
How old were you when you did your first jump?

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I was 28 and May 31st will be the 25th anniversary of my first jump. I have a 7TU C9 and a ParaCommander...wanna go retro? ;)

I love to but not being as "svelt" as I was oh so many years ago, perhaps it would be best for me to look for water landing:)------------------------------------------------------
Oh that awful C9! I was smaller then of course and
only made three jumps with a C9,( photo attached,) or I would be much shorter than I am, I'm sure. When was your last jump with that thing? How're knees holding up?
Laurel Nichols

If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.-Anon

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Eighteen years old, April 27, 1974. Had to wait 'til I was eighteen, as my parents wouldn't give me their permission to jump any younger. My birthday's in November and not to many people jump in upstate NY over the winter (though once I got started, it didn't bother me).

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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The first weekend I turned 18.

And they didn't bother to check my age! I could have done it sooner if I'd known they wouldn't check.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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It was 1991, I was 19 and in college, home on break. I looked up Skydive Long Island (then located at Spadaro Airport, not Calverton as it is now), and made plans for taking the static line course. I knew I could not afford to go all the way through license training, that was for sure, but I really wanted to see what skydiving felt like. I LOVED it!

I did another static line in Duanesburg, NY, as well as AFF 1, and then two more static lines in 1996 back on L.I.

I didn't get to jump again until August 2003, when I went through AFP, and then got my A license. I wish I had been able to be jumping all this time, but anyway it was worth waiting for. :)
Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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18, S/L jump about a week after my birthday. They put us out in 35' T-10's. I was all of 118 lbs back then (I'm 165 now..heh), so I drifted, drifted with the wind, and the landings under those weren't really all that hard for the skinny kids like me.

All they had back then was S/L progression. I would have benefited from AFF if it had been available. I like to joke that as a student I "turned style" early. In other words, when I was learning freefall I had a few [ahem] "stability issues" at first, several times dumped while spinning & on my back (no, not on purpose). Often got barber poles; I wonder why? Once the lines turned into such a tight barber pole my head was pinned against my chest & I couldn't look up to check my canopy until some of the twists unwound. And that's why they used to put students out on cheapos until they were A-qualified, those canopies were pretty forgiving of back-asswards openings.

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Hey Laurel!

Nice to see you on here! B|

Thanks Billy,
Glad to be around! Did you see my pictures in this thread! ? Damn I'm OLD!!!
Laurel Nichols

If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.-Anon

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My husband made his first five jumps in the Army at age 20. We'd been married for almost 18 years & he had said many times that he wanted to jump again someday. I tried to ignore him and hoped he'd forget about it because it sounded scary. I have a horrible fear of heights & falling so I had NO intentions of EVER jumping! But I love him, he wanted to do it again and I was hoping to overcome my fears, so for our 18th Wedding Anniversary WE signed up for the static line course...I was 49, that was almost 3 years ago, and I haven't regretted a minute! :D;):D
I'm STILL afraid of heights & falling...but I LOVE to skydive and it's COOL to get to jump with your spouse! :ph34r:

Old age ain't no place for sissies!

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