Groundbound 0 #1 March 29, 2005 My last post aggravated a lot of you and its probably too late to salve the wounds, but I think it is right to try. When I joined, I just wanted to ask some skydiving questions. I am a total skydiving greenhorn..... (the profile thingy won't accept "zero" as the number of jumps, or yrs in sport, it's just not set up for non-jumpers) yes, my questions appear stupid to a lot of the regulars. I asked those people to ignore them to no avail -- I still received their non-answers such as 'read it in your book', 'go to a class at a DZ', 'go away you are a news reporter'(!), or 'do a search, we have talked about this too much already'. And I understand better now, some of these points - although you should know it doesnt make a person new to your sport feel that welcome, I appreciate how noob questions can be bothersome to some people. I have to say every forum is different, someone mentioned the bike forum that tolerates no fools - well I come from an aviation forum where we will answer any question even if it posted 4 times in the same day, you can ask us aboutthe intricacies of bernoullis theorem...or if the lav will suck you out with the blue juice, and we don't care who you are as long as you treat us with friendliness and respect. So I have learned that not all internet forums are the same... flavor so to speak. Anyway, I started to post with [N] in the title so those who dislike my idjut noob-questions could evade the torture.... but that didn't work really. Finally I pleaded with the moderators to start a newbie forum where maybe I could get answers from like-minded newbs. (please don't tell me only an expert answer is useful to me. I can decide appropriately what I do with the info. This is the internet in the 21st century, everyone knows not to hang your life on the words strangers post online.) No reply from the moderators about a newb forum. In the meantime, I did find another place on the internet where they specifically had a newbie forum and got excited, posted it to in the thought that the other newbs who were intimidated by asking stuff on dzcom would want to know...(I got a lot of supportive pm's from like-newbs) and because I figured y'all would be pleased to know we had a more appropriate place to go, the rest wouldn't really care. I realize now that could appear tacky so I say, I'm sorry for offending. I am also sorry to offend those with my questions, my presence. All I can say is unless I am asked to leave by members or moderators I will continue to ask questions.... PLEASE if you don't have a useful answer or cannot do so courteously then at least ignore me -- you can recognize my username attached to each question. My name is Dave. I am in Texas and I want to learn about skydiving, it excites and fascinates me!. I am going for my first Tandem near my birthday in May. No, I am not a reporter!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kimblair13 0 #2 March 29, 2005 intricacies of bernoullis theorem?if the lav will suck you out with the blue juice? so how about it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #3 March 29, 2005 Just because this site is full of conspiracy theorists doesn't mean you need to apologize. In my opinion, the only thing you do owe the world an apology for is being a texan. I gotta go... Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voodew1 0 #4 March 29, 2005 If you had 'done a search' you would find out that, we who don't spend all of our lives on here like others, don't have a problem answering questions but the ones that live on here constantly, don't have time for you. They were born knowing everything and never had to 'do a search'. I can remember being told the same thing and it was by one of the 35 jump wonders who added his imput on every thread as if he knew what he was talking about. That was 3 years ago I think he now has like 86 jumps but I am sure if you 'did a search' he will still know everything. Take it with a grain of salt - ask the question and if your told to do a search ask that person to post a link if they know everything. Welcome to the skydiving world - beware of the egos they tend to run rampant even mine. Be safe, ask questions, learn from the answers, ask your instructors if the info is correct (when you get that far) and by all means never stop having fun - if its not fun quit!!! The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,535 #5 March 29, 2005 Dude, I really don't see what you are apologising for, and out of all the responses in threads you've started I've seen maybe two or three less than courteous responses. I hope you don't let that put you off this massively usefull website. As for people telling you to go to a DZ and ask questions, well why not? You don't need to jump, you don't need to book a formal class, just take the family, sit out in the sun, watch the canopies land and have a damn good time chatting to people. I can't imagine a DZ on the planet where someone wouldn't be willing to show you around a rig, explain safety practices and all that jazz. Then you could come back here ask anything that you might have thought of on the way home and the replys you'd get would then make so much more sense because you'll have seen how things work. Hope you enjoy your jumpDo you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #6 March 29, 2005 I think you're incorrect in concluding that DZ doesn't welcome lots of newbie questions. BTW, most of the time those are perfectly acceptable in S&T, or in General diving. Lots of students talking there. But at this point (after all the discussions you've started and read), you'd probably learn a lot more from a single jump that you would here, so many people have tried to 'push you along.' Like most outdoor sports, it's much more fun as a participant than a spectator. Isn't Texas warm enough now? