
Out Landings. . .

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I made my first "out" landing this weekend. Not too big of a deal though cause at Perris landing out is relatively easy as there is so much FLAT land around.

What I learned from my experience and what I was happy to find out about myself is that 1) I made my decision before I got to 1000 feet so I could set up and land safely, 2) I did not panic or worry that no one would know where I was, and 3) I will respond correctly the next time this happens. . .calmly and coolly, without stressing and will live to fly another time because of it.

Because of my great instructors at Elsinore and the wonderful information received here, I didn't try to fly back to the DZ and end up getting hurt because I was more worried about an off landing than landing safely. . .at 45 jumps it is good to know I can make good decisions. . .

Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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>What I learned from my experience and what I was happy to find out
>bout myself is that 1) I made my decision before I got to 1000 feet
>so I could set up and land safely, 2) I did not panic or worry that no
> one would know where I was, and 3) I will respond correctly the next
> time this happens. . .calmly and coolly, without stressing and will
> live to fly another time because of it.

Good conclusions. It's always better to land under control where you want than land out of control trying to get somewhere you can't get - even if the place you decide to land is in a tree. Far more people die hitting a flat landing area hard than die getting stuck in a tree.

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3) I will respond correctly the next time this happens. . .calmly and coolly, without stressing and will live to fly another time because of it.

Don't take that for granted....Train it till its natural.

BTW Gongrats on not getting killed;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Way to go!

Had one like that happen to me @ jump 60ish.. First jump on a new DZ, me second one to exit. The Pilot was there the first day and was used to a different exit procedure, the first group (2way, used to the DZ) didn't really spot as there was a slight cloud cover, and BAMM! there we are, on top of a large woody area and i'm getting really nervous because all that didn't match the photo i was shown...

So i looked where the others were, and saw them going for a big clearing... headded their way and landed right next to them on a nice acre with cows, a good fifteen minute walk from the next town and a good 10 km off the DZ... People were looking quite surprised when we (freefly dressed clowns) knocked on their door to ask for a phone call to the DZ...B|
And we had all thought that we could make another jump that day, it was November and it became my last jump for that season.

I had to make that decision a couple of times last year as well due to long spots and a large forest surrounding the DZ. And we're talking old pine trees here, small canopy high up and nothin below, not good to land in...

One advice though, when choosing the actual landing area: Keep a good pace away from roads, as wires are likely to be set up along them.
Oh yeah, and no red canopies and single bull acres...;)

Edited to add: Since that first time i always have five bucks in my pocket either for calling or paying a cab...
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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