me and a ripcord from 3300 feet
A paracommander and a belly-mount reserve and AAD's on both canopies, in case I locked up. After landing, I fell over on my back in grass and laughed hysterically :D(photo attached, see I haven't changed a bit.), and boarded the very next airplane.
Laurel Nichols

If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.-Anon

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I was 20 and on May 29th, 2005 it will be the 29th anniversary of my first jump.

Happy 29th jump day!
It'll be 27 years for me in August!
Laurel Nichols

If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.-Anon

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