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #7 March 29, 2005 Do not wait until your birthday. Your head will explode by then, and it is not allowed to jump with a cracked head.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumperconway 0 #8 March 29, 2005 QuoteJust because this site is full of conspiracy theorists doesn't mean you need to apologize. In my opinion, the only thing you do owe the world an apology for is being a texan. There is nothing to be prouder of than being a Texan! Sorry for you to not have ability or pride! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites tdog 0 #9 March 29, 2005 QuoteMy name is Dave. I am in Texas and I want to learn about skydiving, it excites and fascinates me!. I am going for my first Tandem near my birthday in May. No, I am not a reporter!! Dave, I can't believe you want/can to wait until May... This sport excites you so much to ask so many questions that I predict you are going to go insane by then. What is the weather gonna be like this weekend in your neck of the woods? You don’t have to do a tandem, but you should goto a DZ and start mingling with the people and seeing what it is all about! Here is my problem with waiting... I can’t anymore. I personally, at about 12 hours post jumping, start to twitch. At 24 hours the stutter occurs... Two days I have hot flashes. At 1 week, if I can't jump, I start to turn funny colors... You should have seen me after a month when the weather + holidays ruined perfectly good weekends... This is my light hearted way of saying skydiving is addictive to some people, like me. Every jump is different. Some are high stress, like when 3 people that have been jumping longer than you have been alive invite you onto a 4-way, and you have less than 80 jumps. Then the plane only gets 8K because of clouds, and you try to do a whole dive in half the time... Some are low stress, like a solo at sunset where you simply float in space, perhaps choosing to exit on your back so you can see the plane fall away and the next jumpers leave. Some are challenging where you try complicated maneuvers that you previously practiced in a tunnel... Some are surreal where you can’t hear the wind and you don’t feel the wind, but you are simply in another world. Skydiving, to me, is so much more than what people talk about around here... Sure, this is a good place to learn about procedures, equipment, and politics... But, I won't even claim I have figured out why I like skydiving so much at my newbie experience level... It is too zen or too subconscious... It is way more than a piece of equipment or a rule that regulates us… And I am just a newbie too, trying to relate to you, since you have posted so much and seem as excited as I was in the beginning... The worst part about skydiving is waking up at 3am on jump days ready to jump, but waiting for the clock to catch up with your excitement. Why are you waiting so long… If it is a money thing, then just go watch for a while... There are a lot of people at the DZ who can't jump as much as they like because of money, but still hang out as friends on the ground. If it is a work schedule thing – call in sick… If it is a weather thing, pray for sun… If it is a impression that you don’t know enough to do the first jump, then try out the first jump course and see if you feel ready to jump at the end of the day… Why wait?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pash 0 #10 March 29, 2005 The more I read what you write, the cooler you get. Good job! jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites RfukfreeflyingW 0 #11 March 29, 2005 I just got done reading through alot of ur posts, and u have to keep in mind some of these people arent being mean, they are just telling u. I saw a few tell u to search for other posts, thats not meant to be mean. If u sit back and read alot of peoples post u will find that we all say things that might sound snipish, but really we are just trying to inform. It is a pain in the ass to search for things, but likely if u have the question it probably has been answered before, and sometimes it is easier to just say search for it, then to post, and have everyone knowledgeable post on the subject too. Dont give up after one seach, because alot of time u have to do a few searchs to find what u want.---- -God, you are the perfect amount of dumb... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites chuckbrown 0 #12 March 29, 2005 People are free to ignore your posts and not respond if they don't want to. No need to apologize. As they say there are no stupid questions, just questions asked by stupid people. Just kiddin'.Welcome to the forums. I'd suggest finding a small Cessna dropzone and go hang out with the jumpers. You'll learn a lot and probably make new friends. Nothing against turbine DZs, but Cessna DZs tend to be friendlier to newbies. If you're ever in PA, stop by Maytown. