
New dropzone software: ready for test by you

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Hello all,

Finally after more than a year of part-time development between classes, Dropman is ready for testing.

----> Please read the rest of this post before downloading and installing the software <-----

The version I posted here comes with a bunch of sample date preloaded, so you can see how it works.
Certain sections of the software work on a per-day basis (such as packing log, schedule, manifest etc). In order to avoid having to search for days with the sample data entered, Dropman starts up to a predefined date that does have sample data entered. Of course the final version will startup to today's date.

The icons are not very pretty/consistent in style. Feel free to whip up a set of icons that are cool. I will probably use them if they are, otherwise I will sit down one day and come up with a nice set. (I like the Fly icon)


I am looking for feedback. If you encounter any weird/dumb behavior, please let me know what happened (be specific) and what you were doing. This will help me get all the bugs out of this. Posting here is fine, email is fine too ( pieter.kapsenberg@gmail.com ). Please don't use PMs to message me regarding Dropman because then I have to check email, this thread AND my PM's. Also each PM clutters my inbox :)

Here are some examples of little bugs:
- is misspelled
- Default value of date picker in doesnt make sense/is wrrong
- I hate the colors

Here are some exaples of large bugs:
- Dropman won't let me add a new person
- I entered a payment but it never showed up anywhere
- I did and Dropman crashed

If you feel certain critical features are missing, or some features are superfluous, please also post them here.

In general, I would like people to be able to use this at their dropzone, so anything you have to suggest to make this possible will help.

I have tried to make it as easy to use as possible. If you don't understand how something should work or what is going on, that is a mistake on my part. Let me know.

I do realize that DZO's will probably (hopefully) not give up their professional accounting software for this, since there is no way I can make the Finances section full-featured enough to compete. It is simply there so that manifest can keep track of who is paying what and do obtain day-to-day data that could be entered in the real accounting software or whatever the DZ uses.

I also realize some DZ's have their digital systems all setup already. All the DZ's I go to still do everything with paper, that is why I wrote this.

There are certain features that I plan on adding later. These include:
- Report & maybe ticket generation (probably as pdf).
- Receipt generation
- Possibly a large Next-Load screen that can be sent to monitors around the dz.
- Data backup/export & import
- A Manual!
Let me know how important you think those features are.


Once the final version is done, I plan on making it available either very cheap (I'm thinking less than $50), or free (maybe for some free skydives hehe). Depends on interest. It (hopefully) should be a good alternative to expensive packages (i.e. $1580 for JumpRun! 5 ).
I might consider open-sourcing it too. The code is decently documented although the architecture isn't the prettiest in the world. This is really the first time I've written anything of this scale.
If you want more geeky details, email me.


System requirements: Almost none, if you are reading this with a Windows 98 machine or better you should be set. Be sure you have java installed, 1.4 or better. You can get it from http://java.com/en/download/windows_xpi.jsp
Screen resolution: 1024x768 or better

Dropman Download Link: http://dropman.com/dropman.zip
Instructions: Download, unzip to some folder you choose and double click dropman.exe (the one with the cool blue & white icon)

Good testing

-Pieter K


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Hey Pieter,

Nice start! I head up the manifest team for a small DZ in Scotland, and I hope a few comments will be helpful to you. I haven't had a lot of time to look over this yet, but here are my first thoughts :

First the positives, the interface is nice - the icons etc look good enough, as far as I can see they are pretty clear as to what they mean, and it's fairly intuitive to see how to do what you need to. You also seem to have most areas of the manifesting covered. Tracking the total weight of the lift as well as the number of jumpers is a nice idea.

