
Post your EARLY skydiving pics!

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Ok... first jump.. level 1 AFF.. Don Krouger[Main] & Scott Miller[Reserve] - Titusville.. photos by my hubby with a little Kodak disposable...

Then jump #23... borrowed some goggles/glasses from Joao.. bad idea.. couldn't see a thing on my belly.. so I made my first sit fly attempts... LOOKS FREAKISHLY like my arm is broken!!:S>:(

what did I learn? Well.. what with the goggles & the obviously loose bridle in the pic... I immediately bought my own helmet, goggles & rig.. :$

The words of an aff inst. friend rung SO loud in my head that day!!!
>:("The sky ain't no F$%^in Wind Tunnel.. you can just get out and fix your gear and then go back to flying! You better make sure your SH$%T FITS!"

Well Niko... fortunately, I'm a pretty good little body pilot ;) but you were right.. I didn't think first.:$

Pink Suits, Blue Skies & Fast Tunnels,
Dawn Suiter

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Is my first jump early enough for ya? Yep, i was a static line baby.

NICE pic Sunny, that a kick arse arch you got going there tooB|B|B|B|B|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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That plane in last photo is still registered!!

Aircraft Data, N40883
Serial Number: 5-1192
PO BOX 122
Aircraft Manufacturer: PIPER
Aircraft Model: J5A
Number of Engines: 01
Number of Seats: 003
Average Cruise Speed: 0077
Aircraft Weight: CLASS 1
Year of Manufacture: 1941

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From way back in the day... you haven't lived until you've jumped a T-10 with a belly wart reserve, or shot downwind accuracy under a PC...

Yep..here's an expert PLF'r for ya....;)
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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