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites RogerRamjet 0 #13 March 29, 2005 I would just like to add my recommendation to go to a dropzone and see how things really are. I spent 6 months at Z-Hills in 1973 watching because the legal age was 21 then and I was 20. While my older brother jumped all that time, I watched, asked questions, and learned everything I could. I even got my riggers license, bought all my own gear, and sat through several 1st jump courses. Then, on July 1st, 1973 they lowered the legal age to 18. It just happened to be a Sunday and I just happened to make my first jump that same day. I learned one more lesson that day, that I knew nothing about skydiving.... As for the forum responses, etc. You are probably of the same personality type as the rest of us who are drawn to this type of sport. I am not surprised at the variety of answers you have received here, but neither should you be, nor should you leave. Welcome! Speak some, listen a lot, get out and make that jump as soon as you can. ----------------------- Roger "Ramjet" Clark FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites crotalus01 0 #14 March 29, 2005 i did post to you to go to DZ, not to be a jerk but for the simple fact that if you see the equipment, the canopy flight etc you will have a much better unserstanding of the sport. also because at 35 jumps im not gonna try and explain anything everyone in the sport once was where you are now, so do yourself a favor and head to your local DZ. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dead4Life 0 #15 March 30, 2005 QuoteMy last post aggravated a lot of you and its probably too late to salve the wounds, but I think it is right to try. Dude, shut up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Jeth 0 #16 March 30, 2005 Dave, I have seen some of your posts. I think maybe you are overreacting or too sensitive or something. is NOT unfriendly to newbies. I found it suprisingly welcoming! If a newbie posts in the greetings forum, they will almost always get a personal welcome from Skymama, thats pretty nice in a forum as big as this one! (Except me, U still owe me a jump, skymama....) There will always be people who don't answer or answer with some smart-ass comment, that doesn't mean the whole commuity is shutting you out. There are many, many friendly & helpful people in this forum. At first I wanted a newbie forum, too, cuz I figured the experienced people didn't want to hear about all my rookie jumps. But it turns out many of them like to hear our stories, and they offer a lot of great advice and info, too. I agree with going to a small DZ, too. My DZ is really huge, and it was very overwhelming/intimidating when I went there. But you should be able to talk to people and learn more at a cessna DZ. And if you are as excited about the sport as you say you are -- JUST DO IT!!! Welcome and I hope you have a fantastic first jump! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Remster 30 #17 March 30, 2005 QuoteDude, shut up. Dude, keep one liners out of the topical forums.Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites freakydiver 0 #18 March 30, 2005 About the only thing I've learned in life is, DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. And, it is impossible to convey emotion and tone over the internet - granted emoticons can help, but alot of the time, people are just typing informational type answers so just get the info and don't worry about anything else. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Join the conversation You can post now and register later. 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tdog 0 #9 March 29, 2005 QuoteMy name is Dave. I am in Texas and I want to learn about skydiving, it excites and fascinates me!. I am going for my first Tandem near my birthday in May. No, I am not a reporter!! Dave, I can't believe you want/can to wait until May... This sport excites you so much to ask so many questions that I predict you are going to go insane by then. What is the weather gonna be like this weekend in your neck of the woods? You don’t have to do a tandem, but you should goto a DZ and start mingling with the people and seeing what it is all about! Here is my problem with waiting... I can’t anymore. I personally, at about 12 hours post jumping, start to twitch. At 24 hours the stutter occurs... Two days I have hot flashes. At 1 week, if I can't jump, I start to turn funny colors... You should have seen me after a month when the weather + holidays ruined perfectly good weekends... This is my light hearted way of saying skydiving is addictive to some people, like me. Every jump is different. Some are high stress, like when 3 people that have been jumping longer than you have been alive invite you onto a 4-way, and you have less than 80 jumps. Then the plane only gets 8K because of clouds, and you try to do a whole dive in half the time... Some are low stress, like a solo at sunset where you simply float in space, perhaps choosing to exit on your back so you can see the plane fall away and the next jumpers leave. Some are challenging where you try complicated maneuvers that you previously practiced in a tunnel... Some are surreal where you can’t hear the wind and you don’t feel the wind, but you are simply in another world. Skydiving, to me, is so much more than what people talk about around here... Sure, this is a good place to learn about procedures, equipment, and politics... But, I won't even claim I have figured out why I like skydiving so much at my newbie experience level... It is too zen or too subconscious... It is way more than a piece of equipment or a rule that regulates us… And I am just a newbie too, trying to relate to you, since you have posted so much and seem as excited as I was in the beginning... The worst part about skydiving is waking up at 3am on jump days ready to jump, but waiting for the clock to catch up with your excitement. Why are you waiting so long… If it is a money thing, then just go watch for a while... There are a lot of people at the DZ who can't jump as much as they like because of money, but still hang out as friends on the ground. If it is a work schedule thing – call in sick… If it is a weather thing, pray for sun… If it is a impression that you don’t know enough to do the first jump, then try out the first jump course and see if you feel ready to jump at the end of the day… Why wait?