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I don't know if this changed in the last few years or what, but my paramedic instructor was very clear on this point: In CA, you are only REQUIRED to act as an EMT/Paramedic if you are 1) Attached to the local EMS agency AND 2) On-Duty. If you CHOOSE to act you are limited to Basic procedures only (because of H&S code section 1797.178) and will be expected to perform according to the 'reasonable' standards of care associated with the level of certification you hold.
You are correct...up to a point. Once you become Identified as such, even after the fact, you WILL NOT be covered by good sam laws in this state. You will be covered by standard of care. What this means is that they will go find 3 like trained EMT's put them on the stand and ask what they would have done (remember, you don't get to pick the EMT's)...As long as you limit your care to BLS in it's full scope your cool. In my particular county, we can act as Paramedics. Gross negligence can be by omission or commission. If you are down there holding are already engaged with the patient, you will be held to your certification level. I'm not saying we should all be Ricky Rescue out there, I am saying that given the choice, if someone is in need, I will act!
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
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I think someone mentioned, twice actually, the only time you apply traction to a femur is when you know it's a closed, isolated, mid shaft break. In DZ type shit, that ain't gonna happen, and if they hit with enough force to break a femur you have to assume they broke a bunch of other shit too.. I liked that care list also, just keep it simple...
Natural Born
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