A few areas that I think need work from first impressions :
- it seems a little slow and longwinded to enter the information. IMHO a computer system needs to offer significant advantages either in speed or functionality (preferably both) to paper,pen and calculator. At the moment, there's too much use of the mouse to get around the screens etc. Things that would speed up the entry of data would include :
- shortcut keys to the various tabs, command buttons etc.
- More filling in of default info - for example if I am viewing "Lisa Brown"'s packing list and I click on "add" the new record should start off with Lisa Brown filled in as the packer. Also if I enter an AFF student the descent type should default to AFF, an experienced to Experienced etc rather than me having to set this by hand. Obviously I still need the option to change it if I want.
- Easier use of tab/arrow keys to move through the forms. There should be two options available to the user : the TAB key to go to the next box the computer thinks needs a value (eg bypassing anything it can fill in by default) and the arrow keys and mouse to go back into a box when you need to change the computer's default. Also drop-down lists should probably drop down automatically when you tab into them rather than needing a click to open them.
- Any box you tab into should start with the text highlighted so that what you type automatically replaces the existing entry - for example I don't want to have to delete "0.00" manually before I enter the price of something.
- Dropdown lists etc should have auto-completion based on existing values. If I enter a value that's not in the list (eg a new skydiver) it should automatically create a record for them (rather than having to go to People, create a new person, and then go back to the manifest).
- There needs to be more scope for entering multiple info : I need to be able to put in several packjobs by the same person on the same rig all at once. Also although the packing log is a nice idea it's unlikely that the manifestor has the time or inclination to enter the packing notes, packing type etc for every packjob on the DZ. Even with only 20 Cessna lifts in a day if say half of them were tandems/students/kit hires that could be 50 or more packjobs. Then again I guess you can just ignore that function if you don't need it, but any DZ needs a consistent system for this so that there's only one place to look for the info on a packjob regardless of who's packing/manifesting that day.
- I should be able to enter tandems/aff jumps in one step, rather than separately entering the TI, setting it to a TI jump, then the student and setting it to a tandem student, then setting separate altitudes for each.
- When I've saved a new record, the system should take me back to where I came from rather than leaving me in the record I've just created and saved.
- There are some entries where the default value is probably not the one I usually want (for example if I enter a new record in Finance it should really default to "Affects Account" rather than not. That way I don't need to set it myself every time).

Other notes :
- Waiver should probably be an expiry date rather than a tickbox, and I guess there should also be USPA/BPA/whatever membership expiry, club membership expiry, medical expiry dates tracked : and the system should check these when you manifest people. Even if I set Lisa Brown's "Waiver" to unchecked I was able to manifest her without even a warning message. Bear in mind here (and throughout) I should be able to manifest someone even if the computer says her waiver etc is out of date : so long as I've been warned. Maybe I have the new form on my desk and I've just not had time to put in the new date on the computer yet.
- It would be good if when you add a team to a lift it shows the names of the people on the team so you can see that you have the right people (for example if the team is jumping an alternate that lift). Also when you enter a team descent it seems to calculate the price still based on one slot, rather than the number actually in the team. Also where do these charges show up in the finances?
- If I leave a form having changed data but not saved it, I need to be asked if I want to save or lose the changes.
- Kit hire and jumps should probably show up separately in the finances so you can track income from these as separate budgets.

Those are just my first thoughts, I'll try and make some time this week or next to have a proper look at the system and see how I get on. Hope you don't think they're too negative - you've got a good foundation here but like I say there are various things which in my opinion need work if you want the system to be usable and fast enough to let the manifestors keep up with the planes. I'm sure you know how unpopular manifestors become if engine time gets wasted waiting for the next lift to be manifested and kitted up ;)


Yay! I'm now a 200 jump wonder.... Still a know-it-all tho..

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I will have a look into fixing all that this week.

In the settings, there is a box for "skydives need to be payed for immediately". If this is the case, then flying a load will not add charges to the Finances. Otherwise it will.

Thanks for the feedback

Edit: Another note: If a person hand manifest money in exchange for a jump/can of pop or anything, Affects balance shouldnt be checked. Affects balance is ony when you buy something without paying for it (i.e build debt) or you pay off your debt.
When the above mentioned setting is off, flying a load adds charges to the Finances that do affect balance.

Oh and the team jumps do correctly fill multiple slots, the entry in the table just shows the jump type they are doing & it's price. Have a look at the slots left & total income when you add a team.


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Ok Let me first start by saying how nice this program looks. I have a lot of stuff that I think would need to change and I don’t want you to think I am bashing it. I would also like to say that some of this stuff needs to be done before a good beta testing can be done. This list is not in any particular order just as I found them as I jumped around and tried to use it. With that said here goes.