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pash 0 #10 March 29, 2005 The more I read what you write, the cooler you get. Good job! jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RfukfreeflyingW 0 #11 March 29, 2005 I just got done reading through alot of ur posts, and u have to keep in mind some of these people arent being mean, they are just telling u. I saw a few tell u to search for other posts, thats not meant to be mean. If u sit back and read alot of peoples post u will find that we all say things that might sound snipish, but really we are just trying to inform. It is a pain in the ass to search for things, but likely if u have the question it probably has been answered before, and sometimes it is easier to just say search for it, then to post, and have everyone knowledgeable post on the subject too. Dont give up after one seach, because alot of time u have to do a few searchs to find what u want.---- -God, you are the perfect amount of dumb... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckbrown 0 #12 March 29, 2005 People are free to ignore your posts and not respond if they don't want to. No need to apologize. As they say there are no stupid questions, just questions asked by stupid people. Just kiddin'.Welcome to the forums. I'd suggest finding a small Cessna dropzone and go hang out with the jumpers. You'll learn a lot and probably make new friends. Nothing against turbine DZs, but Cessna DZs tend to be friendlier to newbies. If you're ever in PA, stop by Maytown. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RogerRamjet 0 #13 March 29, 2005 I would just like to add my recommendation to go to a dropzone and see how things really are. I spent 6 months at Z-Hills in 1973 watching because the legal age was 21 then and I was 20. While my older brother jumped all that time, I watched, asked questions, and learned everything I could. I even got my riggers license, bought all my own gear, and sat through several 1st jump courses. Then, on July 1st, 1973 they lowered the legal age to 18. It just happened to be a Sunday and I just happened to make my first jump that same day. I learned one more lesson that day, that I knew nothing about skydiving.... As for the forum responses, etc. You are probably of the same personality type as the rest of us who are drawn to this type of sport. I am not surprised at the variety of answers you have received here, but neither should you be, nor should you leave. Welcome! Speak some, listen a lot, get out and make that jump as soon as you can. ----------------------- Roger "Ramjet" Clark FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #14 March 29, 2005 i did post to you to go to DZ, not to be a jerk but for the simple fact that if you see the equipment, the canopy flight etc you will have a much better unserstanding of the sport. also because at 35 jumps im not gonna try and explain anything everyone in the sport once was where you are now, so do yourself a favor and head to your local DZ. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dead4Life 0 #15 March 30, 2005 QuoteMy last post aggravated a lot of you and its probably too late to salve the wounds, but I think it is right to try. Dude, shut up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeth 0 #16 March 30, 2005 Dave, I have seen some of your posts. I think maybe you are overreacting or too sensitive or something. is NOT unfriendly to newbies. I found it suprisingly welcoming! If a newbie posts in the greetings forum, they will almost always get a personal welcome from Skymama, thats pretty nice in a forum as big as this one! (Except me, U still owe me a jump, skymama....) There will always be people who don't answer or answer with some smart-ass comment, that doesn't mean the whole commuity is shutting you out. There are many, many friendly & helpful people in this forum. At first I wanted a newbie forum, too, cuz I figured the experienced people didn't want to hear about all my rookie jumps. But it turns out many of them like to hear our stories, and they offer a lot of great advice and info, too. I agree with going to a small DZ, too. My DZ is really huge, and it was very overwhelming/intimidating when I went there. But you should be able to talk to people and learn more at a cessna DZ. And if you are as excited about the sport as you say you are -- JUST DO IT!!! Welcome and I hope you have a fantastic first jump! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #17 March 30, 2005 QuoteDude, shut up. Dude, keep one liners out of the topical forums.Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakydiver 0 #18 March 30, 2005 About the only thing I've learned in life is, DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. And, it is impossible to convey emotion and tone over the internet - granted emoticons can help, but alot of the time, people are just typing informational type answers so just get the info and don't worry about anything else. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites