
First FreeFall

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Iam a student who has completed four dummy-ripcord pulls and will have to complete another because of the 24hr rule thing. Then i can go onto free fall but i'm feeling pretty scared what is it like the first time? Someone on our load did their first free fall jump and he went into a ball and pulled from upside down. He said it is really hard to keep balance. Is this true? My arch position have been excellent for my static line jumps and will this really help me.

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I am not a expert but if your instructor turns you loose for your first freefall that means He has no doubt that you can do it on your own! So take that as a confidence builder and if your arch has been like you describe you should have no problem doing your first pull. Do it just the same as a practice pull and "Rock On". Also let us know how it went for you.

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Well, it's really just a clear and pull, so your freefall time is VERY short. If you weren't flipping over on your static line, you probably won't with this. Just maintain your arch, pull the ripcord, and go back to arching, you'll be golden :)
cavete terrae.

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My first freefall was almost 30 years ago, and I still remember it. It was totally awesome -- it's when you're the person in charge of your skydive. I still smile thinking about it.

Remember that your parachute will open even if you're not stable. And that you have plenty of altitude to do things once, deliberately, and correctly -- no need to hurry. And yes, your instructor wouldn't release you for freefall if you weren't ready.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It isn't very different to your static line jumps, but look forward to it, it's a cool jump! B|

I have to mention that from what I've read about the crossfire 2, it's probably not a good idea to be using the canopy in your profile, on your first freefall :P

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I have to mention that from what I've read about the crossfire 2, it's probably not a good idea to be using the canopy in your profile, on your first freefall :P

Let's leave the training to his instructors.

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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Of course, you're right, sorry.

It was a rather bad attempt at humour, and also off the topic. I assumed it was entered as more of a 'wish list' than his current used gear.

I realise it could be taken as some sort of advice, which it most definitely isn't.

Ignore my previous post.

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As the first freefall is only 3s, it really isnt much different from a S/L. I think what gets most people is the psycology of it. You're not connected to the plane any more. YOU get the parachute out of the container yourself.

Keeping the arch is easy. But if you let those things get to you and you keep seeing youself make mistakes, you will make them.

Just visualise yourself do a really good jump easily

UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.

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gotta go with wendy on this one, it's an awesome jump that you'll always remember!!

so just relax, remember the training that you've been given by your instructors, and have a great jump. every jump just keeps getting better and better from here!

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