-Upon selecting the air plane it should the available slots for that plane to the manifest sheet with “choose me” highlighted with a color. The default skydive should be exp 13k or tandem (for such air plains line the caravan) as that is probably the most used in most DZ’s. No more need for the “add person” tab. “Remove” will take you back to “choose me”. Or you could do when clicking “add” the people list would pop up at this time. No more need for “choose me”.

-as said before upon moving from one tab to another or closing it should save or prompt to save.

-Upon changing people’s data. Program should reload data table. Currently program has to be closed and re launched for changes to be used. (Such as pilot or grounded)

-As you have said program needs to start on today’s date. And “date” tab on calendar should have dates with data on then highlighted.

-upon selecting a skydive that requires instructor(s) slots should be reserved for those instructors and highlighted in red till instructor is chosen. This will help prevent double manifesting

-currently you “what if” for students requiring instructors does not check to see if the person is rated to do that type of dive, only that some one is on the plane.

-For manifest you need a way to unfly a load in case it ends up not going, that way you don’t loose all that data. You could “are you sure” it or password protect it.

-Should add a free fly instructor and manifester to the “rating” table.

-Upon clicking “add” to the manifest load info. Date should auto populate to the date currently selected at the top.

-upon stretching program by dragging bottom corners. Pointer is permanently changed. Top corners are ok.

-default opening size is larger than 800x600 pix. This is a problem for some one that has an old monitor. Once program is open it can’t be fully used and the only way to close it is to use ctl alt del. And if they have an old monitor they may not know how to do this.

-need to be able to just type a name on the manifest log for students or people that don’t need to be in the data base.

-need to be able to subtract funds from a person.
-Manifest should be the default tab as it will be the most used.

-On the manifest tab you need a column for when the load will fly or a countdown timer.

-People keep asking if it will have an output for other monitors so jumpers can see loads. I know you have thought’s about it. I think it will be a good idea.

-for rental rig’s no other option is available that not renting.

-upon clinking “save” from the “rigs/person” the program closes and does not save data. I’m not sure how you even got the names that you have in their in their.

-Program code needs to be able to be updated without loosing data tables. I only say this because I don’t know what data you have were.

Well that is all I have for now. Sorry about the length. Not all of these things you will chose to use but like I said some of them need to be done to beta. Some of this might have already been said so sorry for re posting it.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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I see the close bug there, yeah that is annoying! Woops, I will try to get this fixed.
Also, when u change someone's ratings, the way to update that throughtout the program is to use the refresh button next to the person chooser. I will have look into making this more automatic.Also you already can subtract funds, just enter a payment that affects balance and has a negative value.

For the current layout 800x600 is not enough. A computer that cannot go higher than that may also not be able to run the java virtual machie, so that is not much of an issue i think.

Stretching the program doesnt do anthing to my mouse pointer, it works just fine. perhaps install the latest java runtime?

As far as all your other comments, I will look into all that when school starts unwinding. Thanks for your candid response!



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800x600 is not enough. A computer that cannot go higher than that may also not be able to run the java virtual machie, so that is not much of an issue i think.

Not so. There are plenty of JVMs running on machines that are using old video cards, or in some cases don't even have video cards.

It's fair enough to say your software needs a resolution of more than 800x600 (I haven't taken it home to look at it but I will, it sounds like a neat thing and I'm all in favour of your open source idea), but don't go blaming Java for your UI design ;)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Great. I have looked all over and am not able to find any "refresh" button So I must not be looking in the right place. The file I have was created on May 6th 7:44 and I just downloaded it last week. As for the streching it seems to work ok now but at one time as I said the lower corrners had a problem but the top ones were ok so I don't think it was Java. But nun the less it is not a big deal. Let me know when you have had time to fix some of the things so I can redownload it. Thanks for all your hard work!


I see the close bug there, yeah that is annoying! Woops, I will try to get this fixed.
Also, when u change someone's ratings, the way to update that throughtout the program is to use the refresh button next to the person chooser. I will have look into making this more automatic.Also you already can subtract funds, just enter a payment that affects balance and has a negative value.

For the current layout 800x600 is not enough. A computer that cannot go higher than that may also not be able to run the java virtual machie, so that is not much of an issue i think.

Stretching the program doesnt do anthing to my mouse pointer, it works just fine. perhaps install the latest java runtime?

As far as all your other comments, I will look into all that when school starts unwinding. Thanks for your candid response!


Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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